2020-21 SCPF PDI League Round 5
2020-21 SCPF PDI League Round 5 – 23 February
It’s our turn to host a round of the SCPF PDI League Division 1.
After four out of the seven rounds, we are lying top equal on points with Basingstoke.
Judge: Tony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4*

WPS is affiliated to the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF), which was formed in 1963 to act as an umbrella organisation for photographic societies in Hampshire and neighbouring parts of Sussex, Surrey, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey, representing their interests to the wider photographic community.
We enter three SCPF competitions: the Print and PDI League competitions and the Annual Exhibition.
The SCPF is a Member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) and is Affiliated to the FIAP.
The SCPF runs League competitions each year for Projected Digital Images (PDIs) and Prints.
The member clubs are split into divisions, with promotion and relegation at the end of each season. There are separate and independent divisions for PDIs and for Prints, so a club could be in the top division for prints and the bottom division for PDIs.
There is no SCPF Print League competition this season. The pandemic has made the physical judging of prints impossible.
This year, there are 7 divisions in the PDI League.
WPS is one of 7 clubs in the top division. The other divisions have 8 or 9 clubs
You can read the rules on the SCPF website.
At the beginning of the season, each club’s Competition Secretary chooses eight images to represent their club in the League (and eight prints in years when there is a Print League).
Each club in a division hosts one round. So in SCPF PDI League Division One this year there will be seven rounds.
The same 56 images (eight images from each of the seven clubs) compete in each round of the competition.
But there is a different judge for each round.
For the top three divisions, the rules state that you must use a top level (Level 3) judge from the SCPF list.
Scoring is by giving marks out of 10 to each image.
At the end of the evening, the club with the highest total score gets 7 points, second gets 6, and so on till 1 point for the club placed last.
If there is a tie between clubs for any position, there is a countback. The position goes to the club with the most 10s (and if equal, the most 9.5s, and so on).
If at the end of the season two (or more) clubs are tied, the countback looks at the scores for individual images in every round. Again, the club with the most 10s (and if equal, the most 9.5s, etc.) is the winner.
Text from the WPS Handbook – numbers in italics do not hold for all SCPF divisions in 2020-21
SCPF Print and PDI League Competitions
Before the start of the season each club selects, from its members’ work, the eight prints and eight PDIs that will represent them in the SCPF League Competitions.
There are currently six divisions in the print league and seven in the PDI league, with eight clubs in each division. We are currently in the first division for both prints
and PDIs.
Each of the clubs will host one of their division’s rounds for each competition.
An independent judge assesses each image and awards it a mark out of ten.
At the end of the evening, each club’s scores for their eight images are added to give a club total.
Once all eight rounds have been judged, each club is given a position in the league, resulting in promotion for the top two clubs and relegation for the bottom two.
Tony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4*
We are happy to welcome Tony Oliver as judge for SCPF Round 5.
Tony is well-known as a regular visitor to WPS as judge and as a speaker.
He has been judging since 2011.
Recent visits have been
- 2019/20 Print League Round 2 – 14 Jan 2020
- as a judge for the 2019 Winchester National Exhibition
- and, on 4 February 2020, speaking about his trip to India.

Tony has been a member of Salisbury Camera Club since 2004, which he joined on retirement from the Fire Service.
Tony describes his photography as:
very eclectic as you will see from my four galleries. I enjoy all genres and subjects but will always admit that landscapes are my first passion.
You can see Tony’s ARPS panel, Salisbury Cathedral Moods, on his club website.
In January 2020 Tony was presented with the SCPF Roll of Honour in recognition of his many years of dedication to Salisbury Camera Club, including a number of initiatives to help support newer and developing photographers, his work as a busy judge throughout the Federation and his years on the SCPF Council including a term as President.
You can see Tony’s work on his website https://www.aropics.com/
At the time of writing, Winchester is top equal on 21 points with Basingstoke in SCPF PDI League Division 1.
You can see the results of all the rounds in each of the seven divisions in the PDI league at http://southerncountiespf.org.uk/league/pdi-league/
Division 1
Basingstoke (05) | 6 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 21 |
Winchester (61) | 3 | 7 | 7 | 4 | 21 |
Yateley (67) | 7 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 17 |
Chichester (13) | 4 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 14 |
New Forest (37) | 2 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 14 |
Wareham (70) | 1 | 1 | 6 | 5 | 13 |
Farnborough (16) | 5 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 12 |
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