
WNE 2022 Introduction

Winchester National Exhibition


2022 sees the seventh Winchester National Exhibition – an exhibition of projected digital images. In light of the continuing Covid uncertainties, we decided once again to judge the exhibition remotely.

This process takes longer than our usual face to face judging, so entries to the exhibition will close at midnight after the 3000th entry is received or on the 30th June 2022, whichever comes sooner.

The exhibition is organised by Winchester Photographic Society and is affiliated to British Photographic Exhibitions (BPE), thereby allowing photographers to gain BPE Crowns for any acceptances.

WNE 2022

Who can enter

Winchester National Exhibition 2022 is open to any photographer, amateur or professional, who is resident in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, or BFPO addresses.

Entries into any of five classes can be submitted in May and June and the resulting exhibition will be shown in September 2022.

Entry Link active from 1 May 2022

We have had to limit entries to 3000 again this year.
Entries suspended when we hit the limit on 18 June.

Entry Progress

Key Dates

Entry Submission Period1 May to 30 June 2022 or (if sooner) at midnight after the 3000th entry is received.
Results notified to entrantsBy the end of July 2022
Results publishedAt the Awards Evening in September 2022 and and then online.
CatalogueAn electronic catalogue in CD format will be posted to all entrants following the Presentation & Awards Evening
Presentation and Awards EveningSeptember 2022 in the Performance Hall, Winchester Discovery Centre, Covid restrictions permitting. 
Online Viewing of ExhibitionOn this website from the Awards evening in September 2022 until the end of December 2022.


Brian Swinyard MA (Photography) ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b


There are five classes. You may enter up to three images in each, but no more than ten images in total.

Pictorial Colour

Colour Images on any subject and of any style will be judged on pictorial merit (i.e. the use of the photographic medium as an art form).

The emphasis is on interest, visual impact, composition and technical excellence.

Images may be manipulated in camera or on the computer, but ‘altered reality’ images that have been visibly manipulated should be submitted in the Creative section.

Pictorial Monochrome

Monochrome Images (one colour plus white) on any subject and of any style will be judged on pictorial merit (i.e. the use of the photographic medium as an art form).

The emphasis is on interest, visual impact, composition and technical excellence.

Images may be manipulated in camera or on the computer, but ‘altered reality’ images that have been visibly manipulated should be submitted in the Creative section.


Any subject, including abstract and ‘altered reality’ images


Land, sea or urban views. People or animals may be included but should not form the main subject of the image.


As defined by the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) in their 2020 update. (this is a change from previous years)


£1.50 per image; minimum fee of £6.00

Payment via PayPal at the time of submission. Regretfully we cannot accept cheques for this exhibition.


The full rules are available on the Rules for Entry page, but here are a few key points:

  • Up to three images allowed in each class
  • Maximum ten images in total
  • Images that have been accepted in a previous WNE may not be resubmitted
  • Images must be in jpg format only
  • Images must not exceed 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high
  • Entrants must own the copyright to all elements of their images.

Further information and Enquiries

WNE Coordinator: Nick Townley: ku.co1740243501sotoh1740243501pniw@1740243501lanoi1740243501tanre1740243501tsehc1740243501niw1740243501

See also

8 July 2024

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