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2023-24 Non-League Competitions

2023-24 Non-League Competitions

for more info, click on the Event Details and Judges tab above

Set of 3

Set of Three/George Walsh

Date: Tuesday 5 December
Location: The Arc
Judge: Chris Hutchinson

Xmas KO

Christmas Knockout

Date: Tuesday 19 December
Location: The Arc
Judge: the members

Competition Evening

Society Competition Evening

Date:Tuesday 9 April
Location: The Arc
Judge: Steve Kirkby CPAGB/AV

Pictures of the Year

Best of the best

Date: Tuesday 21 May
Location: The Arc
Judge: Caroline Colegate ARPS APAGB

Winning and Held Back Entries By Round

Pending the availability of this year’s results, the galleries below show results from previous years.

Click on any pane to see the winning and held back images in that class

A=Advanced, B=Beginners, G=Gold, I=Intermediate

See also the Internal Competition Image Archive

Set of Three

Set of Three

[from the Handbook – amended to add details of fourth image]

Members submit three printed images that have a single theme, subject or concept of their own choice. All three images are viewed and assessed by the judge at the same time.

The images can be mounted on separate boards or one large one, but the mounting will not be judged.

A maximum of one of the images may have been entered in a previous society competition.

How to enter

  • Use PhotoEntry to upload your images (not later than the Friday before the competition)
  • For the Set of 3 competition you must upload 3 or preferably 4 images
  • Please add a suffix to each image name to indicate its position
    • -left, -middle, -right OR -L, -M, -R
    • -top, -middle, -bottom / -T, -M, -B if arranged vertically
  • You should also add a fourth image which is a composite of the first three showing how they should be arranged.


  • Make sure your three images are printed, mounted and labelled
  • Bring them along on Competition night or
  • ask a friend to take them in for you

Last updated: 8 July 2024

The George Walsh Memorial Trophy

George Walsh Trophy

This trophy is presented in memory of George Walsh, longstanding member of WPS, who died in May 2017.

During his 60 years of membership he was actively involved in the running of the Society, taking the role of President twice and being appointed Honorary Life President in 1991.

He ran the Society’s annual exhibition for 31 years, and was co-founder of the Audio-Visual Group. 

As a tribute to George’s work as a Hampshire Chronicle photographer, the trophy will be awarded to the winner of a new competition on the theme of documentary/photojournalism.

Documentary photography provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people, places, objects and events. It is used to chronicle events or environments that are significant and relevant to history, as well as those that show everyday life.

Photojournalism, closely associated with street photography, employs images that tell a story, usually news-related, in a creative format that is entertaining as well as informative.

Last updated: 8 July 2024

Judge: Chris Hutchinson

About Chris

Chris is a Level 3 judge on the SCPF circuit, a member of Yately Camera Club and a speaker at photography clubs.

Chris attended an art school as a teenager but was unable to complete his studies. He took up photography as a hobby instead but spent most of his career in the transport industry. Just after the Millennium, he found that the cost of printing photographs had fallen. He felt the need to embark on a project and see if he could publish or exhibit some of the results to the public.

He thought he’d try to capture the human body in new ways – after all, he thought, the human form is one of the commonest things around – everybody’s got one!

His project formed part of the Viewpoint travelling exhibition put on by The Photographic Angle

Interests and photography

You can see some of his work, covering his interests in Morris Dancing and in collecting images of pubs with “Bell” in their names on

Last updated 2 October 2024

The Christmas Knockout

This light-hearted competition is part of our Christmas Social evening.

Members may enter up to four PDI images.

The images are projected in pairs in a randomised order, and members vote for their favourite of each pair.

Gradually images are knocked out until just one – the winner – remains.

Images entered in this competition can also be entered into league competitions.

For the display of winning images (when available), the losing quarter-finalists are shown as 5th equal, the losing semifinalists as 3rd equal).

Last updated: 8 July 2024

The Society Competition Evening

This is a light-hearted evening of themed competitions without classes. The entries in each competition must comply with the relevant guidelines described in the first section Advice on Entering. The competitions are:

  • Theme (Prints – maximum 1 per member)
  • Portrait (Prints – maximum 1 per member)
    Awarded for the best portrait of a person, or a number of people, who must be the main feature of the image.
  • The Creative Cup (Projected Digital Image – maximum 1 per member)
    for an innovative image based on one or more of the author’s photographs. It should be original, creative and avant-garde, originating from the camera and the photographer’s imagination. No limits – only your imagination!
  • Greg’s Egg Cup (Projected Digital Image – maximum 1 per member)
    for a visually humorous image, with an appropriate title to add to the fun. Technical quality is only a secondary consideration.

Last updated: 8 July 2024


The theme for 2024 is In the Swim

Pictures of the year

There are two competitions in this evening, previously called “Best of the Best”; one for the best print of the year and one for the best PDI of the year.

Each competition brings together in an open forum all the images from each of the four classes which came first or second in the five League rounds.

From these 40 prints and 40 PDIs the judge awards the coveted titles of Print of the Year and PDI of the Year.

Last updated: 7 November 2024

Judge: Caroline Colegate ARPS, APAGB

Caroline Colegate is a longstanding member of Bracknell Camera Club where she was Programme Secretary for 17 years and President from 2008 until 2019.

Caroline was a senior (Level 3) judge on the SCPF circuit and a member of the Judging Advisory Team for many years. She was awarded an SCPF Roll of Honour in 2013. She wrote

I am passionate about the quality of images and play an active role in coaching people to achieve both RPS and PAGB distinctions. In 2002 I became a judge for the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF) and in 2017 I was accepted onto the PAGB list.

I am currently a member of the SCPF Judging Sub Committee and am involved with the vetting and assessing of applications from potential new judges

She was on the panel of three judges for the 2019 Winchester National Exhibition and for the 2023 Annual Print Exhibition, and was the judge for our Set of Three/George Walsh competition evening in December 2022.

After her visit to Winchester to judge our Best of the Best competition at the end of the 2024 she retired as an SCPF circuit judge.

Caroline is a frequent and welcome visitor to Winchester.

250 x 262 Caroline Colegate crop 1
Caroline Colegate ARPS APAGB

Last updated 10 February 2025

Entry instructions short version – for long version see Print Submission Instructions

By the end of the Friday before the competition

  • Decide which image you are going to enter
  • Upload it via PhotoEntry
  • If it’s a Print competition, bring the print along on the evening of the competition

We encourage members to come to the meetings in the Arc.

But if you are self-isolating or otherwise unable to attend in person, you can follow the evening online.

Logon details are published in the weekly email members’ newsletter preceding the meeting, and another email to all members on the day of the meeting.

If you are a member, please login to display the archive of recent newsletters

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