Annual Exhibition 2021 Overview
Annual Exhibition 2021
Please read the WPS 2021 Annual Exhibitions Terms & Conditions/ for more information about the Exhibition and how to submit entries.
About the Exhibition
Since its foundation in 1923, Winchester Photographic Society has held an Annual Exhibition in 87 of those years; the exceptions being the years of global emergencies.
These exhibitions are a highlight of the WPS year and their purpose is to encourage members to make, show and sell physical prints, and to showcase the work of the Society to the wider community in and beyond Winchester.
These exhibitions are normally shown in the City Space within the Winchester Discovery Centre, which offers a professional standard gallery space, operated and staffed by Hampshire Cultural Trust.
Exhibitions usually last one month and we typically hang 200 prints, around one third of those submitted. We are very fortunate to have the use of this facility and would like to record our thanks to the Hampshire Cultural Trust.
Preparing your entries
Members may enter up to a maximum number of 16 images, with up to four in any one of the defined classes, which reference popular photographic genres.
A trophy will be awarded for the winner in each class, together with a number of certificates of merit.
The purpose of these classes is to encourage members to make work in a variety of styles, rather than to concentrate on one particular specialisation.
The rules for classes are designed to be broad and inclusive, rather than narrow, and to encourage diversity of work. They may be adjusted from year to year if needed.
There is also a dedicated class for members of the WPS Beginners Class.
The classes for 2021 are as follows:
Classes | Trophy | |
Class A | Beginners | Cliff Pinn Trophy |
Class C | Free Subject | D J Cup |
Class D | Hampshire | Hampshire Chronicle Bowl |
Class E | Human Portrait | Pyne Medal |
Class F | Nature | King Alfred Cup |
Class G | Street/Urban | Robert Moore Trophy |
Class H | Action | Ronald Toms Trophy |
Class I | Monochrome | Jubilee Cup |
Class J | Creative | Florence Wilcocks Cup |
Class K | Scapes | Discovery Trophy |
Public Vote | Murla Trophy |
Entry process
Entries must be submitted electronically via the online PDI upload system which will be available for one month, prior to images being judged. Please read the Terms and Conditions before doing this.
Images will be entered in classes, checked for adherence to society and class rules, and judged by a team of three expert judges who are not members of WPS.
After judging, entrants will be notified which of their images have been accepted and whether they have been awarded any Trophies or Certificates of Merit. At this stage, entrants should submit prints of the accepted images, which will be retained for framing and hanging.
The Exhibition
The official opening of the Annual Exhibition is marked by a Private View evening, when members and their guests may view the exhibition.
Trophies and Certificates of Merit are also presented.
Subsequently, members assist in stewarding the exhibition during opening hours in order to guide members of the public and explain work to them.
Each visitor receives an exhibition catalogue, has the opportunity to purchase work, and is invited to enter the Public Vote for their favourite print.
The winner of the Public Vote will be awarded a trophy.
Helpers needed
All members of WPS are encouraged to enter work for the exhibition and to assist in the process of organising and staffing it.
Volunteers are required at each stage and are vital to its success, but volunteering also offers an enjoyable experience and the opportunity to learn what distinguishes a successful exhibition print.
Next Steps
Detailed rules, and Terms and Conditions of entry for the 2021 Exhibition are now available here.
Key Dates
Digital entries | Sunday 24th Jan to Wednesday 17th Feb |
Digital judging | Saturday 20th February (move to Sunday 21st if not available) |
Submission of mounted prints for accepted entries | Tuesday 23rd February to Tuesday 9th March |
Sorting/framing prints | Wednesday 10th March |
Hanging exhibition | Thursday 11th March |
Exhibition opens | Saturday 13th March |
Exhibition closes | Sunday 18th April |
Please contact Geoff Sharman, WPS Print Exhibition Coordinator via ku.co1741635328sotoh1741635328pniw@1741635328ofnin1741635328oitib1741635328ihxe1741635328 for further information.
Updated August 2020 to show revised provisional dates and to remove Class B – Set of Three Prints which is not possible with digital entry.
Updated September 2020 to show key dates
Updated November 2020 to link to T&C page