WNE Results 2018 July
Winchester National Exhibition 2018
Acceptances and Awards | WNE Galleries Page 2018 |
Class : A – People | Awards | |
Name | Title | Award |
Ken Lester | A Real Shower | First |
Peter Brisley ARPS DPAGB | Nuns on the Run | Second |
John Bell EFIAP BPE4* DPAGB AWPF | Waiting | Third |
Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Wet Day | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice |
Sue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGB | Little Goatherd | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* APAGB | Onion Worker, Kerala | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Stephen Green LRPS | Smoke Break | Best WPS Image |
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE4 ARPS | Devotion | Certificate of Merit |
Sue Blythe LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | The Sit-Down Protest | Certificate of Merit |
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Bad News | Certificate of Merit |
Philip Chadwick DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP AWPF | Tired Out Sir? | Certificate of Merit |
Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2* | Escape | Certificate of Merit |
Ferg Cowhig DPAGB AFIAP | Celebrating the Finish | Certificate of Merit |
Jennifer Crook LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Tibetan Village Tailor | Certificate of Merit |
Keith Elgin DPAGB EFIAP/s EPSA BPE5* | Viper Strike | Certificate of Merit |
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/g ABPE APAGB | Who Cares | Certificate of Merit |
Bob Goode LRPS AFIAP | Passengers | Certificate of Merit |
Paul Hassell MPAGB ABPE | Door Step Friends | Certificate of Merit |
Georgia a Time Forgotten | Certificate of Merit | |
David Howse CPAGB | Day Dreaming | Certificate of Merit |
Diane Jackson DPAGB BPE4* | Maria with her Memories | Certificate of Merit |
Paul Jay ARPS DPAGB BPE4* | The Sisters | Certificate of Merit |
The Patriarch and Mum | Certificate of Merit | |
Matthew Jones BPE5* EFIAP/b DPAGB AWPF | Time to Reflect | Certificate of Merit |
Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Taking a Break from Life | Certificate of Merit |
Gillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* | Oh Dear | Certificate of Merit |
Guitar Man | Certificate of Merit | |
In the Zone | Certificate of Merit | |
Sue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGB | Bedouin Babysitter | Certificate of Merit |
Swales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4* | Do We Know Him? | Certificate of Merit |
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE*2 | After School Club | Certificate of Merit |
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGB | Homeless in Paris | Certificate of Merit |
Ian Silvester ARPS DPAGB EPSA BPE4* | End of the Shift Huanan | Certificate of Merit |
Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3* | Linh Mai | Certificate of Merit |
Class : B – Scapes class | Awards | |
Name | Title | Award |
Jim Munday CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | Port in a Storm | First |
Jeremy Broome-Smith DPAGB BPE3* | Atlantic Storm | Second |
Stuart Strachan BPE1* | Frozen Fronds | Third |
Jeremy Broome-Smith DPAGB BPE3* | Birlin Gap | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice |
Keith Mountford BPE3* DPAGB | The Night Shift | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Peter Whitehead | Pink Ice | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Atul M Kshirsagar | From the Land of Fire and Ice | Best WPS Image |
Peter Benson CPAGB | To the Point | Certificate of Merit |
West Pier Brighton | Certificate of Merit | |
Philip Chadwick DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP AWPF | Rising Mist Yosemite | Certificate of Merit |
Jennifer Crook LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Vestrahorn Mountains | Certificate of Merit |
Dave Greenwood BPE2* | Embrace | Certificate of Merit |
Annette Hockney BPE3* | Yellowstone Hot Stream with Bison | Certificate of Merit |
David Keep LRPS BPE4* CPAGB | Minus Twenty Two | Certificate of Merit |
Jane Lee CPAGB EFIAP | Kirkjufell Waterfalls | Certificate of Merit |
Matt Morrow BPE3* | Cwm Idwal | Certificate of Merit |
Bill Nicholson AFIAP BPE3* | Winter Beeches | Certificate of Merit |
Marion Rapier ARPS EFIAP/b BPE4* | Making Their Way Down | Certificate of Merit |
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPE | At the End of the World | Certificate of Merit |
Barry Thompson LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Cornish Storm | Certificate of Merit |
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE2 | Evening Light, Stokksnes | Certificate of Merit |
Godafoss Blues | Certificate of Merit | |
Class : C – Creative class | Awards | |
Name | Title | Award |
Eileen Murray EFIAP/b ABPE DPAGB | The Hatchling | First |
Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAP | Walk in the Snow | Second |
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* | Sarah Distant Past | Third |
Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3* | White Flowers and Vase | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice |
George Lill | The City | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/s BPE4* DPAGB | Ice Maiden | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Sarah Louise Townley LRPS | Dancing Tulips | Best WPS Image |
Joan Austin BPE1* AFIAP QPSA GPUCR1 | Long Abandoned | Certificate of Merit |
Bob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4* | Lady of the Lake | Certificate of Merit |
Audrey Couchman | Beech Wood | Certificate of Merit |
David Cudworth BPE2* | The Queen of Fire | Certificate of Merit |
Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE4 | Carnival Eyes | Certificate of Merit |
Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE3 | Flipping Smoke Monsters | Certificate of Merit |
Gillian Jones EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4* | Pasque Flowers | Certificate of Merit |
Helena Jones BPE1* | Infinity and Beyond | Certificate of Merit |
Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB ABPE AWPF | Mouse Trap | Certificate of Merit |
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE3* | Karate Kick | Certificate of Merit |
Darren Pullman AFIAP | Lamp and Picture of Lamp And.. | Certificate of Merit |
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE*2 | Four Trains | Certificate of Merit |
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGB | Summer Storm Approaching | Certificate of Merit |
Carol Watson BPE2* | Mrs Magritte | Certificate of Merit |
Class : D – Nature | Awards | |
Name | Title | Award |
Jamie Macarthur DPAGB | Squabbling Juvenile White-Tailed Eagles | First |
Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* AWPF | One Day Old | Second |
Kath Aggiss | Spoonbill Reflections | Third |
Paul Carter LRPS BPE2* | Mountain Hare in Snow | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPS | Cuckoo Mating Display | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Keith Mountford BPE3* DPAGB | Running Sanderling | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice |
Adrian Philip Binney | Pulling Hard | Best WPS Image |
Colin Birch LRPS DPAGB BPE2* | Cheetah Cubs in Training | Certificate of Merit |
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Black-Veined White Butterflies | Certificate of Merit |
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPS | Well Caught | Certificate of Merit |
Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE3 | Short-Eared Owl | Certificate of Merit |
Michael Hall | Jackal Showing Submissive Behaviour | Certificate of Merit |
Annette Hockney BPE3* | Bison in Yellowstone Park | Certificate of Merit |
David Hodgson DPAGB BPE3* | Egg-Dropping Locusts | Certificate of Merit |
Malcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d1 GMPSA/b CPAGB BPE3* | Chameleon Attack | Certificate of Merit |
Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Dancing Male Sparrowhawk | Certificate of Merit |
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | Pixie Cup Lichen and Angel’s Bonnet | Certificate of Merit |
Gordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Reddish Egret | Certificate of Merit |
Lesley Robb BPE2* | Alert Mountain Hare | Certificate of Merit |
John Sixsmith EFIAP/p BPE5* EPSA | Female Ptarmigan | Certificate of Merit |
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGB | Guillemot Aggression | Certificate of Merit |
Maureen Toft FBPE efiap/D1 MPAGB MPSA | Cheetah Cubs and Kill | Certificate of Merit |
Anna Warrington ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Herring Gull Juveniles with Fish | Certificate of Merit |
Class : E – Pictorial | Awards | |
Name | Title | Award |
Anna Warrington ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Best in Class | First |
David Keep LRPS BPE4* CPAGB | Reaching for the Drop | Second |
Gordon Watson | Winter Woolies | Third |
Roger Evans MPAGB FBPE EFIAP/b | Pike Position Dive | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice |
Marcia Mellor BPE5* DPAGB | Friends | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE3* | Watching the Watcher | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Roger Clark ARPS | Close Encounter | Best WPS Image |
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE4 ARPS | The One and Only | Certificate of Merit |
Woods | Certificate of Merit | |
Charles Ashton ARPS DPAGB | Sumo | Certificate of Merit |
Jane Barrett DPAGB BPE2* | Gaze into my Crystal Ball | Certificate of Merit |
Gary Briggs | On the Edge | Certificate of Merit |
Jeremy Broome-Smith DPAGB BPE3* | Crashing Out | Certificate of Merit |
Mike Gibbens AFIAP CPAGB BPE4* | Delicate Touch | Certificate of Merit |
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA AFIAP ABPE | Skimming the Hurdles | Certificate of Merit |
Steve Granger LRPS | Splash | Certificate of Merit |
Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPE | Stretching for the Ball | Certificate of Merit |
Trevor Hupton LRPS ARPS CPAGB | Tom Shows How It’s Done | Certificate of Merit |
Mal Jones DPAGB | Mixed Doubles | Certificate of Merit |
Just Made It | Certificate of Merit | |
David Keep LRPS BPE4* CPAGB | Froch Takes a Body Blow | Certificate of Merit |
Stephen Lee CPAGB AFIAP | Lone Red Fox | Certificate of Merit |
Ian O’Neill LRPS DPAGB AWPF | Me and My Friend | Certificate of Merit |
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Oculus Lowry Style | Certificate of Merit |
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE3* | Double Strike | Certificate of Merit |
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* | God is Our Refuge | Certificate of Merit |
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | Eyes Down for the Shot | Certificate of Merit |
Breaking Through the Defence | Certificate of Merit | |
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGB | Flour Girl | Certificate of Merit |
Christopher Taylor LRPS CPAGB | White Frocks | Certificate of Merit |
Robert Turley CPAGB BPE1* | First and Second | Certificate of Merit |
Ken Wade Mr Mr Mr Mr | Triple Jumper | Certificate of Merit |
Class A- People, Acceptances (including awards)
Name | Title | Award |
Peter Adams LIPF | Atomeck | |
Terri Adcock LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Bicep Curl | |
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE4 ARPS | Devotion | Certificate of Merit |
Fred Archer BPE2* CPAGB | The Dancers | |
Charles Ashton ARPS DPAGB | Playing My Ace | |
Going Up | ||
Janine Ball LRPS DPAGB BPE1 | Burmese Fisherman | |
John Bell EFIAP BPE4* DPAGB AWPF | Waiting | Third |
Linda Bell LRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGB | Selling His Art | |
Mike Bennett LRPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3* | Text 3 | |
Alec Benwell | Birmingham Bob | |
Colin Birch LRPS DPAGB BPE2* | Jacob and His Sister | |
Home-Grown Cigar | ||
Bob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4* | Pondering | |
Sue Blythe LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Odd Shoes and the Dog | |
The Sit-Down Protest | Certificate of Merit | |
Colin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGB | 95 Years Young | |
Roger Bradshaw | Wet Day for the Bookies | |
Joe Brennan BPE3* none none none | Golden Girl | |
Peter Brisley ARPS DPAGB | The Round Up | |
Nuns on the Run | Second | |
Mike Bromley DPAGB BPE2* | Best of British | |
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Bad News | Certificate of Merit |
Philip Chadwick DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP AWPF | Tired Out Sir? | Certificate of Merit |
Working 9 to 9 Just to Make a Living | ||
Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | The Child Minder | |
Susan Champion CPAGB BPE1* | Forties Housewife | |
Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2* | Escape | Certificate of Merit |
Ferg Cowhig DPAGB AFIAP | Overtaken | |
Celebrating the Finish | Certificate of Merit | |
David Cowsill CPAGB BPE2* | Body and Soul | |
Jennifer Crook LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Silvio | |
Tibetan Village Tailor | Certificate of Merit | |
David Cudworth BPE2* | Underground Manpower | |
Emma Davies | On a Bum Note | |
Janet Davies BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB AWPF | Communication | |
Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Travelling Companions Copy | |
Aaron Dodd | Georgia & Sasha | |
Andrew Donkin | Removal Men | |
Jeanette Duncan DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP/g | The Best Days of Your Life | |
Keith Elgin DPAGB EFIAP/s EPSA BPE5* | Helping Hands | |
WTF | ||
Viper Strike | Certificate of Merit | |
Peter Elliston BPE1* CPAGB | Friends for Life | |
Kate Friday | Talitha | |
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/g ABPE APAGB | Friends | |
Who Cares | Certificate of Merit | |
Mike Gibbens AFIAP CPAGB BPE4* | To Catch Red Handed | |
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA AFIAP ABPE | A Question of Balance | |
Poise | ||
The Red Hat | ||
Bob Goode LRPS AFIAP | Barber Shop | |
Passengers | Certificate of Merit | |
Ceri Goodrum CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | Artemis in White | |
Alan Grant DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | An Indian Summer | |
Stephen Green LRPS | Smoke Break | Best WPS Image |
Christopher Hands | Errol | |
Lynda Haney BPE2* | Memorial | |
Paul Hassell MPAGB ABPE | Door Step Friends | Certificate of Merit |
Georgia a Time Forgotten | Certificate of Merit | |
Garry Hayes LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Stretching for the Shot | |
Under Pressure | ||
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB | Bog Eyed | |
Far Away Fredau | ||
Powdered | ||
Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE5* | A Career in the Ring | |
David Hodgson DPAGB BPE3* | Kenya Kid | |
Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3* | Old Man and Friend | |
John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Victoria | |
Lawrence Homewood BPE2* AFIAP | The Grunge of Rock and Roll Music | |
David Howse CPAGB | Day Dreaming | Certificate of Merit |
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS | Mysterious Man | |
Dean Irvine Lipf | Editor | |
Diane Jackson DPAGB BPE4* | Maria with her Memories | Certificate of Merit |
Paul Jay ARPS DPAGB BPE4* | The Sisters | Certificate of Merit |
The Patriarch and Mum | Certificate of Merit | |
Christine Johnson BPE4* CPAGB DPAGB LRPS | Her Indoors | |
Helena Jones BPE1* | My Home | |
Matthew Jones BPE5* EFIAP/b DPAGB AWPF | Time to Reflect | Certificate of Merit |
Sue Jones CPAGB BPE1* | Art Appreciation | |
Ian Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* | Kerala Craftsman | |
Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Mick and Toulouse | |
Taking a Break from Life | Certificate of Merit | |
Wet Day | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice | |
Tom Knowles | Summer’s Over | |
Ken Lester | A Real Shower | First |
Chatting in the Rain | ||
Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE1* | Father and Son | |
Gillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* | Oh Dear | Certificate of Merit |
Guitar Man | Certificate of Merit | |
In the Zone | Certificate of Merit | |
Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS LIPF BPE3* | Classy Missy | |
Gerald | ||
Carol McNiven Young FRPS AFIAP BPE2* CPAGB | The Clergyman’s Daughter | |
Marcia Mellor BPE5* DPAGB | Watching and Waiting | |
The Three Amigos | ||
Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4* | Evan King Serving | |
Peter Milsom EFIAP/s BPE3* | Heartbreak at the World Championships | |
Hermitage Wins | ||
Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB ABPE AWPF | The Forgotten | |
Sue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGB | Little Goatherd | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Hunters in a Frosty Landscape | ||
Bedouin Babysitter | Certificate of Merit | |
Bryan David Organ BPE2* | We Dont Talk Anymore | |
Jodie Painter | Market Day | |
Brian Parkin LRPS | The Digital Economy | |
Swales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4* | Do We Know Him? | Certificate of Merit |
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE3* | Gymnast with Ball | |
Malcolm Peacock | Titanium Man | |
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/s BPE4* DPAGB | The Neighbourhood | |
Malcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP/b BPE4* | Menace | |
George Reekie DPAGB | The Man on the Other Train | |
Triumph | ||
Trevor Rudkin LRPS BPE1* | Bride with Attitude | |
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE*2 | After School Club | Certificate of Merit |
Getting Organised | ||
Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSA | Forehand Return | |
Triathlon Swimmer | ||
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* | Beach Fishermen | |
Living with Memories | ||
John Shaw BPE3* | Roadside Conversation | |
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGB | Homeless in Paris | Certificate of Merit |
Elegance | ||
Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB BPE2* EFIAP | The Chase | |
Ian Silvester ARPS DPAGB EPSA BPE4* | End of the Shift Huanan | Certificate of Merit |
Lao Man with Grilled Fish | ||
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | Breaking Through | |
Looking Towards the Ball | ||
Cliff Spooner LRPS QGP | The Guitarist | |
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPE | Mother and Daughter | |
The Cincinnati Kid | ||
Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/p | Padaung Grandmother, Myanmar | |
Tribal Tattoos and Pink Hat | ||
Stuart Strachan BPE1* | The Vampress | |
Mike Stringer BPE1* LRPS | Jet Surfer | |
Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3* | Linh Mai | Certificate of Merit |
Maureen Toft FBPE efiap/D1 MPAGB MPSA | Jump 3 | |
Dave Turner CPAGB BPE1* | Moving in for the Crumbs | |
People Watching | ||
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE3* | Hurdler 91 | |
Focused | ||
Ken Wade Mr Mr Mr Mr | Going for Gold | |
Well Balanced | ||
Nealy Over | ||
Anna Warrington ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | One Man and His Dog | |
Peter Wells LRPS CPAGB BPE2 | Meet My Friends | |
The Foundryman | ||
Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* APAGB | Onion Worker, Kerala | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Karin Wilson BPE3 DPAGB EFIAP LRPS | Novice Monk Reflecting | |
Anne Woodington | Cattle Herder Boy at Market | |
Kora Tribe Painted Man | ||
Mursi Woman Making Porridge | ||
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE2 | Menno |
Class B- Scapes class, Acceptances (including awards)
Name | Title | Award |
David Adamson BPE3* EFIAP | Dales Farmhouse at Dusk | |
Terri Adcock LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Low Tide | |
Liz Akers LRPS BPE2* | The Road to Maraig | |
View Down the Valley | ||
Scarista Beach | ||
Nick Akers LRPS BPE1* | River Coupall Waterfall | |
The Cuillin Hills | ||
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE4 ARPS | Rough Day | |
Charles Ashton ARPS DPAGB | Dubai Mall | |
Janine Ball LRPS DPAGB BPE1 | Inle Lake, Myanmar | |
Bernard Beech BPE1* | All in a Row | |
Peter Benson CPAGB | To the Point | Certificate of Merit |
Two Am and All is Well | ||
West Pier Brighton | Certificate of Merit | |
Nick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGB | Single Tree in Snow Dunes | |
Colin Birch LRPS DPAGB BPE2* | Rannoch Moor | |
Peter Brisley ARPS DPAGB | Mount Semeru | |
Jeremy Broome-Smith DPAGB BPE3* | Atlantic Storm | Second |
Birlin Gap | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice | |
Coumeenole Beach | ||
Sheana Cameron | Winter, the Black Mount | |
Harris Dawn | ||
Matthew Canning LIPF BPE1* | Dingle Stone | |
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE1* | Aurora | |
Philip Chadwick DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP AWPF | Rising Mist Yosemite | Certificate of Merit |
Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | Sea Posts | |
Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2* | On Twistleton Scar | |
Scott Coe BPE3* | Herringfleet Windpump Pre-Sunrise | |
James Cooke | Blue Horizon | |
Audrey Couchman | Sand Sea and Snow Lofoten | |
Snowstorm Clearing | ||
Robin Couchman BPE2* | Grunnforfjorden Beach | |
Uttakleiv Beach | ||
Ferg Cowhig DPAGB AFIAP | Church Rock | |
Jennifer Crook LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Vestrahorn Mountains | Certificate of Merit |
Lavender Field | ||
Emma Davies | Incoming | |
Janet Davies BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB AWPF | Quay 13 Salford | |
Alison Dean LRPS BPE1* | God’s House | |
Brian Dean BPE2* | Pingvellir | |
Volcanic Basin | ||
Philip Durkin CPAGB BPE2* | Bon Voyage | |
Moonlit Lytham Jetty | ||
The Cuillins from Elgol | ||
Chris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAP | Sunrise at Nugget Point | |
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/g ABPE APAGB | Standing Firm | |
The Tempest | ||
Peter Fry ARPS DPAGB BPE4* | Manhattan Skyline | |
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA AFIAP ABPE | Angel Light | |
Tom Glancz AFIAP CPAGB | Manhattan at Night 2 BW | |
Opera House at Dusk | ||
Bob Goodman BPE3* | Day’s End Argyll | |
Spring Time Colour, Scotland | ||
Steve Granger LRPS | Snow and Shadows at Therfield | |
Dave Greenwood BPE2* | Embrace | Certificate of Merit |
Fairy Pools | ||
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Green Fields of the Palouse | |
The Aurora over Hov | ||
Uttakleiv in Evening Sun | ||
Steve Hatch BPE2* CPAGB | Caister on Sea | |
Garry Hayes LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Misty Dawn – Tarn Hows | |
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB | Thermal Pipework | |
Annette Hockney BPE3* | Yellowstone Hot Stream with Bison | Certificate of Merit |
John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Blackhills Beeches | |
Lawrence Homewood BPE2* AFIAP | Brandenberg Winter Colours | |
Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* | Stokksness | |
Iain Jack CrGP | Battersea Power Station | |
Terence Martin Jamieson CPAGB BPE1* | Chilcomb Farm | |
Christine Johnson BPE4* CPAGB DPAGB LRPS | Hunting Icebergs | |
City Lights | ||
Gwilym Erfyl Jones | Autumal Llyn Padarn | |
Evening Falls Llandudno | ||
Helena Jones BPE1* | Hungry Sheep on a Winter’s Day | |
David Keep LRPS BPE4* CPAGB | Bison Crossing the Ridge, Yellowstone | |
Minus Twenty Two | Certificate of Merit | |
Charles Kidd AFIAP | Strumble Head | |
Andrew Kirkby | Porth Nanvan Rocks | |
Atul M Kshirsagar | From the Land of Fire and Ice | Best WPS Image |
Jane Lee CPAGB EFIAP | Bellochantuy Calm Kintyre | |
Kirkjufell Waterfalls | Certificate of Merit | |
Sakrisoya | ||
Ron Lines CPAGB EFIAP BPE3* AWPF | The Sentinal | |
Cathryn Mantovani LRPS BPE1* | Hamnoy, Norway | |
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | Buttermere | |
A Derbyshire Landscape | ||
Marcia Mellor BPE5* DPAGB | Golden Light at Elgol | |
Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4* | Lake District Reflections | |
Matt Morrow BPE3* | Cwm Idwal | Certificate of Merit |
Keith Mountford BPE3* DPAGB | Norfolk Dawn | |
The Night Shift | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice | |
Chris Mowatt LRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Media City Bridge | |
Jim Munday CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | Port in a Storm | First |
Dawn at Selsey | ||
Wreck of the Helvetia | ||
Bill Nicholson AFIAP BPE3* | Winter Beeches | Certificate of Merit |
Carmen Norman LRPS CPAGB | Revealing Causey Pike | |
Buttermere Mist | ||
Sue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGB | Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park Java | |
Norman O’Neill EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | View Down the Severn | |
Anthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE3* | Cromer Pier | |
Peter Orr ARPS | Old Man of Storr | |
Dawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* | Early Snow on the Trident Range | |
Stormy Skies over Vestrahorn | ||
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Manhattan Skyline | |
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/s BPE4* DPAGB | Oslo Opera House | |
Marion Rapier ARPS EFIAP/b BPE4* | Making Their Way Down | Certificate of Merit |
Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5* | Skiddaw | |
Suileag | ||
Lynn Rix DPAGB | Dawn in Slovakia | |
Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB BPE2* EFIAP | Gold Rush | |
Mark Sims BPE2* | Kimmeridge Pool | |
Winter Sunrise, Dovercourt | ||
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | Wintry Wind at Ski Lift | |
Geoff Smith ARPS DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP/p | Skagsanden Light Display | |
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Trees in Snow and Mist | |
White Trees | ||
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPE | At the End of the World | Certificate of Merit |
Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/p | Magical Night | |
Stuart Strachan BPE1* | Frozen Fronds | Third |
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGB | The Twister | |
Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE5* | Yucca and Sky | |
Barry Thompson LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Cornish Storm | Certificate of Merit |
Maureen Toft FBPE efiap/D1 MPAGB MPSA | Sakrisoy at Dawn | |
Robert Turley CPAGB BPE1* | Disused Boathouse at Devoke Water | |
Dave Turner CPAGB BPE1* | Bow and Fiddle Rock Portknockie | |
Fairy Pools Fheadain Skye | ||
London Protector | ||
David Upton BPE2* | Milford Sound | |
Andrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2* | City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia | |
Terry Wall MPAGB EFIAP/p ARPS BPE4* | Solitude | |
Carol Watson BPE2* | Dawn on Pendle Hill | |
Gordon Watson | Bamburgh Blues | |
Elterwater Winter Calm | ||
Dave Wharmby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Whitby Pier | |
Peter Whitehead | Pink Ice | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* APAGB | Crossed Trees | |
Anne Woodington | Snowstorm Approaching | |
Reliktabukta on Nordaustlandet | ||
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE2 | Evening Light, Stokksnes | Certificate of Merit |
Godafoss Blues | Certificate of Merit |
Class C- Creative class Acceptances (including awards)
Name | Title | Award |
Fred Archer BPE2* CPAGB | In Unison | |
Joan Austin BPE1* AFIAP QPSA GPUCR1 | Going Home | |
Long Abandoned | Certificate of Merit | |
Janine Ball LRPS DPAGB BPE1 | Dog Bath | |
Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3* | Apparition | |
White Flowers and Vase | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice | |
Bob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4* | Lady of the Lake | Certificate of Merit |
Elizabeth Brown AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Purple Haze | |
Tulips and Textures | ||
Kean Brown ARPS ABPE | Shades of Grey | |
Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | Sweeney Todd | |
Peter Clark AFIAP | Geometrix | |
Reg Clark LRPS BPE2* | The Witching Hour | |
Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5* | The Minefield | |
Audrey Couchman | Beech Wood | Certificate of Merit |
David Cudworth BPE2* | Poison Gas | |
The Queen of Fire | Certificate of Merit | |
Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE4 | Carnival Eyes | Certificate of Merit |
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Towards the Light | |
Terry Day LRPS | Oxford | |
Lee Dixon | Built for Destruction | |
Aaron Dodd | White Chrysanthemum | |
Andrew Donkin | Airheads | |
Jeanette Duncan DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP/g | It’s a Dog’s Life | |
The Entertainers | ||
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/g ABPE APAGB | The Visitors | |
Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE3 | Flipping Smoke Monsters | Certificate of Merit |
Lynda Haney BPE2* | Swan | |
Lorraine Hinks | She’s the Boss | |
Annette Hockney BPE3* | Caught in Reflection | |
Danny Jackson | Mad Max | |
Gillian Jones EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4* | Pasque Flowers | Certificate of Merit |
Helena Jones BPE1* | Infinity and Beyond | Certificate of Merit |
Neil Kingsbury BPE2* CPAGB EFIAP | Columns in the Dark | |
George Lill | The City | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Victoria Mansfield | High Flyer | |
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | Making a Splash | |
Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS LIPF BPE3* | Brexit | |
The Fugitive | ||
Lloyd Moore CPAGB BPE2* | Warrior | |
Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB ABPE AWPF | Mouse Trap | Certificate of Merit |
Eileen Murray EFIAP/b ABPE DPAGB | Fly Free Little Bird | |
The Hatchling | First | |
Norman O’Neill EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Gerber Explosion | |
Bryan David Organ BPE2* | It’s All Relative Reality | |
Swales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4* | In Hindsight | |
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE3* | Karate Kick | Certificate of Merit |
Christopher Pike LRPS CPAGB | Amphitrite | |
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/s BPE4* DPAGB | Arya Stark | |
Ice Maiden | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice | |
Misty Mountain | ||
Darren Pullman AFIAP | Lamp and Picture of Lamp And.. | Certificate of Merit |
Malcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP/b BPE4* | Ballet Motion | |
Geoff Robinson EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Night Encounter | |
Remorse | ||
Patricia Rudduck LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | Iceman | |
Pauline Rumsey | Grace and Form | |
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE*2 | Four Trains | Certificate of Merit |
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* | Sarah Distant Past | Third |
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGB | Summer Storm Approaching | Certificate of Merit |
Cliff Spooner LRPS QGP | Woodland Dream | |
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGB | All Gold | |
Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAP | Walk in the Snow | Second |
Sarah Louise Townley LRPS | Dancing Tulips | Best WPS Image |
Brian Trout LRPS BPE2* AFIAP | Space Marshall | |
Susan Trout LRPS BPE2* AFIAP | Eyes Left, Eyes Right | |
Joseph Vize CPAGB BPE3* LIPF AFIAP | Fibber Magee | |
Carol Watson BPE2* | Mrs Magritte | Certificate of Merit |
Out of the Mist | ||
Staying Low | ||
Gordon Watson | In the Line of Fire | |
Eileen R Wilkinson ARPS CPAGB | Walkers on the Prom | |
Anemones |
Class D – Nature, Acceptances (including awards)
Name | Title | Award |
Kath Aggiss | Spoonbill Reflections | Third |
Kissing Finches | ||
Heron and Snake | ||
David Robert Balcombe LRPS | Emperor Dragonfly | |
Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3* | Ball Python | |
Janice Barton BPE3* CPAGB | Stonechat | |
Nigel Bealey LRPS | Osprey on Water | |
Linda Bell LRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGB | Orange Tips Mating | |
Madagascan Ground Gecko | ||
Lesley Betts CPAGB | The Fallow Deer Rut | |
Adrian Philip Binney | Pulling Hard | Best WPS Image |
Colin Birch LRPS DPAGB BPE2* | Cheetah Cubs in Training | Certificate of Merit |
Black-Backed Jackal with Kill | ||
Sue Blythe LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | The Approaching Tiger | |
Colin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGB | Four-Spotted Chaser on Grass Stem | |
Gordon Bramham MPAGB EPSA EFIAP/p ARPS | Wolf Through Water | |
Joe Brennan BPE3* none none none | Long-Tailed Tits | |
Jeremy Broome-Smith DPAGB BPE3* | Rat | |
Last Catch of the Day | ||
Maggie Bullock LRPS | Great Crested Grebe Feeding Chick | |
Sea Eagle | ||
Whitethroat | ||
Paul Carter LRPS BPE2* | Mountain Hare in Snow | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Hare on the Mountain | ||
Kestrel with Lizard | ||
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE1* | King Penguins in a Blizzard | |
Roger Clark ARPS | Emperor Penguin and Chick | |
Robin Claydon LRPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2* | Misty Fisherman | |
Freshly Plucked | ||
John Paul Coe BPE1* | Red Grouse Calling | |
Robin Couchman BPE2* | Dalmatian Pelican | |
Ferg Cowhig DPAGB AFIAP | Dropped Catch Snowy Egret | |
Sanderling with Snail | ||
Heron with Fish | ||
Jennifer Crook LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Iguana Iguana | |
David Cudworth BPE2* | Macleays Spectre Stick Insect | |
Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE4 | Kestrel in Flight | |
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Apollo Butterfly on Fleshy Plantain | |
Black-Veined White Butterflies | Certificate of Merit | |
Male Puss Moth | ||
Ernest Eaton LRPS | Migrant Hawker | |
Slug Hanging on Slime | ||
Chris Elliott | Cresty Takeoff | |
Roger Geldard | Hoopoe Feeding Young | |
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPS | Waiting and Watching | |
Cuckoo Mating Display | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice | |
Well Caught | Certificate of Merit | |
Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE3 | Margerie Glacier Calving | |
Short-Eared Owl | Certificate of Merit | |
Bob Goodman BPE3* | Seal Pup | |
Diana Graham CPAGB | Shag with Her Young | |
Alan Grant DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Three-Banded Plover Bathing | |
Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPE | Lion on Baby Elephant Kill | |
Michael Hall | Jackal Showing Submissive Behaviour | Certificate of Merit |
Richard Hall LRPS CPAGB | Zebra Play, Ngorongoro | |
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Skulking Red Fox | |
Stephen Harper | Kingfisher with Fish | |
Steve Hatch BPE2* CPAGB | Tawny Owl and Garden Mole | |
Male Cuckoo Coming in to Land | ||
Garry Hayes LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Gliding Gannet | |
Ann Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2* | Female Red Grouse | |
Snow Bunting in Snow | ||
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB | Giant River Otter | |
Grey Wolf Kiss | ||
Annette Hockney BPE3* | Bison in Yellowstone Park | Certificate of Merit |
Pantanal Jabiru Stork Family | ||
Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE5* | Hunting Coyote | |
David Hodgson DPAGB BPE3* | Egg-Dropping Locusts | Certificate of Merit |
Robert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB | Sibling Rivalry | |
Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* | Male Pintail in Rain | |
Trevor Hupton LRPS ARPS CPAGB | Barn Owl in Flight | |
Hare in the Dandelions | ||
Diane Jackson DPAGB BPE4* | Grey Wolf Pair | |
Black Grouse Face Off | ||
Mountain Hare Grooming | ||
Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/b BPE3* | Red-Eyed Tree Frogs | |
Malcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d1 GMPSA/b CPAGB BPE3* | Chameleon Attack | Certificate of Merit |
Simon Jenkins LRPS BPE2* CPAGB | Leaping Salmon | |
Christine Johnson BPE4* CPAGB DPAGB LRPS | Leaping Polar Bear | |
Graham Jones EFIAP/p ABPE DPAGB | Gentoo Losing Balance in Sandstorm | |
Gentoo Pause in Sandstorm | ||
Summer’s Day in the Falklands | ||
Matthew Jones BPE5* EFIAP/b DPAGB AWPF | In the Green | |
Tom Jones DPAGB BPE2* | Grebe Dispute | |
Yealand Kalfayan | Cretan Festoon Basking at Sunrise | |
David Keep LRPS BPE4* CPAGB | Giant Rainforest Mantis | |
Charles Kidd AFIAP | Water Rail at Sunrise | |
Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Dancing Male Sparrowhawk | Certificate of Merit |
Green Woodpecker and Young | ||
Kingfisher with Double Catch | ||
Jim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Swallowtail Nectaring | |
Jane Lee CPAGB EFIAP | Dartford Warbler | |
Wild Grey Wolves Hunting | ||
Stephen Lee CPAGB AFIAP | Walrus Huddle | |
David Lyon EFIAP DPAGB BPE2* | Mandrill | |
Jamie Macarthur DPAGB | Common Cuckoo in Flight | |
Squabbling Juvenile White-Tailed Eagles | First | |
Stan Maddams Mr Mr Mr Mr | Gotcha | |
Harvest Mice | ||
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | Pixie Cup Lichen and Angel’s Bonnet | Certificate of Merit |
Gordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Reddish Egret | Certificate of Merit |
Keith Mountford BPE3* DPAGB | Running Sanderling | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice |
Stalking Bittern | ||
Norman O’Neill EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Silver-Studded Blues | |
Colletes Cunicularius | ||
Peter Orr ARPS | Fieldfare Dual | |
Dawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* | Gentoo Penguin Bursts from the Sea | |
White Morph Reddish Egret Hunting Display | ||
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Sunlit Stag | |
Mike Pockney ADPS | Horsefly on Ribwort Plantain | |
Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* AWPF | One Day Old | Second |
Keith Polwin ARPS BPE3* | Dalmatian Pelican | |
Small Red Damselfly Female | ||
Squacco Heron | ||
Robin Price | Buzzard Landing | |
Panther Chameleon | ||
Steve Proctor DPAGB BPE3* | Silverback Leader | |
Ken Rasmussen ARPS BPE2* | Gentoo Penguin Coming Ashore | |
George Reekie DPAGB | Japenese Macaque Digging for Food | |
George Reilly | Garden Spider (Araneus Diadematus) | |
Veronica Rice EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Male Lion Aggression | |
Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB HonPAGB | Tigress, a Mother’s Love | |
Lynn Rix DPAGB | Cormorant with Catfish | |
Coyote Hunting in the Snow | ||
Brown Hares, Boxing | ||
Lesley Robb BPE2* | Alert Mountain Hare | Certificate of Merit |
Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Blackfoot Anemonefish | |
Checkerboard Wrasse Courtship | ||
Vincent Scriven LRPS CPAGB | Osprey with Trout | |
Ian Silvester ARPS DPAGB EPSA BPE4* | Brown Bear with Salmon | |
John Sixsmith EFIAP/p BPE5* EPSA | Female Ptarmigan | Certificate of Merit |
Great Northern Diver | ||
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Bison in a Snowstorm | |
Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* ARPS | Red Stag | |
Chris Smyth | Red Deer Stag at Dawn | |
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPE | Gentoo Penguin with Chicks | |
Ian Stone DPAGB BPE3* | Polar Bear Sow with Suckling Cubs | |
Breaching Humpback Whale | ||
Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/p | Dominance Fight | |
Tawny Eagle Landing | ||
Stuart Strachan BPE1* | Black Darter | |
Floundered | ||
Kingfisher Catch | ||
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGB | Guillemot Aggression | Certificate of Merit |
Purple Swamphen | ||
Ken Tate CPAGB BPE2* | Reddish Egret | |
Colin Thornhill DPAGB BPE1* | European Wolf | |
Tri-Colored Heron with Fish | ||
Pauline Thornhill DPAGB BPE1 | Anhinga and Fish | |
Ribbon Snake with Fish | ||
Maureen Toft FBPE efiap/D1 MPAGB MPSA | Cheetah Cubs and Kill | Certificate of Merit |
Richard Towell DPAGB BPE2* | Leaping Squirrel | |
Ron Trevis | Black Herons Fighting | |
Squabbling Baboons | ||
Brian Trout LRPS BPE2* AFIAP | African Stand Off | |
Susan Trout LRPS BPE2* AFIAP | Cheetahs in the Serengeti | |
Hyena with Share of Kill | ||
Robert Turley CPAGB BPE1* | Harvest Mice | |
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE3* | Coyote Calling to Mate | |
Wild Otter with Fish | ||
Terry Wall MPAGB EFIAP/p ARPS BPE4* | Threebanded Plover | |
Richard Walliker LRPS | Breaching Humpback Whale | |
Anna Warrington ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Herring Gull Juveniles with Fish | Certificate of Merit |
Jennifer Margaret Webster CPAGB BPE2* | Tigress Emerging from Undergrowth (Wild and Free) | |
Boxing Hares | ||
James West | Common Dolphin in Flight at the Cairns of Coll, Sc | |
Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB | First Flights for Baby Little Owls | |
Little Owls in Snow | ||
Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/b ABPE | Hippo Dispute | |
Hyena Bonding with Cub | ||
Lioness with Warthog | ||
Karin Wilson BPE3 DPAGB EFIAP LRPS | European Bee-Eater Catching Dragonfly | |
David Woodhead LRPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* | Incoming Greylag | |
Brown Hare Alert | ||
Anne Woodington | Polar Bear on Ice Floe | |
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE2 | Glacial Flow |
Class E – Pictorial, Acceptances (including awards)
Name | Title | Award |
Kath Aggiss | Joy of the Whale | |
Liz Akers LRPS BPE2* | Free as a Bird | |
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE4 ARPS | Accomplishment | |
The One and Only | Certificate of Merit | |
Woods | Certificate of Merit | |
Charles Ashton ARPS DPAGB | Sumo | Certificate of Merit |
Jane Barrett DPAGB BPE2* | Gaze into my Crystal Ball | Certificate of Merit |
Janice Barton BPE3* CPAGB | Dance | |
Mike Bennett LRPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3* | The Shot | |
The Arena | ||
Peter Benson CPAGB | Waiting for Dawn | |
Sue Blythe LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Beach Racing | |
Colin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGB | Landscaping | |
Roger Bradshaw | Busy Hands | |
The Archer | ||
Gary Briggs | On the Edge | Certificate of Merit |
Master of the Board | ||
Jeremy Broome-Smith DPAGB BPE3* | Going for Gold | |
Crashing Out | Certificate of Merit | |
They Can’t See Me for Dust | ||
Kean Brown ARPS ABPE | Indian Elephants at Play | |
Rosemary Buckett | Emerging Through the Steam | |
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | The Shoemaker | |
Me and My Friend | ||
Matthew Canning LIPF BPE1* | The Cream Room | |
Paul Carter LRPS BPE2* | Thundercat Airborne | |
Wet Weather Karting | ||
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE1* | Cresting the Wave | |
John Cartlidge EFIAP/p APAGB BPE5* | Winter Pasture | |
Roger Clark ARPS | Close Encounter | Best WPS Image |
Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5* | Appleby Horse Trial 2013 | |
Robin Couchman BPE2* | Aurora over Lofoten | |
High Tide | ||
Jennifer Crook LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | Golden | |
Gary Dean LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | The Race is On | |
Aaron Dodd | Education | |
The Private Eye | ||
Philip Durkin CPAGB BPE2* | Leaving Baker Street | |
Gavin Duxbury BPE1* | Knitting at the Fire | |
Keith Elgin DPAGB EFIAP/s EPSA BPE5* | Two Into One | |
Chris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE4* | Hands | |
Roger Evans MPAGB FBPE EFIAP/b | Love the High Bar | |
Pike Position Dive | Judges’ Commendation – Roger’s choice | |
Georgia Mae Fenton Beam Routine | ||
Kenneth Fisher | Jetting Wet | |
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/g ABPE APAGB | Wave Attack | |
Mike Gibbens AFIAP CPAGB BPE4* | Delicate Touch | Certificate of Merit |
James Gibson LRPS CPAGB BPE2* AFIAP | Melting Moment | |
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA AFIAP ABPE | Ghost Crew | |
Skimming the Hurdles | Certificate of Merit | |
Tom Glancz AFIAP CPAGB | Ignoring That Sinking Feeling | |
Worry What’s Next | ||
Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE3 | Camargue Canter | |
Steve Granger LRPS | Splash | Certificate of Merit |
Lorraine Grey LRPS CPAGB | All Look This Way | |
Andy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGB | Practice Pose | |
Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPE | Stretching for the Ball | Certificate of Merit |
Richard Hall LRPS CPAGB | Snarling for the Lead | |
Lynda Haney BPE2* | Rock Band Singers | |
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Storm Front | |
Paul Hassell MPAGB ABPE | Joe Fraser Tension on the Parallel Bars | |
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB | Hitting the Last Hurdle | |
Through the Surf | ||
Annette Hockney BPE3* | The Brown Shawl | |
Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE5* | A Harsh Environment | |
John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Commuters | |
Trevor Hupton LRPS ARPS CPAGB | Full Power | |
Tom Shows How It’s Done | Certificate of Merit | |
Diane Jackson DPAGB BPE4* | Totally Focussed | |
Phil Janes LRPS | Clean Bowled | |
Paul Jay ARPS DPAGB BPE4* | The Young Widow | |
Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/b BPE3* | Walk in the Painting | |
Inspired Aria | ||
Simon Jenkins LRPS BPE2* CPAGB | At the Station | |
Graham Jones EFIAP/p ABPE DPAGB | Collision Race 4 | |
Gwilym Erfyl Jones | Path to Infinity | |
Mal Jones DPAGB | Mixed Doubles | Certificate of Merit |
Just Made It | Certificate of Merit | |
Matthew Jones BPE5* EFIAP/b DPAGB AWPF | The Wrestler | |
Stephen Jones LRPS CPAGB | Clean Pair of Wheels | |
Tom Jones DPAGB BPE2* | Making a Splash | |
My Ball | ||
Close Encounter | ||
David Keep LRPS BPE4* CPAGB | Down the Line | |
Froch Takes a Body Blow | Certificate of Merit | |
Reaching for the Drop | Second | |
Ian Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* | Wing Walkers | |
Andrew Kirkby | Classic Duo | |
E J Lazenby LRPS BPE1 | Shall We Dance | |
Jane Lee CPAGB EFIAP | Seapool at Sunset | |
Stephen Lee CPAGB AFIAP | Lone Red Fox | Certificate of Merit |
Ron Lines CPAGB EFIAP BPE3* AWPF | Gould | |
Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE1* | Too Shy | |
David Lyon EFIAP DPAGB BPE2* | Neptune’s Wrath | |
Victoria Mansfield | Lets Play Polo | |
Neville Marsh LRPS DPAGB BPE3* | All Set for a Catch | |
Bowled! | ||
Peter Mc Gonigal | Help | |
Marcia Mellor BPE5* DPAGB | Friends | Judges’ Commendation – John’s choice |
Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4* | Colour Run Fun | |
Peter Milsom EFIAP/s BPE3* | Katrin Mueller-Rottgardt T12 100 Metres | |
Marcel Hug at the World Championships | ||
Jim Monk | Eyes on the Ball | |
Iain Moore BPE1* | F15 In Under the Clouds | |
Lancaster L for Leader | ||
Swanwick Station | ||
Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB ABPE AWPF | River Wash Down | |
My Life is Pants | ||
Eileen Murray EFIAP/b ABPE DPAGB | Mystical | |
Sue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGB | The Race is On | |
Ian O’Neill LRPS DPAGB AWPF | Fed Up with Waiting | |
Me and My Friend | Certificate of Merit | |
Namaste | ||
Anthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE3* | Frozen | |
Jodie Painter | Ultramarine Dream | |
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Oculus Lowry Style | Certificate of Merit |
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE3* | Double Strike | Certificate of Merit |
Keith Polwin ARPS BPE3* | In the Lead | |
Marion Rapier ARPS EFIAP/b BPE4* | Riding the Dust | |
George Reekie DPAGB | Champion | |
The Race is On | ||
Martin Rickard | Tom Chilton BTCC 2018 | |
Patricia Rudduck LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | The White Room | |
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE*2 | Ladders | |
Mick Sayer ARPS BPE3* | Hot Chilli | |
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* | God is Our Refuge | Certificate of Merit |
Sadness of Reality | ||
Tatualas Kitchen | ||
John Sixsmith EFIAP/p BPE5* EPSA | Early Morning Flight | |
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | Eyes Down for the Shot | Certificate of Merit |
Breaking Through the Defence | Certificate of Merit | |
Straining | ||
Karen Smalley | Harriet | |
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPE | Baker Goes Clear | |
Jamaican Jumper | ||
Ian Stone DPAGB BPE3* | Contemplation, Cambodia | |
Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/p | Bleak Winter | |
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGB | Flour Girl | Certificate of Merit |
Stephen Sulley | St. Paul’s | |
Lee Sutton CPAGB BPE3* EFIAP LRPS | Three in a Line | |
Christopher Taylor LRPS CPAGB | White Frocks | Certificate of Merit |
Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAP | Amish Transport | |
Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3* | Going Nowhere | |
Sandy Tolhurst CPAGB BPE3* | Freestyle | |
Determined World Champion | ||
Susan Trout LRPS BPE2* AFIAP | Making Waves | |
Robert Turley CPAGB BPE1* | First and Second | Certificate of Merit |
Frances Underwood LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | Blowing Hot and Cold | |
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE3* | Watching the Watcher | Judges’ Commendation – Glyn’s choice |
Ken Wade Mr Mr Mr Mr | Well Clear | |
Triple Jumper | Certificate of Merit | |
Thats My Stick | ||
Fran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Dance Partners | |
Larry Walker DPAGB | Monika Behind the Scarf | |
Anna Warrington ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Best in Class | First |
Gordon Watson | Winter Woolies | Third |
David White BPE5* | Energised Serve | |
Ouch | ||
Service Power | ||
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE2 | Grasses and Dunes |
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