WNE 2022 Results
Winchester National Exhibition 2022
The exhibition of accepted images will be available on this website from September (or earlier) to December 2022.
See WNE 2022 Exhibition Galleries
Awards and Acceptances
The results are shown first as searchable and scrollable tables, and then as spreadsheets.
The five classes are
- Class A – Pictorial Colour
- Class B – Pictorial Monochrome
- Class C – Scapes
- Class D – Creative
- Class E – Nature
For full details of the classes, see WNE 2022 Rules for Entry
Searchable/sortable/scrollable tables
These two tables show the results for all categories.
The search facility allows you to find all the images by a certain author.
For example
- searching the Acceptances table on Ray Hems would retrieve all the successful submissions by this year’s Pictorial Colour winner.
- a search on ClassD BPE4* would find you all the accepted images in the Creative class by BPE4* photographers.
WNE 2022 Awards
Class | Full Name | Image Title | Awards |
ClassA | Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB BPE2* | Kite Flyer | First, Best WPS Image - The Irving Cup |
ClassA | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Paper Cut | Second |
ClassA | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Koji Sugeno | Third |
ClassA | Alison Dean LRPS BPE2* | Flowers and Feathers | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassA | Naomi Foster CPAGB BPE1 | Rocky | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassA | Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Lipstick | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassA | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | Silken Shore | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | The Jute Spinner | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Carl Campbell | Eyes on the Prize | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Sally Freeman CPAGB | Sampson | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Maids Bathroom | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Paul Giles CPAGB DPAGB | Focussed on the Jump | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | David Halliburton CPAGB EFIAP | Eggsplosion | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4* | The Blacksmith | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Matthew Hoar | The Lone Rockstar | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Robert Hume CPAGB BPE3* | Eyes on the Ball | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Jeff Kirby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Contemplation | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Jeff Kirby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Nature's Gold | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | David Lyon EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4* | Saving Lives at Sea | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | One Focus | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Roger Paxton AFIAP | Carnations | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | John Phillips BPE3* | The Lost Shoe | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Heading Out to See Grandma | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Crashing Through | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Frame and Wash | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Burnham Lighthouse | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | David Stephenson BPE4* FDPS EFIAP ARPS | Boring Farmers Market | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Christine Tidman EFIAPb CPAGB AWPF BPE3* | Blue Hyacinths | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPS | Under Pressure | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | Contrast | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Faded Roses | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Deep Focus | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Philip Young CPAGB BPE1* DPAGB BPE2* | Family Journey | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Anthony Woods LRPS CPAGB | Her Name is Emily | First |
ClassB | David Lyon EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4* | A Rough Fishing Trip | Second |
ClassB | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Curl | Third |
ClassB | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* | Woman and Baby | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassB | John Paul Coe BPE3* | It's Mine | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassB | David Travis ARPS BPE3* | The Commuter | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassB | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Bank Holiday Monday | Best WPS Image - Walton Salver |
ClassB | Sinclair Adair LRPS CPAGB BPE* | An Age of Innocence | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Nicholas Alston ARPS CPAGB BPE1* | Glancing Blow | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Strength | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Pam Bennett | A Place in the Sun | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Andy Bridge | Auditorium De Tenerife | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Michele Campbell BPE2* | Little Ballerina | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Caroline Claye BPE2* | Mysterious Girl | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Alan Cork DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* PPSA | Enigmatic | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Alan Cork DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* PPSA | Silver Birch and Copse Biei | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Teresa Davidson | Cross and Church, Gimsoy | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Praying Prisoner | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | What Lies Beyond | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Chris Evans | Mr Big Shot | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Eagle in a Snowstorm | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | Eyes on the Ball | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Cheryl Greenwood LRPS BPE2* | Dinner for One | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Mummy Mummy Mummy | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Rosemary Hughes LIPF | Lilianne | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Steve Johnson CPAGB BPE2* | Jake Dixon | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Helen Jones ARPS DPAGB | Challenge and Defend | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | E J Lazenby LRPS BPE4* DPAGB EFIAP | Ascend | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Ken Lester BPE3* DPAGB AWPF | Looking Ahead | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Tony Ng BPE5* AFIAP | Shoo | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Keith Palmer LRPS | Gotham City | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | Is It Good News | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | The Maths Teacher | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | John Phillips BPE3* | Issue | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* AWPF | Sad Face | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/b BPE2* | No Way in | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Hazel and Poppies | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Maureen Toft Efiap/D3 FBPE Mpagb Mpsa | Tree Scape | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Richard Towell DPAGB BPE3* | Determined | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Ercole | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Valencia Car Park Entrance | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | David Stephenson BPE4* FDPS EFIAP ARPS | Budir Church and Grave Yard | First |
ClassC | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Shardenfreude | Second |
ClassC | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Winter in Norway | Third |
ClassC | William Allen DPAGB BPE3* | Concrete Jungle | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassC | Anthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4* | After the Fire | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassC | Colin Mill BPE3* | The Old Croft | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassC | Adrian Binney LRPS CPAGB PPSA | Grand Tetons in Autumn | Best WPS Image - Pendreigh Cup |
ClassC | Nick Akers ARPS BPE3* | Arctic Dawn | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | City on the Edge of Forever | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Vestrahorn at Sunset | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Etive Mor | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Alison Dean LRPS BPE2* | Hellnar Rainbow | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Chris Evans | The Mighty Tryfan | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Autumn Leaves | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Chris Gledhill CPAGB EFIAP/s | Sunrise at Vestrahorn, Iceland | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Mark Glenister BPE2* | Hebridean Dream | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Reflected Glory | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Ken Lester BPE3* DPAGB AWPF | Winters Morning at Llyn Padarn | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Steve Lobley | Iceflow Reflection | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Empty Sky | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Christine Tidman EFIAPb CPAGB AWPF BPE3* | View from the Burj Khalifa | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Foggy Morning Rydal Water | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Maureen Smith | Egg Heads | First |
ClassD | Darren Pullman EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | No Title Required | Second |
ClassD | Caroline Claye BPE2* | Alone with Myself | Third |
ClassD | Cyd Alan Hindle | A Little Light Music | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassD | Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Vase with Field Mouse | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassD | Carole Wetherley | We Love Coffee Mono | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassD | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Forgot the Camouflage | Best WPS Image - Wykeham Cup |
ClassD | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | La Vie En Rose | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Tim Balls BPE1* | Evening Walk | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Bob Collis | Crocus Crowd | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | John Dawkins | Light Painting 7 22-02-22 | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Chris Evans | Blowing Your Mind | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Jackie Gillman BPE2* CPAGB | Echoes | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Karen Gourlay | Twisted Forks | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Tramway | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Wendy Irwin ARPS CPAGB BPE1* | Humphreys Animal Collection | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Robert Jones EFIAP/p BPE5* LRPS | In Those Parisienne Days | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Robert Jones EFIAP/p BPE5* LRPS | The Last Supper | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Jan Lunn ARPS CPAGB | The Last Biscuit | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Eileen Murray EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGB | Poetry in Motion | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Rainy City | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | The Pecking Order | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Worsel Loses Heart | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | David Shardlow LRPS BPE1* | Plus 1 Degree - Tipping Point | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Graeme Wales LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Wildfire Aftermath | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | The Fish Whisperer | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Richard Sells | Polar Bear Spin Dry | First |
ClassE | Clare Beech BPE2* | Pairing Red Soldier Beetles | Second |
ClassE | Steve Lobley | Green Sea Turtle | Third |
ClassE | Stephen Mallender | Mantis | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassE | David Osselton | Red Squirrell in Snow Storm | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassE | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Elephant Family Stroll | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassE | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Palm Pit Viper in Rainforest | Best WPS Image - Duma Trophy |
ClassE | Kath Aggiss BPE5* | Fish Eagle with Catch | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Gill Brett LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Rhagio Tringarius | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Trevor Clifford ARPS BPE2* | Brown Hare | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | John Paul Coe BPE3* | Mountain Hare | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Willet with Fish | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Willet with Food | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Chameleon Hunting Prey | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Reddish Egret with Fish | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | The One That Got Away | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Mark Glenister BPE2* | Shortie in the Rain | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Sue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Squabbling Junior Starlings | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Cheryl Greenwood LRPS BPE2* | Polar Bear on Ice | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Richard Hainsworth LRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Mating Flies | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Starling Dispute | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Tim Hearn AFIAP DPAGB | Dark Green Fritillary on Common Spotted Orchid | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Christine Holt DPAGB LRPS BPE2* | Resting Fly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Magda Jowers BPE1* | Heron in the Daytime | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Charles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE3 | Jays Sharing | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Jeff Kirby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Barn Owl - Prey Located | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Bee-Eater Tossing Dragonfly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Jamie Macarthur DPAGB | Squabbling Juvenile White-Tailed Eagles | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Testing the Water | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Orange Tips on Forget-Me-Not | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* AWPF | Yellow Tang in Bubble Coral | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Meigenia sp Tachinid Fly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Long-Legged Fly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Feeding Cuckoo | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Kingfisher, Fishing in the Rain | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Steve Smith FRPS MPAGB | Gannet with Nesting Materials | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Jim Stevenson EFIAP BPE3* QPSA CPAGB | Tern Dispute | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | Kestrel Landing on Post | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | Fishing Through the Ice | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Charles Whitfield King DPAGB BPE5* | Brown Hare Running | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Allan Wild BPE1* CPAGB | Small Skipper on Meadow Cranesbill | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Andrea Wilson CPAGB BPE1* | Mating Dung Flies | Certificate of Merit |
WNE 2022 Acceptances (including awards)
Class | Full Name | Image Title | Awards |
ClassA | Peter Adams FIPF DPAGB BPE4* | The Torment of Eurydice | |
ClassA | Kath Aggiss BPE5* | Rounding Up the Herd | |
ClassA | Christine Alexander | Street Style | |
ClassA | Anita Ashworth LRPS | The Beauty | |
ClassA | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | Iced Rose | |
ClassA | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | Silken Shore | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | The Jute Spinner | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Janine Ball FRPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Flour Power | |
ClassA | Stephen Ball LRPS CPAGB | British Super Bikes Yamaha | |
ClassA | Stephen Ball LRPS CPAGB | Light Tunnel | |
ClassA | Tim Balls BPE1* | Podium | |
ClassA | Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE4* | Sky-Rider | |
ClassA | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Dark Potions | |
ClassA | Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4* | Little Madams | |
ClassA | Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4* | Time for a Story | |
ClassA | Steve Batchelor CPAGB BPE1* | Masai Classroom | |
ClassA | Nick Berentzen BPE3* CPAGB | Retro Rob | |
ClassA | Paul Berkeley ARPS CPAGB | Keeping Fit | |
ClassA | Peter Bond BPE1* | Daydreaming | |
ClassA | Colin Bradshaw BPE5* DPAGB AFIAP PPSA | 26 Kicking Up the Dirt | |
ClassA | Gavin Brand BPE1* | The Battle for First | |
ClassA | Gill Brett LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Golden Larch | |
ClassA | Andy Bridge | Game Set & Match Miss Raducanu | |
ClassA | Andy Bridge | Judging Miss Raducanu | |
ClassA | David Brown ARPS EFIAP CPAGB | Dunlin Prowling | |
ClassA | Andrew Buchanan | Battling It Out | |
ClassA | Andrew Buchanan | Putting the World to Right | |
ClassA | Ken Bunch CPAGB BPE4* | The Pharaoh's Daughter | |
ClassA | Carl Campbell | A Tender Moment | |
ClassA | Carl Campbell | Eyes on the Prize | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Laurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGB | Brown Eyed Girl | |
ClassA | Michele Campbell BPE2* | Little Boy Lost | |
ClassA | Michele Campbell BPE2* | Teachers Pet | |
ClassA | Michele Campbell BPE2* | Whiz Kid | |
ClassA | Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE4* | Fluid Movement | |
ClassA | Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE4* | Letter of Defiance | |
ClassA | Griffiths Carol | Hangin' Around | |
ClassA | Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2* | The Violinist | |
ClassA | Caroline Claye BPE2* | Life is Not a Bowl of Cherries | |
ClassA | Graham Clegg LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | Ready for Action | |
ClassA | William Clegg LRPS BPE1 | On the Ropes | |
ClassA | Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5* | Shoulder Charge | |
ClassA | John Paul Coe BPE3* | Orange Wax Cap | |
ClassA | John Paul Coe BPE3* | Patience | |
ClassA | Bob Collis | Apple Green | |
ClassA | Bob Collis | Cape Lilly | |
ClassA | Bob Collis | Hellebore in the Pink | |
ClassA | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Five Go to Baker Street | |
ClassA | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Winging It | |
ClassA | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Aerial Antics | |
ClassA | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Cockerpoo in Flight | |
ClassA | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Jumping in the Wind | |
ClassA | Stephen Coyne BPE3* CPAGB | Study in Concentration | |
ClassA | Stephen Coyne BPE3* CPAGB | Young Monks | |
ClassA | Pauline Crawley | Chimney Pot Chatter | |
ClassA | Pauline Crawley | Going on a Trip | |
ClassA | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Lightrays and Bubbles | |
ClassA | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Street Urchin | |
ClassA | Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE1* HD22HR | In Sunday Best | |
ClassA | Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE1* HD22HR | Lost in Thought | |
ClassA | Teresa Davidson | Leaping for the Lure | |
ClassA | Alison Dean LRPS BPE2* | Flowers and Feathers | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassA | Graham Dean AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* | Will You Paint My Polka Dots? | |
ClassA | Christine Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Clock Repairer | |
ClassA | Andrew Donkin CPAGB BPE3* | In White Water | |
ClassA | Martin Duffy BPE3* | Hold on Darren! | |
ClassA | Martin Duffy BPE3* | Holding the Racing Line | |
ClassA | Philip Durkin BPE3* DPAGB | Engaging Eyes | |
ClassA | Chris Evans | The Sky's the Limit | |
ClassA | Niall Ferguson ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE2* | Little Drummer Girl | |
ClassA | Naomi Foster CPAGB BPE1 | Rocky | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassA | Sally Freeman CPAGB | Cecil Brewer Staircase | |
ClassA | Sally Freeman CPAGB | Sampson | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Sally Freeman CPAGB | Waiting for the Show to Start | |
ClassA | Marj Freeston BPE2* | Bringing Home the Prize | |
ClassA | Marj Freeston BPE2* | Sandracer | |
ClassA | Marj Freeston BPE2* | That Same Look | |
ClassA | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Childhood Memories | |
ClassA | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Maids Bathroom | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Richard Fulcher BPE4* CPAGB | Amber | |
ClassA | Leigh Gallant | Dina Takes the Baton | |
ClassA | Linda Gates LRPS CPAGB | Honesty in Old Bottles | |
ClassA | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Close Company | |
ClassA | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Hanging on | |
ClassA | Paul Giles CPAGB DPAGB | Cleared the Bar | |
ClassA | Paul Giles CPAGB DPAGB | Focussed on the Jump | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | Flying Stretch | |
ClassA | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | Unseated But Unhurt | |
ClassA | Chris Gledhill CPAGB EFIAP/s | Firelighters | |
ClassA | Chris Gledhill CPAGB EFIAP/s | Looking Up | |
ClassA | Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE4* | Sunflower Autumn Beauty at Sunset | |
ClassA | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Paper Cut | Second |
ClassA | Karen Gourlay | Lost in the Moment | |
ClassA | Karen Gourlay | The Arabesque | |
ClassA | John Gravett AFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Evening Mist, Grasmere | |
ClassA | Sue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Junior Starlings Confrontation | |
ClassA | James Grimmitt | All Gone to Boris's | |
ClassA | Tony Grubb AFIAP QPSA BPE1* | You Said This Was Fun | |
ClassA | Richard Hainsworth LRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | It Goes Faster the Other Way Up | |
ClassA | Tony Hallam-Cutler CPAGB | On the Fiddle | |
ClassA | David Halliburton CPAGB EFIAP | Down and Out | |
ClassA | David Halliburton CPAGB EFIAP | Eggsplosion | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Curious Owlets | |
ClassA | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Mum and Baby | |
ClassA | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Crossing the Glenfinnan Viaduct | |
ClassA | Paul Harrison BPE1* | Scots Guardsman at Aisgill | |
ClassA | Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB BPE2* | Kite Flyer | First, Best WPS Image - The Irving Cup |
ClassA | Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4* | Lost and Alone | |
ClassA | Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4* | The Blacksmith | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Matthew Hoar | Catwoman | |
ClassA | Matthew Hoar | The Lone Rockstar | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Lilian Hobbs LRPS | Outback Skies | |
ClassA | Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Lipstick | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassA | Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Sugarsnap Peas | |
ClassA | Cathy Holgate CPAGB AFIAP LRPS BPE1* | Alternative Jab | |
ClassA | Cathy Holgate CPAGB AFIAP LRPS BPE1* | Skyward | |
ClassA | Christine Holt DPAGB LRPS BPE2* | Seed Head | |
ClassA | Jane Christine Horton CPAGB BPE1* | Leap of Faith | |
ClassA | Jane Christine Horton CPAGB BPE1* | Protector | |
ClassA | Rosemary Hughes LIPF | Dream Girl | |
ClassA | Anthony Hull | Reaping the Reward | |
ClassA | Anthony Hull | Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi 27 | |
ClassA | Robert Hume CPAGB BPE3* | Eyes on the Ball | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Trevor Hupton ARPS DPAGD BPE3 | Follow the Leader | |
ClassA | Peter Hyett ARPS AFIAP | In Unison | |
ClassA | Martin Janes BPE4* | Forehand Return | |
ClassA | Martin Janes BPE4* | Platform Sellers | |
ClassA | Peter Jepson DPAGB BPE3* | Giving His All | |
ClassA | Linda Johnson | Shaun Winfield | |
ClassA | Steve Johnson CPAGB BPE2* | Danny Mace | |
ClassA | Steve Johnson CPAGB BPE2* | Scott Redding | |
ClassA | Helen Jones ARPS DPAGB | Bring It On! | |
ClassA | Robert Jones EFIAP/p BPE5* LRPS | Reading by Candlelight | |
ClassA | Robert Jones EFIAP/p BPE5* LRPS | The Night Watchman | |
ClassA | Stephen Jones LRPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | Powerslide | |
ClassA | Magda Jowers BPE1* | Coming Right at You | |
ClassA | Magda Jowers BPE1* | Sand Flies | |
ClassA | Bernice Kelly AFIAP LRPS | Finding the Problem | |
ClassA | Charles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE3 | Artistic Movement | |
ClassA | Jeff Kirby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Contemplation | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Jeff Kirby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Nature's Gold | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Ballerina Rest Time | |
ClassA | Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Surprise Package | |
ClassA | Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | The Stance | |
ClassA | Atul M Kshirsagar LRPS | London, Lines and Light | |
ClassA | Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Gob Smacked | |
ClassA | Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* | Fifteen Flying | |
ClassA | Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* | Freestyle Kayaker Resurfaces | |
ClassA | Jim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | A Quiet Read | |
ClassA | Jim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Last Light at Thurne | |
ClassA | Ken Lester BPE3* DPAGB AWPF | Punk in Boots | |
ClassA | Ruth Lochrie CPAGB BPE1* | I'Ve Got My Eyes on You | |
ClassA | Ken Lomas BPE4* | Feeling the Strain | |
ClassA | Jan Lunn ARPS CPAGB | Out in All Weather | |
ClassA | David Lyon EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4* | Saving Lives at Sea | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Stan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Banded Demoiselle Pair | |
ClassA | Mick Mansfield CPAGB BPE1* | A Wave to the Crowd | |
ClassA | Mick Mansfield CPAGB BPE1* | Typhoon Cloud Bustin' | |
ClassA | Jayne Mapp LNPS | Ready for School | |
ClassA | Mary Maynard BPE2* | Nautilus Shell | |
ClassA | Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5* | Clown in Smoke | |
ClassA | Ian McGill | Falcon with a Jay | |
ClassA | Ian McGill | Goshawk Plucking Feathers | |
ClassA | Ian McGill | Isla Runnng Through Grass | |
ClassA | Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/b BPE5* DPAGB | Three Lusitanos | |
ClassA | Jason Merrin | In Flight Entertainment | |
ClassA | Margaret Merrin | Ewe Born Baby | |
ClassA | Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* | In the Buttercups | |
ClassA | Lloyd Moore DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | The Dealer | |
ClassA | David Morement CPAGB BPE1* | Let’s Talk and Not Squabble | |
ClassA | Annemieke Moss | Neighbourhood Watch | |
ClassA | Julie Mullings DPAGB BPE3* | Hoping to Slip Through | |
ClassA | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Stripes | |
ClassA | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | The Final Hurdle | |
ClassA | Roger Newark ARPS CPAGB QPSA | Mud Man | |
ClassA | Tony Ng BPE5* AFIAP | Shingo Back Hand Return | |
ClassA | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Common Blues | |
ClassA | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Tiger Swallowtail | |
ClassA | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Pearson Breaking Through | |
ClassA | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Safe Return | |
ClassA | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | One Focus | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Solitude | |
ClassA | Keith Palmer LRPS | Las Setas | |
ClassA | Ron Patterson LRPS CPAGB | Passing Storm | |
ClassA | Roger Paxton AFIAP | Carnations | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Phil Peat CPAGB BPE2* | In for the Kill | |
ClassA | Phil Peat CPAGB BPE2* | Maximum Effort | |
ClassA | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | The Die is Cast | |
ClassA | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | The Three Tenors | |
ClassA | John Phillips BPE3* | My Chair! | |
ClassA | John Phillips BPE3* | Strolling to Greenwich | |
ClassA | John Phillips BPE3* | The Lost Shoe | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Tom Plucinski CPAGB LRPS | Harmony in White | |
ClassA | Tom Plucinski CPAGB LRPS | Two Figures at Church | |
ClassA | Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* AWPF | Down in the Dust | |
ClassA | Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/b BPE2* | Freestyle Kayaking | |
ClassA | Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/b BPE2* | Lone Windsurfer | |
ClassA | Sharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPS | Gypsy Maiden | |
ClassA | Sharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPS | Sleepy Hollow | |
ClassA | Jane Rowbottom BPE1* | Going for the Try | |
ClassA | Jane Rowbottom BPE1* | The Robe | |
ClassA | Claire Russell | Summer Eventide | |
ClassA | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* | Passing Stranger | |
ClassA | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* | Tuk Tuk Break Time | |
ClassA | Michael Sayer ARPS BPE4* | Bird Eye Chilli | |
ClassA | Michael Sayer ARPS BPE4* | Black Cherries | |
ClassA | Michael Sayer ARPS BPE4* | Red & Black | |
ClassA | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Drift Car Fuel Leak | |
ClassA | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Heading Out to See Grandma | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Lines in the Sand | |
ClassA | John Scotten ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Within the Window-4 | |
ClassA | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Crashing Through | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Richard Sells | Living in a Box | |
ClassA | David Shardlow LRPS BPE1* | Autumn Warmth | |
ClassA | David Shardlow LRPS BPE1* | Sweet Peas | |
ClassA | Joan Karen Sheppard CPAGB DPAGB | How Dare You | |
ClassA | John Shipp LRPS CPAGB | Tulip Stair | |
ClassA | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Allium | |
ClassA | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Frame and Wash | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Barn Aurora | |
ClassA | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Burnham Lighthouse | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Snowstorm | |
ClassA | Mark Sims BPE4* LRPS CPAGB | Dancing Aurora | |
ClassA | Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | Breaking Through | |
ClassA | Derek Smith BPE1 | Full Throttle | |
ClassA | Gillian Smith CPAGB BPE1* | Lost in a Good Book | |
ClassA | Richard Speirs DPAGB APAGB BPE2* | Morning Milking | |
ClassA | David Stephenson BPE4* FDPS EFIAP ARPS | Boring Farmers Market | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | David Stephenson BPE4* FDPS EFIAP ARPS | In Shock of Seeing | |
ClassA | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | Buzzard Fight | |
ClassA | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | Indiana | |
ClassA | Ian Stone DPAGB BPE4* | Running Wolves | |
ClassA | Carol Street | I'M All Ears | |
ClassA | John Thom | Disgruntled | |
ClassA | John Thom | Winter Woodland | |
ClassA | John Thorndike LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE4* | Mud Slinger | |
ClassA | Christine Tidman EFIAPb CPAGB AWPF BPE3* | Blue Hyacinths | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Christine Tidman EFIAPb CPAGB AWPF BPE3* | Lilac Time | |
ClassA | Maureen Toft Efiap/D3 FBPE Mpagb Mpsa | In the Rain | |
ClassA | Maureen Toft Efiap/D3 FBPE Mpagb Mpsa | Popcorn Seller | |
ClassA | Maureen Toft Efiap/D3 FBPE Mpagb Mpsa | Winter Churchyard | |
ClassA | Richard Towell DPAGB BPE3* | Sad to Be Leaving | |
ClassA | Richard Towell DPAGB BPE3* | Yes Father | |
ClassA | Dave Turner CPAGB BPE3* AFIAP | Rounding Hall Bend Cadwell Park | |
ClassA | Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPS | Power Play | |
ClassA | Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPS | Under Pressure | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Graeme Wales LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Scissor Arch - Wells Cathedral | |
ClassA | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | Contrast | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | He Loves Me He Loves Me Not | |
ClassA | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | The Tackle | |
ClassA | Sandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* | Mischkah W | |
ClassA | Sandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* | Samelia | |
ClassA | Steve Walters BPE2* | Into the Shadows | |
ClassA | Steve Walters BPE2* | Sheena is a Punk Rocker | |
ClassA | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Faded Roses | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Gordon Watson BPE5* DPAGB | The Smoker | |
ClassA | Gordon Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Waiting for the Kettle | |
ClassA | Jennifer Margaret Webster EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* ARPS | Damsel in Trouble | |
ClassA | Jennifer Margaret Webster EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* ARPS | Frisky Brown Hares | |
ClassA | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | Siren of the Deep | |
ClassA | Jennifer Anne Wescombe | Candlelight | |
ClassA | Sue White | The Gentleman Farmer | |
ClassA | Peter Williams CPAGB BPE1* | Usaf F15C Low Level | |
ClassA | Anthony Woods LRPS CPAGB | Who's There | |
ClassA | Susan Woollard | Himalayan Poppy Abstract | |
ClassA | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Holme Pierrepont Team Rivalry | |
ClassA | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Kudla Saves the Drop Shot | |
ClassA | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Taking a Break | |
ClassA | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Deep Focus | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Koji Sugeno | Third |
ClassA | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Shingo Kunieda | |
ClassA | Philip Young CPAGB BPE1* DPAGB BPE2* | Family Journey | Certificate of Merit |
ClassA | Philip Young CPAGB BPE1* DPAGB BPE2* | Surfer | |
ClassB | Sinclair Adair LRPS CPAGB BPE* | An Age of Innocence | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Peter Adams FIPF DPAGB BPE4* | No 30 | |
ClassB | William Allen DPAGB BPE3* | Waiting to Dance | |
ClassB | Nicholas Alston ARPS CPAGB BPE1* | Glancing Blow | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Victoria Andrews BPE5* DPAGB LRPS AFIAP | Farmyard Friends | |
ClassB | Victoria Andrews BPE5* DPAGB LRPS AFIAP | Up and over | |
ClassB | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | Dusty Old Bottles | |
ClassB | Janine Ball FRPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Inverted | |
ClassB | Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE4* | Sarah | |
ClassB | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Nico | |
ClassB | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Poise Precision and Audacity | |
ClassB | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Strength | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Haydn Bartlett LSWPP LSINWP ASINWP | A Mother's Love X | |
ClassB | Haydn Bartlett LSWPP LSINWP ASINWP | Badger at the Pond at Night | |
ClassB | Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4* | Ivy | |
ClassB | Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4* | Wizard | |
ClassB | Clare Beech BPE2* | Fire | |
ClassB | Pam Bennett | A Place in the Sun | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Pam Bennett | White Water | |
ClassB | Nick Berentzen BPE3* CPAGB | Receiving a Message | |
ClassB | Paul Berkeley ARPS CPAGB | Sampling the Brew | |
ClassB | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Breaking Up the Party | |
ClassB | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Convergence of Purpose | |
ClassB | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Falling Towards Apotheosis | |
ClassB | Colin Bradshaw BPE5* DPAGB AFIAP PPSA | Misty Morning Buzzard and Red Kite Clash | |
ClassB | Colin Bradshaw BPE5* DPAGB AFIAP PPSA | The Jedi Master | |
ClassB | Roger Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGB | Shepherds Hands | |
ClassB | Gavin Brand BPE1* | Steps | |
ClassB | Gill Brett LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | La Bella | |
ClassB | Gill Brett LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Leila | |
ClassB | Andy Bridge | Auditorium De Tenerife | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Andy Bridge | Freestyle | |
ClassB | Jolanta Bujalska-Axon Bujalska-Axon | Joe, Jake and Jack in the Box | |
ClassB | Paul Burrows CPAGB BPE2* | Kevin | |
ClassB | Paul Burrows CPAGB BPE2* | London Flypast | |
ClassB | Carl Campbell | Digging Deep | |
ClassB | Laurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGB | Free to Be Me | |
ClassB | Michele Campbell BPE2* | Little Ballerina | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Chris Charlesworth | Channelling Leonard Cohen | |
ClassB | Chris Charlesworth | Private Investigations | |
ClassB | Chris Charlesworth | Unrequited Love | |
ClassB | Caroline Claye BPE2* | Mysterious Girl | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | John Paul Coe BPE3* | It's Mine | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassB | Bob Collis | Beggar's Belief | |
ClassB | Alan Cork DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* PPSA | Enigmatic | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Alan Cork DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* PPSA | Silver Birch and Copse Biei | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Bank Holiday Monday | Best WPS Image - Walton Salver |
ClassB | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Finishers | |
ClassB | Stephen Coyne BPE3* CPAGB | The Village Matriarch | |
ClassB | Stephen Coyne BPE3* CPAGB | You Shall Not Pass | |
ClassB | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Lady in Turban | |
ClassB | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Shard | |
ClassB | Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE1* HD22HR | Break Dancing | |
ClassB | Teresa Davidson | Cross and Church, Gimsoy | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Alison Dean LRPS BPE2* | Nature Study | |
ClassB | Alison Dean LRPS BPE2* | The Lost Key | |
ClassB | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Clock Restorer | |
ClassB | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Praying Prisoner | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | What Lies Beyond | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Ann Dickson LRPS BPE1* | Rearing Zebras | |
ClassB | Martin Duffy BPE3* | Finish Line in Sight | |
ClassB | Martin Duffy BPE3* | The Surprise Punch | |
ClassB | David L Edwards EFIAP/b EPSA DPAGB BPE2* | Puma on Rocks | |
ClassB | Chris Evans | Mr Big Shot | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Niall Ferguson ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE2* | On the Jurassic Coast | |
ClassB | Naomi Foster CPAGB BPE1 | Ayla | |
ClassB | Richard Fulcher BPE4* CPAGB | Keepsake | |
ClassB | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Eagle in a Snowstorm | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Kenneth Gibson LRPS | No Winners Today | |
ClassB | Kenneth Gibson LRPS | The Stare | |
ClassB | Tim Gilbert LRPS CPAGB | Big Six | |
ClassB | Paul Giles CPAGB DPAGB | Long Jump Stare | |
ClassB | Paul Giles CPAGB DPAGB | Through the Bend | |
ClassB | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | Eyes on the Ball | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | In Pain | |
ClassB | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | Sad Soldier | |
ClassB | Chris Gledhill CPAGB EFIAP/s | Cuba Portrait | |
ClassB | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Bathing Bliss | |
ClassB | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Curl | Third |
ClassB | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Only Memories | |
ClassB | Karen Gourlay | Aphrodite Daughter of the Sea | |
ClassB | John Gravett AFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Sunbeams Through the Mist | |
ClassB | Cheryl Greenwood LRPS BPE2* | Dinner for One | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Bryan Griffiths | Community Policing | |
ClassB | Tony Grubb AFIAP QPSA BPE1* | Number 8 | |
ClassB | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Grasstrack | |
ClassB | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Mummy Mummy Mummy | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Outside Looking in | |
ClassB | Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Three Lillies | |
ClassB | Robert Holgate | Behind Bars | |
ClassB | Jane Christine Horton CPAGB BPE1* | White Horses | |
ClassB | Rosemary Hughes LIPF | Lilianne | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Rosemary Hughes LIPF | My Crowning Glory | |
ClassB | Robert Hume CPAGB BPE3* | Watching | |
ClassB | Trevor Hupton ARPS DPAGD BPE3 | Hows That | |
ClassB | Susan James LRPS | Peekaboo | |
ClassB | Martin Janes BPE4* | Single or Double | |
ClassB | Phil Janes LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | Ten Shillings Please Madam | |
ClassB | Peter Jepson DPAGB BPE3* | Going for It | |
ClassB | Linda Johnson | Andy Lloyd, Chalmers 17 | |
ClassB | Linda Johnson | I Thought It Was a Sweet Shop | |
ClassB | Steve Johnson CPAGB BPE2* | Jake Dixon | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Steve Johnson CPAGB BPE2* | Waiting | |
ClassB | Helen Jones ARPS DPAGB | Burning Issue | |
ClassB | Helen Jones ARPS DPAGB | Challenge and Defend | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Stephen Jones LRPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | In the Groove | |
ClassB | Stephen Jones LRPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | Race to the Finish | |
ClassB | Charles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE3 | Sparrow Hawk Dropping Food | |
ClassB | Neil Kingsbury BPE3* CPAGB EFIAP/b | Patriarch | |
ClassB | Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5* | Darkitecture the Oculus 2 | |
ClassB | Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Art of the Foil | |
ClassB | Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Spitfire Top Gun | |
ClassB | Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5* | A Cheeky Peck | |
ClassB | Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Looking Down the Line | |
ClassB | Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* | Steam Punk | |
ClassB | Peter Lawrie | Fast Colour | |
ClassB | E J Lazenby LRPS BPE4* DPAGB EFIAP | Ascend | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Ken Lester BPE3* DPAGB AWPF | Looking Ahead | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Ruth Lochrie CPAGB BPE1* | Deep in Thought | |
ClassB | Ruth Lochrie CPAGB BPE1* | Don't Mess with Pip-1 | |
ClassB | David Lyon EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4* | A Rough Fishing Trip | Second |
ClassB | Jamie Macarthur DPAGB | Body Art | |
ClassB | Jamie Macarthur DPAGB | Inner Peace | |
ClassB | Peter Maguire LRPS EFIAP CPAGB | Clearing Spring Storm, Yosemite | |
ClassB | Keith Malcolm BPE1* | Little Egret Sprinting | |
ClassB | Stephen Mallender | Rainy Day at St.marks | |
ClassB | Mary Maynard BPE2* | Salisbury Cathedral | |
ClassB | Mary Maynard BPE2* | West Bay | |
ClassB | Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5* | Ruta | |
ClassB | Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5* | Vatican Spiral | |
ClassB | Ian McGill | Isla at Full Speed | |
ClassB | Stephen Melville | Feed the Birds - Tuppence a Bag | |
ClassB | Colin Mill BPE3* | Squadies | |
ClassB | Lloyd Moore DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Connection | |
ClassB | Julie Mullings DPAGB BPE3* | Muir Winning the 1500 Metres 2019 | |
ClassB | Julie Mullings DPAGB BPE3* | Strettle Bursts Through | |
ClassB | Jim Munday DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE3* | Cobbolds Point | |
ClassB | Eileen Murray EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGB | Vigil | |
ClassB | Tony Ng BPE5* AFIAP | Shoo | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Gillian O'Meara DPAGB BPE2* | Eyes on the Ball | |
ClassB | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Over the Line | |
ClassB | Anthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4* | Namaste | |
ClassB | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Friesian Stallion | |
ClassB | Keith Palmer LRPS | Gotham City | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Keith Parker | Olde Tyme Fun Fair | |
ClassB | Keith Parker | Time by Tower Bridge | |
ClassB | Glyn Paton ARPS CPAGB | Temple Gossip | |
ClassB | Ron Patterson LRPS CPAGB | Lovable Rogue | |
ClassB | Ron Patterson LRPS CPAGB | Spit & Polish | |
ClassB | Phil Peat CPAGB BPE2* | Fastrack 70 | |
ClassB | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | Is It Good News | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | The Maths Teacher | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | John Phillips BPE3* | Issue | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* AWPF | Sad Face | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Leg Dangle | |
ClassB | Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Red Kite | |
ClassB | Glenn Porter AWPF ARPS EFIAP/b BPE2* | No Way in | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Sharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPS | The Fur Stole | |
ClassB | Norman Rigby | The Chase Group | |
ClassB | Sandra Robertson | Unobserved Tender Moment | |
ClassB | Jane Rowbottom BPE1* | Bonny & Clyde | |
ClassB | Jane Rowbottom BPE1* | Ma Baker | |
ClassB | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* | Woman and Baby | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassB | Michael Sayer ARPS BPE4* | Passing | |
ClassB | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | By Hand | |
ClassB | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Growing with the Flow | |
ClassB | Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSA | Eye for Goal | |
ClassB | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Number 69 | |
ClassB | Ketan Shah DPAGB BPE4* | Alex Mitchell Tackled | |
ClassB | Ketan Shah DPAGB BPE4* | Defeat Conceded | |
ClassB | Ketan Shah DPAGB BPE4* | Going for the Tackle | |
ClassB | David Shardlow LRPS BPE1* | Roy | |
ClassB | Joan Karen Sheppard CPAGB DPAGB | The Alchemist | |
ClassB | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Hazel and Poppies | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | The Face | |
ClassB | Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | The Line Out | |
ClassB | Karen Smalley BPE2* | The Ballerina in Paris | |
ClassB | Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE5* ARPS | What a Suprise | |
ClassB | Corin Spinks BPE3* | Cap'n Jack | |
ClassB | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | Airborne | |
ClassB | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | The Huntress | |
ClassB | Stuart Strachan BPE4* | Pipped at the Line | |
ClassB | Gillian Temple LRPS DPAGB | Balanced | |
ClassB | Gillian Temple LRPS DPAGB | Threesome | |
ClassB | Christine Tidman EFIAPb CPAGB AWPF BPE3* | Crunchy Bridge | |
ClassB | John D Tillotson EFIAP CPAGB EPSA BPE1* | Drink and Dice | |
ClassB | Maureen Toft Efiap/D3 FBPE Mpagb Mpsa | Tree Scape | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Richard Towell DPAGB BPE3* | Determined | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | David Travis ARPS BPE3* | Let Me Help You with That | |
ClassB | David Travis ARPS BPE3* | The Commuter | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassB | Susan Trout LRPS BPE4* EFIAP/b | Chauffering the Management | |
ClassB | Dave Turner CPAGB BPE3* AFIAP | Take a Break | |
ClassB | Sue Vernon CPAGB BPE3* | Stormtrooper | |
ClassB | Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPS | High Ball | |
ClassB | Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPS | Rising High | |
ClassB | Graeme Wales LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Forty Winks | |
ClassB | Graeme Wales LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Not in a Rush | |
ClassB | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | Black and White Stripes | |
ClassB | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | The Try | |
ClassB | Larry Walker DPAGB BPE1* | Gwyneth Leaping | |
ClassB | Sandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* | Say a Little Prayer for Me | |
ClassB | Steve Walters BPE2* | Number 1 Speeding Past | |
ClassB | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Orchids on Display | |
ClassB | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Priestly Stare | |
ClassB | Gordon Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Light in a Storm | |
ClassB | Gordon Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Parisienne Nights | |
ClassB | Jennifer Margaret Webster EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* ARPS | A Intense Moment in the Polo Match | |
ClassB | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | Flapper 1920'S | |
ClassB | James West LRPS | The Abandoned Sheep Pens, St Kilda | |
ClassB | Carole Wetherley | Glasgow Architecture | |
ClassB | Sue White | Black Swan | |
ClassB | Sue White | Suspense | |
ClassB | Andrea Wilson CPAGB BPE1* | Stand-Off | |
ClassB | Richard Paul Winston AFIAP CPAGB | Sad News | |
ClassB | Anthony Woods LRPS CPAGB | Her Name is Emily | First |
ClassB | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Amber Valley over the Last | |
ClassB | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Ercole | Certificate of Merit |
ClassB | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Horizon | |
ClassB | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Valencia Car Park Entrance | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | David Adamson BPE3* EFIAP/s | Frost on Willows | |
ClassC | Nick Akers ARPS BPE3* | Arctic Dawn | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | William Allen DPAGB BPE3* | Concrete Jungle | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassC | Clare Beech BPE2* | Misty Morning | |
ClassC | Pam Bennett | Line Green | |
ClassC | Nick Berentzen BPE3* CPAGB | Traigh Seilebost | |
ClassC | Adrian Binney LRPS CPAGB PPSA | Grand Tetons in Autumn | Best WPS Image - Pendreigh Cup |
ClassC | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | City on the Edge of Forever | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Shardenfreude | Second |
ClassC | David Boam LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Spine-Cpagb | |
ClassC | Andy Bridge | Morning Light on Lake Bled | |
ClassC | Andy Bridge | Winter Morning on the Canal | |
ClassC | Paul Burrows CPAGB BPE2* | Lone Tree in Early Morning Mist | |
ClassC | Sheana Cameron BPE2* | A Touch of Winter, Harris | |
ClassC | Sheana Cameron BPE2* | Here Comes the Rain Again | |
ClassC | Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2* | Lone Tree | |
ClassC | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Corfe Castle Before Dawn | |
ClassC | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Radar Beam | |
ClassC | Tony Cowburn ARPS BPE2* | Starry Starry Night at St. Aldhelms Chapel | |
ClassC | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Uttaklev Beach | |
ClassC | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Vestrahorn at Sunset | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Etive Mor | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Sunrise City of Arts | |
ClassC | Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE1* HD22HR | Saltaire by Moonlight | |
ClassC | Alison Dean LRPS BPE2* | Hellnar Rainbow | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB | Lone Tree, Twistleton Scar | |
ClassC | Chris Evans | The Mighty Tryfan | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Naomi Foster CPAGB BPE1 | Leadenhall London | |
ClassC | Sally Freeman CPAGB | Aurora Lighting Diamond Beach | |
ClassC | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Autumn Leaves | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Tim Gilbert LRPS CPAGB | Loch Ba | |
ClassC | Paul Giles CPAGB DPAGB | River Coupall Falls | |
ClassC | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | Morning View Manhattan | |
ClassC | Tom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB PSA3* | The Old and the New | |
ClassC | Chris Gledhill CPAGB EFIAP/s | Sunrise at Vestrahorn, Iceland | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Mark Glenister BPE2* | Hebridean Dream | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/s CPAGB BPE2* | Hastings Beach | |
ClassC | John Gravett AFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Derwent Dawn | |
ClassC | John Gravett AFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Rydal Dawn | |
ClassC | Bryan Griffiths | Llanddwyn Island | |
ClassC | Richard Hainsworth LRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Stars over Tryfan | |
ClassC | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Reflected Glory | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Snow Clouds over the Black Mount | |
ClassC | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Strathendrick Stirling Scotland | |
ClassC | Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB BPE2* | Jokulsarlon Lagoon at Night | |
ClassC | Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB BPE2* | Stokksnes Beach | |
ClassC | Janette Hill LRPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE1 | Santorini Nightscape | |
ClassC | Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4* | Castlerigg Stone Circle | |
ClassC | Cathy Holgate CPAGB AFIAP LRPS BPE1* | A Busy Sunrise | |
ClassC | Robert Hume CPAGB BPE3* | Buachille Etive Mor | |
ClassC | Robert Hume CPAGB BPE3* | Rain over Trotternish | |
ClassC | Peter Hyett ARPS AFIAP | Alpine Summer | |
ClassC | Iain Jack DPAGB BPE3* MCGP | Tower Bridge from City Hall | |
ClassC | Peter Jepson DPAGB BPE3* | Evening Mist Llyn Gadair | |
ClassC | Peter Jepson DPAGB BPE3* | View to Craig Penlan | |
ClassC | Dave Jowitt | Millennium Bridge to St. Pauls | |
ClassC | Patricia Keegan | Town of Manarola | |
ClassC | Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5* | Breaking Wave at the Sea Pool | |
ClassC | Alun Lambert BPE1* | Tenby View | |
ClassC | Ken Lester BPE3* DPAGB AWPF | Evening Light at New Brighton | |
ClassC | Ken Lester BPE3* DPAGB AWPF | Winters Morning at Llyn Padarn | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Steve Lobley | Iceflow Reflection | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Steve Lobley | Sky Meets Ice | |
ClassC | David Lyon EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4* | Reed Beds at Dawn | |
ClassC | Stephen Mallender | Autumn Flow | |
ClassC | Mary Maynard BPE2* | Dartmoor | |
ClassC | Kenny McLean CPAGB BPE1* AFIAP | Lone Tree, Hayden Valley | |
ClassC | Colin Mill BPE3* | The Old Croft | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassC | Robert Moore | Anchored by the Rain, London | |
ClassC | Robert Moore | Not All That Wander, are Lost | |
ClassC | Annemieke Moss | Tenaya Lake | |
ClassC | Julie Mullings DPAGB BPE3* | Whiteout Blowing over | |
ClassC | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Empty Sky | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Hamnoy Sunrise | |
ClassC | Anthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4* | After the Fire | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassC | David Osselton | Tranquil Uist | |
ClassC | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Ballooning over Valensole | |
ClassC | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Mist Rolls in | |
ClassC | Fred Parkinson CPAGB BPE3* | Etive | |
ClassC | Roy Peters AWPF CPAGB BPE1* | Mono Lake in Evening Light | |
ClassC | Jane Rowbottom BPE1* | A Yorkshire Barn | |
ClassC | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Gull Rock Sunset | |
ClassC | Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSA | City of Arts and Science | |
ClassC | David Shardlow LRPS BPE1* | Aurora over Skulsfjord | |
ClassC | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Elgol | |
ClassC | Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* | Kimmeridge | |
ClassC | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Empty Harbour | |
ClassC | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Llyn Nattle | |
ClassC | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Winter in Norway | Third |
ClassC | Mark Sims BPE4* LRPS CPAGB | Lofoten Sunrise | |
ClassC | Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2* | Misty Morning | |
ClassC | Cliff Spooner ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Downstream to the Cottage | |
ClassC | Cliff Spooner ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Heavenly | |
ClassC | David Stephenson BPE4* FDPS EFIAP ARPS | Arnarstapi House | |
ClassC | David Stephenson BPE4* FDPS EFIAP ARPS | Budir Church and Grave Yard | First |
ClassC | Jim Stevenson EFIAP BPE3* QPSA CPAGB | Manhattan Sunset | |
ClassC | Carol Street | St. Benet's Mill | |
ClassC | Gillian Temple LRPS DPAGB | Bow Fiddle Rock Sunrise | |
ClassC | John Thorndike LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE4* | Whitby Light | |
ClassC | Christine Tidman EFIAPb CPAGB AWPF BPE3* | View from the Burj Khalifa | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Dave Turner CPAGB BPE3* AFIAP | Moody Quiraing | |
ClassC | Graeme Wales LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Buachille Etive Mor | |
ClassC | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Foggy Morning Rydal Water | Certificate of Merit |
ClassC | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | Vestrahorn and Stokksnes Beach | |
ClassC | Gordon Watson BPE5* DPAGB | The Eye of the Storm | |
ClassC | Jennifer Margaret Webster EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* ARPS | Wildebeast on the African Plains | |
ClassC | Alan West DPAGB BPE2* | The Black Mount, Rannoch Moor | |
ClassC | Carole Wetherley | Light on the Forth | |
ClassC | Kevin Williams CPAGB BPE2* | Time and Tide Coincide | |
ClassC | Peter Williams CPAGB BPE1* | First Light over the Mountain | |
ClassD | Sinclair Adair LRPS CPAGB BPE* | Steam Punked | |
ClassD | William Allen DPAGB BPE3* | Harley Quinn | |
ClassD | Anita Ashworth LRPS | Drifting Forever | |
ClassD | Hilary Bailey LRPS CPAGB | La Vie En Rose | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Tim Balls BPE1* | Evening Walk | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Tim Balls BPE1* | Flower Clock | |
ClassD | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Go with the Flow | |
ClassD | Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4* | Butterflies and Babies | |
ClassD | Trish Bloodworth AFIAP | The Peacemaker | |
ClassD | Peter Bond BPE1* | Park Life - Cycling | |
ClassD | Caroline Claye BPE2* | Alone with Myself | Third |
ClassD | Caroline Claye BPE2* | Handle with Care | |
ClassD | Trevor Clifford ARPS BPE2* | Kingfishers | |
ClassD | Bob Collis | Brancaster Sands, Norfolk | |
ClassD | Bob Collis | Crocus Crowd | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Bob Collis | Purple Crocuses | |
ClassD | Rachel Cooper | Spring in Cyanotype | |
ClassD | Stephen Coyne BPE3* CPAGB | Regeneration | |
ClassD | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Beauty from the Tomb | |
ClassD | John Dawkins | Light Painting 7 22-02-22 | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | A Present for You | |
ClassD | Christine Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Behind You | |
ClassD | Christine Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Crazy Professor | |
ClassD | Martin Duffy BPE3* | Flowered Torso | |
ClassD | Chris Evans | Blowing Your Mind | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Chris Evans | Shop Till You Drop | |
ClassD | Steve Field LRPS EFIAP BPE*2 | Les Paul Customised | |
ClassD | Naomi Foster CPAGB BPE1 | Pirouette Dreamer | |
ClassD | Marj Freeston BPE2* | Companions | |
ClassD | Marj Freeston BPE2* | The Joker Puppeteer | |
ClassD | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Faded Roses | |
ClassD | Richard Fulcher BPE4* CPAGB | Wild Swimming | |
ClassD | Jackie Gillman BPE2* CPAGB | Echoes | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | John Gough ARPS | Newtons Tree Cambridge | |
ClassD | Karen Gourlay | Capture | |
ClassD | Karen Gourlay | Twisted Forks | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Julie Patricia Hall CPAGB BPE3* QPSA | Love-in-A-Mist | |
ClassD | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | The Gift | |
ClassD | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | You Shall Not Pass | |
ClassD | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Trains to Nowhere Platform 13 | |
ClassD | Bruce Harley LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Tramway | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Ray Hems ARPS DPAGB BPE2* | Homeward Bound | |
ClassD | Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4* | The Industrialist | |
ClassD | Cyd Alan Hindle | A Little Light Music | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassD | Julie Holbeche-Maund ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Vase with Field Mouse | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassD | Peter Hyett ARPS AFIAP | Invasion | |
ClassD | Wendy Irwin ARPS CPAGB BPE1* | Humphrey Loves Boxes | |
ClassD | Wendy Irwin ARPS CPAGB BPE1* | Humphreys Animal Collection | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Martin Janes BPE4* | Apocalypse on the Tube | |
ClassD | Martin Janes BPE4* | Possession | |
ClassD | Gill Jones BPE1* | Impressions of Wisteria | |
ClassD | Robert Jones EFIAP/p BPE5* LRPS | In Those Parisienne Days | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Robert Jones EFIAP/p BPE5* LRPS | The Last Supper | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Stephen Jones LRPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* | The Dark Lord | |
ClassD | Neil Kingsbury BPE3* CPAGB EFIAP/b | Studs | |
ClassD | E J Lazenby LRPS BPE4* DPAGB EFIAP | Winter's Bride | |
ClassD | Ruth Lochrie CPAGB BPE1* | Hellebores | |
ClassD | Jan Lunn ARPS CPAGB | The Last Biscuit | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Peter Maguire LRPS EFIAP CPAGB | Rivetting Curves | |
ClassD | Jason Merrin | Lighthouse Keeper | |
ClassD | Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* | Knowledge is Power | |
ClassD | Colin Mill BPE3* | The Doctor is in | |
ClassD | Lloyd Moore DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | The Pull of the Moon | |
ClassD | Julie Mullings DPAGB BPE3* | Full Flight | |
ClassD | Eileen Murray EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGB | Flying Home | |
ClassD | Eileen Murray EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGB | Poetry in Motion | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Eileen Murray EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGB | Spellbound | |
ClassD | Roger Newark ARPS CPAGB QPSA | Void | |
ClassD | Kay Newman | Paddle Faster | |
ClassD | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Rainy City | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | The Animals Came in Four by Four | |
ClassD | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | The Pecking Order | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Worsel Loses Heart | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | Alone on the Moor | |
ClassD | Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | The Original Brush Tool | |
ClassD | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Forgot the Camouflage | Best WPS Image - Wykeham Cup |
ClassD | John Phillips BPE3* | Between the Lines | |
ClassD | John Phillips BPE3* | Creature of the Night | |
ClassD | John Phillips BPE3* | Sunnies and Rust | |
ClassD | Sharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPS | Daydreaming | |
ClassD | Sharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPS | Lady of the Deep | |
ClassD | Hazel Margaret Price | Wilting Tulip | |
ClassD | Chris Pugh | Jazz Hands | |
ClassD | Darren Pullman EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Melvyn Could See Himself Leaving Soon | |
ClassD | Darren Pullman EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | No Title Required | Second |
ClassD | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* | Six Rickshaws | |
ClassD | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* | Starlings Scotties and Subsidence | |
ClassD | David Shardlow LRPS BPE1* | Plus 1 Degree - Tipping Point | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Joan Karen Sheppard CPAGB DPAGB | The Messenger | |
ClassD | Maureen Smith | Calm | |
ClassD | Maureen Smith | Egg Heads | First |
ClassD | Corin Spinks BPE3* | Gremlin Shelby | |
ClassD | Cliff Spooner ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Golden Venice | |
ClassD | Cliff Spooner ARPS CPAGB BPE2* | Lotus | |
ClassD | Christine Stafford | A Cosmos | |
ClassD | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | A Message for the Bottle | |
ClassD | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | Chance Encounter | |
ClassD | John Thorndike LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE4* | Flamingos | |
ClassD | John D Tillotson EFIAP CPAGB EPSA BPE1* | The Choir | |
ClassD | David Travis ARPS BPE3* | Ceremony of Innocence | |
ClassD | Susan Trout LRPS BPE4* EFIAP/b | Light As a Feather | |
ClassD | Graeme Wales LRPS CPAGB BPE1* | Wildfire Aftermath | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Carol Watson BPE5* DPAGB | The Witcher | |
ClassD | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | The Disciples | |
ClassD | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | The Fish Whisperer | Certificate of Merit |
ClassD | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | Unrepentant - a Handmaids Tale | |
ClassD | Carole Wetherley | We Love Coffee Mono | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassD | Sue White | At the Gate | |
ClassD | Susan Woollard | Surfers in Motion | |
ClassD | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | Doubles | |
ClassD | Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d1 ABPE DPAGB | What Time is It | |
ClassD | Gillian Young DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | The Gamekeepers | |
ClassE | Kath Aggiss BPE5* | Fish Eagle with Catch | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Victoria Andrews BPE5* DPAGB LRPS AFIAP | Anhinga with Fish | |
ClassE | Jane Barrett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Common Whitethroat (Sylvia Communis) | |
ClassE | Bernard Beech BPE3* CPAGB | Vapourer Moth Caterpillar | |
ClassE | Clare Beech BPE2* | Pairing Red Soldier Beetles | Second |
ClassE | Paul Berkeley ARPS CPAGB | Young Grasshopper | |
ClassE | Wayne Brace | Two Banded Longhorn Beetle Mating | |
ClassE | Colin Bradshaw BPE5* DPAGB AFIAP PPSA | Dark Green Fritillary Male and Female | |
ClassE | Gavin Brand BPE1* | Brown Hare | |
ClassE | Gill Brett LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Rhagio Tringarius | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Gill Brett LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Scathophaga Stercoraria | |
ClassE | Richard Bryant CPAGB BPE1* | Drads Saddle | |
ClassE | Ken Bunch CPAGB BPE4* | Paired Six Spot Burnet Moths | |
ClassE | Paul Burrows CPAGB BPE2* | Roesel's Bush Cricket Nymph | |
ClassE | Carl Campbell | Feed Time | |
ClassE | Michele Campbell BPE2* | Goldfinch Chilling | |
ClassE | Graham Clegg LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | European Hare | |
ClassE | Graham Clegg LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | Swallowtail at Rest on Maple | |
ClassE | Graham Clegg LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | Swallowtail on Fennel | |
ClassE | Trevor Clifford ARPS BPE2* | Brown Hare | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5* | Cuckoo and Robin Stand Off | |
ClassE | John Paul Coe BPE3* | Female African Grey Hornbill | |
ClassE | John Paul Coe BPE3* | Mountain Hare | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Willet with Fish | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Ferg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* | Willet with Food | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | Starlings Squabble | |
ClassE | Sue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP | White Gyr Falcon with Prey | |
ClassE | Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* | Hare Charge | |
ClassE | Barry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP PPSA BPE3* | Chameleon Hunting Prey | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Andrew Donkin CPAGB BPE3* | Baby Orangutan Climbing | |
ClassE | Andrew Donkin CPAGB BPE3* | Curlew Crossing | |
ClassE | Andrew Donkin CPAGB BPE3* | Lapwing Pulling Worm | |
ClassE | Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB | Pied Wagtail Catching a Fly | |
ClassE | Chris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB ABPE | Anhinga Drying Wings | |
ClassE | Niall Ferguson ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE2* | Regal Jumping Spider | |
ClassE | Sally Freeman CPAGB | Sidewinder | |
ClassE | Patricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE4* | Meerkat Family | |
ClassE | Kate Friday | Stonechat | |
ClassE | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Hoopoe Landing with Bug | |
ClassE | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | Reddish Egret with Fish | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Roger Geldard DPAGB BPE5* | The One That Got Away | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Mark Glenister BPE2* | Shortie in the Rain | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Sue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Lioness Battles with a Crocodile | |
ClassE | Sue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | Squabbling Junior Starlings | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Cheryl Greenwood LRPS BPE2* | Polar Bear on Ice | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Richard Hainsworth LRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Fly Rampant | |
ClassE | Richard Hainsworth LRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3* | Mating Flies | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Julie Patricia Hall CPAGB BPE3* QPSA | Red Fox Cub, Dewy Meadow | |
ClassE | Julie Patricia Hall CPAGB BPE3* QPSA | Red Squirrel on Lichen | |
ClassE | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Red-Eyed Green Tree Frog Pair | |
ClassE | Lynda Haney DPAGB ABPE EFIAP | Starling Dispute | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Tim Hearn AFIAP DPAGB | Dark Green Fritillary on Common Spotted Orchid | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Tim Hearn AFIAP DPAGB | Silver Washed Fritillary (Form Valezina) | |
ClassE | Christine Holt DPAGB LRPS BPE2* | Resting Fly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Robert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAP | The Yawn | |
ClassE | Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* | Sanderling | |
ClassE | Susan James LRPS | Red Billed Hornbill with Sun Spider | |
ClassE | Martin Janes BPE4* | Sand Wasp | |
ClassE | Magda Jowers BPE1* | Heron in the Daytime | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Charles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE3 | Jays Sharing | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Jeff Kirby LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* | Barn Owl - Prey Located | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Mantis | |
ClassE | Alun Lambert BPE1* | Gannet Landing | |
ClassE | Alun Lambert BPE1* | Red Kite | |
ClassE | Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Bee-Eater Tossing Dragonfly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Cuckoos Mating in the Rain | |
ClassE | Steve Lobley | Green Sea Turtle | Third |
ClassE | Ruth Lochrie CPAGB BPE1* | Wren Reflection | |
ClassE | Ken Lomas BPE4* | Common Hawker and Exuvia | |
ClassE | Jamie Macarthur DPAGB | Squabbling Juvenile White-Tailed Eagles | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Dee Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | Eastern Lubber Grasshopper | |
ClassE | Dee Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE2* | Mayfly | |
ClassE | Stan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3* | Dressed to Impress | |
ClassE | Stephen Mallender | Mantis | Judges' Commendation - Brian's choice |
ClassE | Stephen Mallender | Sulphur Tuft | |
ClassE | Carol Martin | Buzzard on Pheasant | |
ClassE | Michele Martin | Whites Tree Frogs | |
ClassE | Ian McGill | Common Kestrel Landing | |
ClassE | Tony Mulvenna LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* | Testing the Water | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | David Neale CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* | Polar Bear with Cubs | |
ClassE | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Orange Tips on Forget-Me-Not | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Tony North DPAGB BPE5* | Rosemary Beetle | |
ClassE | Gillian O'Meara DPAGB BPE2* | Barn Owl with Vole | |
ClassE | Gillian O'Meara DPAGB BPE2* | Great Crested Grebe Giving Larva to Chick | |
ClassE | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Common and Arctic Tern Dispute | |
ClassE | Richard O'Meara DPAGB BPE3* | Squabbling Young Starlings | |
ClassE | Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* | Goldfinch | |
ClassE | David Osselton | Red Squirrell in Snow Storm | Judges' Commendation - Cherry's choice |
ClassE | Helen Otton LRPS BPE3* CPAGB | Palm Pit Viper in Rainforest | Best WPS Image - Duma Trophy |
ClassE | Graham Pears DPAGB | Fieldfare with Berry | |
ClassE | Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* AWPF | Yellow Tang in Bubble Coral | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Cuckoo Taking Off | |
ClassE | Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5* | Meigenia sp Tachinid Fly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Paula Potter | Red Kite at Grigin | |
ClassE | Ken Rasmussen ARPS BPE3* | Common Green Grasshopper | |
ClassE | Sean Rooney | Baby Steps | |
ClassE | Sean Rooney | Starling with Wasp | |
ClassE | Jane Rowbottom BPE1* | Red Squirrel Gathering Nuts | |
ClassE | Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Long-Legged Fly | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5* | Mycena SP | |
ClassE | Mick Schilling CPAGB BPE1* | Male Banded Demoiselle | |
ClassE | John Scotten ARPS DPAGB BPE3* | May Fly | |
ClassE | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Feeding Cuckoo | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Kingfisher, Fishing in the Rain | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Paul Screen BPE4* CPAGB | Little Owl and Mealworm | |
ClassE | Richard Sells | Polar Bear Spin Dry | First |
ClassE | Stephen Simcox | Chiffchaff on Perch | |
ClassE | Stephen Simcox | Redpoll on Hawthorn Blossom | |
ClassE | John Simpson BPE2* CPAGB | Elephant Family Stroll | Judges' Commendation - Ralph's choice |
ClassE | Derek Smith BPE1 | Dead Leaf Mantice | |
ClassE | Steve Smith FRPS MPAGB | Gannet with Nesting Materials | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Jim Stevenson EFIAP BPE3* QPSA CPAGB | Tern Dispute | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Gillian Steyn BPE3* DPAGB PPSA | Kestrel Landing on Post | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Ian Stone DPAGB BPE4* | Dominance Fight on the Ice | |
ClassE | Ian Stone DPAGB BPE4* | Running Snow Leopard | |
ClassE | Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Early Instar Privet Hawk Moths | |
ClassE | Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Four Spotted Chaser Wing Drying | |
ClassE | Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE4* | Male Banded Demoiselles | |
ClassE | Maureen Toft Efiap/D3 FBPE Mpagb Mpsa | Lioness Carrying Cub | |
ClassE | David Travis ARPS BPE3* | Male Banded Demoiselle | |
ClassE | David Travis ARPS BPE3* | Worker Bee Feeding Larvae | |
ClassE | Susan Trout LRPS BPE4* EFIAP/b | Heron with Nesting Material | |
ClassE | Susan Trout LRPS BPE4* EFIAP/b | Mating Redshanks | |
ClassE | Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPS | Mayfly Caught in Spiders Web | |
ClassE | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | Fishing Through the Ice | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Alan Walker MPAGB ARPS BPE4* MPSA | Grizzly Fishing for Salmon | |
ClassE | Jennifer Margaret Webster EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4* ARPS | Adult Siberian Lynx | |
ClassE | Harry Wentworth ARPS EFIAP BPE5* LSWPP | Female Sparrowhawk | |
ClassE | Alan West DPAGB BPE2* | Common Cuckoo | |
ClassE | Charles Whitfield King DPAGB BPE5* | Brown Hare Running | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Allan Wild BPE1* CPAGB | Small Skipper on Meadow Cranesbill | Certificate of Merit |
ClassE | Allan Wild BPE1* CPAGB | Trio of Blues | |
ClassE | Peter Williams CPAGB BPE1* | Starling Feeding Young | |
ClassE | Andrea Wilson CPAGB BPE1* | Dung Fly (Scathophaga SP) | |
ClassE | Andrea Wilson CPAGB BPE1* | Goldfinch on Teasel | |
ClassE | Andrea Wilson CPAGB BPE1* | Mating Dung Flies | Certificate of Merit |
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