WNE 2021 Results

Winchester National Exhibition 2021

Awards and Acceptances

The exhibition of accepted images will be available on this website from September to December 2021.

See WNE 2021 Exhibition Galleries

The results are shown first as searchable and scrollable tables, and then as spreadsheets.


The five classes are

  • Class A – Pictorial Colour
  • Class B – Pictorial Monochrome
  • Class C – Scapes
  • Class D – Creative
  • Class E – Nature

For full details of the classes, see WNE 2021 Rules for Entry

Searchable/sortable/scrollable tables

These two tables show the results for all categories.

The search facility allows you to find all the images by a certain author.

For example

  • searching the Acceptances table on Roger Dixey would retrieve all the successful submissions by this year’s WPS President.
  • a search on ClassD BPE4* would find you all the accepted images in the Creative class by BPE4* photographers.

WNE 2021 Awards

ClassAMichele CampbellLittle LibrarianFirst
ClassABeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Mudder KissSecond
ClassAChris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE5*Catacomb PrayersThird
ClassATom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGBFull StretchJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassARob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*WaiterJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassAJulie McGowan CPAGBThe Shepherds HutJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassAHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Focused AheadBest WPS Image - The Irving Cup
ClassAKath Aggiss BPE4*First StepsCertificate of Merit
ClassADavide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP BPE2*Rickety FenceCertificate of Merit
ClassADavide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP BPE2*Low Tide St. IvesCertificate of Merit
ClassALilliana Alani LRPS CPAGB BPE1*AmberCertificate of Merit
ClassAVictoria Andrews BPE4* DPAGB LRPSThoroughbredsCertificate of Merit
ClassADavid BlakePoint of No ReturnCertificate of Merit
ClassASue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Seeing the LightCertificate of Merit
ClassACyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFMid LeapCertificate of Merit
ClassAGillian Brett LRPS BPE2*Anemones and ThistlesCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*A Break from ToilCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*The Golden NecklaceCertificate of Merit
ClassASue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Flossie and DottieCertificate of Merit
ClassARoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Australian Team SprintCertificate of Merit
ClassARoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Japanese Team SprintCertificate of Merit
ClassAAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bLady GraceCertificate of Merit
ClassARob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Its a KnockoutCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Jepson DPAGB BPE2*Off to MarketCertificate of Merit
ClassAGill JonesBrecon Mountain PoniesCertificate of Merit
ClassAJo Kelly BPE3* QPSAJessCertificate of Merit
ClassADavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Super StretchCertificate of Merit
ClassARuth LochrieSerenityCertificate of Merit
ClassAAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPLooking for TroubleCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Lomas BPE3*SplashdownCertificate of Merit
ClassABrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5*The Laughters overCertificate of Merit
ClassACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBGentleman JackCertificate of Merit
ClassACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBWorlds ApartCertificate of Merit
ClassACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBLuskentyre PoniesCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Eden Rainbow CooperCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Jean Freri C1 Canoe SlalomCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Peacock in FlightCertificate of Merit
ClassARobert MooreLittle Boy, Big DreamsCertificate of Merit
ClassAJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*Itoje Breaks ThroughCertificate of Merit
ClassATony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBUp and overCertificate of Merit
ClassAPhil Peat BPE1*DogfightCertificate of Merit
ClassAPhil Peat BPE1*One Last Look BackCertificate of Merit
ClassAGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bIn the LightCertificate of Merit
ClassAGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bPro SurferCertificate of Merit
ClassAPaul Sherriff BPE2* CPAGBOld Jokers are the BestCertificate of Merit
ClassADavid ToftKidsCertificate of Merit
ClassAJoseph Vize CPAGB BPE4* LIPF EFIAPYour MoveCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSTrue GritCertificate of Merit
ClassAJulia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE2*Gelada Baboons GroomingCertificate of Merit
ClassAAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAAbandonedCertificate of Merit
ClassAAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSADans La Salle De BainsCertificate of Merit
ClassASandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The SaviourCertificate of Merit
ClassAGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBThe AssignationCertificate of Merit
ClassAJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Wolf DogCertificate of Merit
ClassAJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Icelandic Horse ChargeCertificate of Merit
ClassAPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBToed SlothCertificate of Merit
ClassAPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBHandbags at DawnCertificate of Merit
ClassAStephen R. Womack LRPS CPAGB EFIAPEarth GirlCertificate of Merit
ClassAGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPOverhead ReachCertificate of Merit
ClassBJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Through Gritted TeethFirst
ClassBAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAThe She WarriorSecond
ClassBAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bBeauty and DerelictionThird
ClassBLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGBTiger PlayingJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassBTheresa Salmon LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Poker PlayersJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassBIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPEDeterminationJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassBTony Cowburn ARPS BPE1Domes at GreenwichBest WPS Image - Walton Salver
ClassBVictoria Andrews BPE4* DPAGB LRPSSpoonbill PreeningCertificate of Merit
ClassBPeter Benson ARPS AWPF CPAGB BPE3*Across the East RiverCertificate of Merit
ClassBDavid BlakeTearing Up the TurfCertificate of Merit
ClassBCyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFWell ClearCertificate of Merit
ClassBMichele CampbellContemplationCertificate of Merit
ClassBRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAfter the SnowstormCertificate of Merit
ClassBFerg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Happy to FinishCertificate of Merit
ClassBAlan Denison BPE3* CPAGBIn Your ArmsCertificate of Merit
ClassBAlan Denison BPE3* CPAGBCaught in Flight!Certificate of Merit
ClassBAnn Dickson LRPSMother and SonCertificate of Merit
ClassBMartin Duffy BPE2*Human InteractionsCertificate of Merit
ClassBChris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE5*Friends ForeverCertificate of Merit
ClassBRichard Fulcher BPE3*Jetting inCertificate of Merit
ClassBRay Hems LRPS CPAGBCasual WalkerCertificate of Merit
ClassBMartin Janes BPE4*Come and Take a SeatCertificate of Merit
ClassBRonald Jarvis LRPS EFIAP BPE2* PPSAWindowCertificate of Merit
ClassBMalcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d3 GMPSA/P CPAGB BPE4*Dynamic DanceCertificate of Merit
ClassBPeter Jepson DPAGB BPE2*Going for GoldCertificate of Merit
ClassBTom Jones DPAGB BPE3*Max Whitlock FlaresCertificate of Merit
ClassBCharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE2Get Him DownCertificate of Merit
ClassBCharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE3Going Down MCertificate of Merit
ClassBDavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Getting Down LowCertificate of Merit
ClassBDavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Running ForehandCertificate of Merit
ClassBTillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*The OculusCertificate of Merit
ClassBRussell Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP AWPFVersaceCertificate of Merit
ClassBEILEEN MURRAY EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGBThe Finished PortaitCertificate of Merit
ClassBCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBDancing in a DreamCertificate of Merit
ClassBTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBStripesCertificate of Merit
ClassBTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBAfter the BalletCertificate of Merit
ClassBMartin Patten LRPS DPAGB BPe4* EFIAPOculus MonoCertificate of Merit
ClassBJohn Phillips BPE3*Shall I Lead the WayCertificate of Merit
ClassBGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bOn TargetCertificate of Merit
ClassBVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSALucas SitholeCertificate of Merit
ClassBPaul Screen BPE3*ChargeCertificate of Merit
ClassBGillian Steyn CPAGB BPE3* QPSABanish the BetrayerCertificate of Merit
ClassBKuli Virdee DPAGB BPE5*PearlsCertificate of Merit
ClassBPaul Wagstaff LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Going for GoldCertificate of Merit
ClassBCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*White OrchidCertificate of Merit
ClassBCarole WetherleyHoney I Shrunk the KidsCertificate of Merit
ClassBGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPSitoles ReturnCertificate of Merit
ClassCCalvin Downes EFIAP/g BPE3*Fresh Snow in HamnoyFirst
ClassCMike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB EFIAP FBPEKirkjufell Winter LightSecond
ClassCAlan Denison BPE3* CPAGBBattersea Power Station ViewThird
ClassCTillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Evening at the Sea PoolJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassCTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBBrooklyn NightsJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassCAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE3*Tranquil High TideJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassCHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Ride and SlideBest WPS Image - Pendreigh Cup
ClassCDavide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP BPE2*Storm BrianCertificate of Merit
ClassCLiz Akers ARPS BPE3*Morning on HarrisCertificate of Merit
ClassCPeter Benson ARPS AWPF CPAGB BPE3*Night Time at the Isle of DogsCertificate of Merit
ClassCAlan Cork LRPS CPAGBTri Cime De LavaredoCertificate of Merit
ClassCAudrey Couchman BPE3*Newhaven StormCertificate of Merit
ClassCRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPStormy Light over Utakleiv BeachCertificate of Merit
ClassCSue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*HamnoyCertificate of Merit
ClassCTim Gilbert LRPS PPSABuachaille Etive MorCertificate of Merit
ClassCSteve Hatch BPE3* DPAGBTranquilCertificate of Merit
ClassCMartin Janes BPE4*Beach WhirlpoolsCertificate of Merit
ClassCJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*Icelandic Church in SnowfallCertificate of Merit
ClassCTony North DPAGB BPE4*Coupall FallsCertificate of Merit
ClassCHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Abandoned FarmCertificate of Merit
ClassCMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBCaught Between the LinesCertificate of Merit
ClassCMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBThe Calm of MorningCertificate of Merit
ClassCDavid Travis ARPS BPE1*Railings to NowhereCertificate of Merit
ClassCDave Turner CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPFairy Pools Isle of SkyeCertificate of Merit
ClassCCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Hebridean TranquilityCertificate of Merit
ClassCCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Vestrahorn ReflectionCertificate of Merit
ClassCGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBBlack Beach GlowCertificate of Merit
ClassCGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBOn the DunesCertificate of Merit
ClassCAlan West CPAGB BPE2*Crashing WavesCertificate of Merit
ClassCGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPBetween ShowersCertificate of Merit
ClassDPaul Sherriff BPE2* CPAGBSwan Song Her Final JourneyFirst
ClassDSharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPSBroken DollSecond
ClassDSharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPSEira and StormThird
ClassDRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*The ShepherdJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice Best WPS Image - Wykeham Cup
ClassDAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAThe Mad CommuterJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassDPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBDreamingJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassDWilliam Allen CPAGB BPE3*Tiny DancerCertificate of Merit
ClassDJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Collecting EggsCertificate of Merit
ClassDCyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFDani De LionCertificate of Merit
ClassDPaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Amongst FriendsCertificate of Merit
ClassDBarry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* QPSAFlo Ive Shrunk the NeighboursCertificate of Merit
ClassDRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*Life in LockdownCertificate of Merit
ClassDGerald GribbonLet It RainCertificate of Merit
ClassDLynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPFlamboyance of FlamingoesCertificate of Merit
ClassDLynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPSing Little BirdieCertificate of Merit
ClassDAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bFreyas GardenCertificate of Merit
ClassDJulie Holbeche-Maund ARPSPennywiseCertificate of Merit
ClassDRob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*No Way OutCertificate of Merit
ClassDRob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Dandelion DancerCertificate of Merit
ClassDJeannine King CPAGBBygone DaysCertificate of Merit
ClassDBarbie Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/s AWPFIroning Out Our DifferencesCertificate of Merit
ClassDBrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5*The Show Must Go onCertificate of Merit
ClassDCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBDancing with the DevilCertificate of Merit
ClassDTony Ng BPE5* AFIAPThe Call at DuskCertificate of Merit
ClassDTony Ng BPE5* AFIAPWrong Place Wrong TimeCertificate of Merit
ClassDHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Pegasus Seeking NarniaCertificate of Merit
ClassDCorin Spinks BPE2*Gremlin HolmesCertificate of Merit
ClassDGillian Steyn CPAGB BPE3* QPSAStands Out from the CrowdCertificate of Merit
ClassDJohn Thorndike LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE4*Big Boys ToysCertificate of Merit
ClassDSusan Trout LRPS BPE3* EFIAPOne Day My Prince Will ComeCertificate of Merit
ClassDPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBA Quiet PlaceCertificate of Merit
ClassDPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBMaking FriendsCertificate of Merit
ClassDwendy irwin ARPS CPAGBOne Worm or TwoCertificate of Merit
ClassEDavid L Edwards EFIAP/b EPSA DPAGB BPE2*Snow Leopard in a BlizzardFirst
ClassEBeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Sparrowhawk on PreySecond
ClassETom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGBBaboon FamilyThird
ClassEIan Mitchell MPAGB EFIAP ARPSWild Pine Marten Female with KitJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassEGill O'MearaGodwit with SanderlingJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassEAlan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Newly Emerged Four Spotted ChaserJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassERay Hems LRPS CPAGBDawn PatrolBest WPS Image - Duma Trophey
ClassEKevin Barnes CPAGB BPE5*Mycena GroupCertificate of Merit
ClassEKevin Barnes CPAGB BPE5*Peregrine Falcon on PreyCertificate of Merit
ClassEEllen Bell CPAGB BPE2*Wasps DrinkingCertificate of Merit
ClassEGillian Brett LRPS BPE2*Rhagio TringariusCertificate of Merit
ClassEAnn Dickson LRPSMorning ExerciseCertificate of Merit
ClassENigel Gidney QPSAScarce ChaserCertificate of Merit
ClassELynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPStarling DisputeCertificate of Merit
ClassEAnn Healey FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE3*Pallas's Long-Tongued BatCertificate of Merit
ClassECharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE2Cuckoo Robin Battle for GrubCertificate of Merit
ClassEKen Lomas BPE3*Migrant Hawker and ExuviaCertificate of Merit
ClassEKeith MalcolmDeath on the High WireCertificate of Merit
ClassETony North DPAGB BPE4*Marbled WhitesCertificate of Merit
ClassEGill O'MearaAnemone with Resident ClownfishCertificate of Merit
ClassEPaul Screen BPE3*Pine MartenCertificate of Merit
ClassEPaul Smith BPE5* LSINWP AWPFBoxing Hares and Flying FurCertificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Broad Bodied and Four Spotted ChasersCertificate of Merit
ClassEMaureen Toft efiap/D3 MPSA FBPE MPAGBFighting for Life,Certificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAFish Frenzy Through the IceCertificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAGreen Parrot Snake in Rain ForestCertificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAThree Against OneCertificate of Merit
ClassEIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPECheetah with Food for SiblingCertificate of Merit
ClassEKevin Williams BPE2*Water Rail Feeding at DawnCertificate of Merit

WNE 2021 Acceptances (including awards)

ClassAPeter Adams FIPF BPE3*Determined Hurdler
ClassAPeter Adams FIPF BPE3*Bound in Death
ClassAKath Aggiss BPE4*First StepsCertificate of Merit
ClassADavide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP BPE2*Rickety FenceCertificate of Merit
ClassADavide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP BPE2*Low Tide St. IvesCertificate of Merit
ClassALiz Akers ARPS BPE3*Abandoned
ClassALilliana Alani LRPS CPAGB BPE1*AmberCertificate of Merit
ClassAWilliam Allen CPAGB BPE3*Mischkah in Furs
ClassAVictoria Andrews BPE4* DPAGB LRPSThoroughbredsCertificate of Merit
ClassAKevin Barnes CPAGB BPE5*Eat My Dust
ClassASteve Batchelor CPAGBBlack Beard Cormorant Fisherman
ClassADavid BlakeAirborne
ClassADavid BlakePoint of No ReturnCertificate of Merit
ClassASue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Seeing the LightCertificate of Merit
ClassACyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFBack Flip
ClassACyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFMid LeapCertificate of Merit
ClassAColin Bradshaw BPE4* DPAGB QPSAEyes Ahead Through the Bend
ClassARay Brammall ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Race to the Line
ClassARay Brammall ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Racquet Attack
ClassAGillian Brett LRPS BPE2*Anemones and ThistlesCertificate of Merit
ClassARaymond Bridges ADPS LRPS BPE3* AFIAPThe Art and Dream of Dance
ClassAKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*A Break from ToilCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*The Golden NecklaceCertificate of Merit
ClassAPaul Michael Burwood LRPS CPAGB BPE2* QPSASpiral
ClassALaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGBFreestyle Swimmer
ClassAMichele CampbellFlowergirl
ClassAMichele CampbellLittle LibrarianFirst
ClassAMichele CampbellKnit One Purl One
ClassAPaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Bad News
ClassAMichael Carver CPAGB BPE2* AFIAPHoliday Blues
ClassAGraham Clegg LRPS CPAGBWisteria Beauty
ClassAGraham Clegg LRPS CPAGBFlour Power
ClassAAlan Cork LRPS CPAGBClea Philips at Burghley
ClassARobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAurora over Gimsoy Church
ClassARobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPSynchronicity
ClassAFerg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Needles Windsurfer
ClassASue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Flossie and DottieCertificate of Merit
ClassAWayne Davey CPAGB BPE*1Huts 1920X1080 SRGB
ClassAIrvine Dean CPAGB BPE3* LIPFWarrior
ClassABarry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* QPSAClockmaker
ClassACalvin Downes EFIAP/g BPE3*Renaissance Pony
ClassAPhilip Durkin DPAGB BPE3*Central Pier Blackpool
ClassAChris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE5*Catacomb PrayersThird
ClassAMarj Freeston BPE1*Caro's Rhapsody
ClassAPatricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Touch of Lilac
ClassAPatricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Fading Leaves
ClassAGraham Frost LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Rounding the First Turn
ClassARichard Fulcher BPE3*At the Watering Hole
ClassARoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Australian Team SprintCertificate of Merit
ClassARoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Japanese Team SprintCertificate of Merit
ClassARoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Felix vs Onoura
ClassAMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSFramed in the Light
ClassAMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSThe Grocer
ClassATom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGBFull StretchJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassAMark GlenisterHolding on
ClassAMark GlenisterThe Chimney Sweep
ClassAGerald GribbonClown
ClassANigel Griffiths BPE2 DPAGBFire and the Power
ClassATony Grubb QPSA AFIAPRacing Lambretta
ClassALynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPBrothers
ClassALynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPProtecting the Goslings
ClassAAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bLady GraceCertificate of Merit
ClassABruce Harley BPE1* LRPS AFIAP CPAGBPavement Cobbler Kolkata
ClassASteve Hatch BPE3* DPAGBBeach Fun
ClassABeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Dust Riders
ClassABeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Mudder KissSecond
ClassAJim Hill CPAGB BPE4*Dust Riders
ClassACathy Holgate CPAGB BPE1*Portrait of a Gorilla
ClassAJane HortonFree Spirit
ClassARob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Its a KnockoutCertificate of Merit
ClassARob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*WaiterJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassATrevor Hupton ARPS DPAGB BPE4Liquid Force
ClassATrevor Hupton ARPS DPAGB BPE5The Chase is on
ClassARob InglisMy Ball
ClassARob InglisDreaming
ClassADavid JellieShelter from the Storm
ClassAPeter Jepson DPAGB BPE2*Off to MarketCertificate of Merit
ClassASteve Johnson CPAGB BPE1Bradley Ray
ClassAGill JonesBrecon Mountain PoniesCertificate of Merit
ClassAHelen Jones ARPS CPAGBA Quantum of Solace
ClassATom Jones DPAGB BPE3*Latalia Bevan on Beam
ClassATom Jones DPAGB BPE3*On the Move
ClassATom Jones DPAGB BPE3*Getting a Grip
ClassAJo Kelly BPE3* QPSAJessCertificate of Merit
ClassACharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE2What a Load of Bull
ClassADavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Super StretchCertificate of Merit
ClassATillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Grand Central Terminal
ClassAPeter LawrieTotal Concentration
ClassAKevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE4*Jetski Stunt
ClassARussell Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP AWPFOedipus
ClassARuth LochrieRounding Up-2
ClassARuth LochrieSerenityCertificate of Merit
ClassAAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPHome by the Fire
ClassAAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPHopelessly Devoted
ClassAAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPLooking for TroubleCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Lomas BPE3*Brutal Intent and Anticipation
ClassAKen Lomas BPE3*Stumping Chance
ClassAKen Lomas BPE3*SplashdownCertificate of Merit
ClassAKeith MalcolmAerial Warfare
ClassAMick Mansfield BPE1*Typhoon Cloud Bustin'
ClassACarl Mason ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE3*Where Can He Be
ClassABrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5*The Laughters overCertificate of Merit
ClassAJulie McGowan CPAGBThe Shepherds HutJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassARussell McGowanThe School Outing
ClassACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBGentleman JackCertificate of Merit
ClassACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBWorlds ApartCertificate of Merit
ClassACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBLuskentyre PoniesCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Eden Rainbow CooperCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Jean Freri C1 Canoe SlalomCertificate of Merit
ClassAPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Peacock in FlightCertificate of Merit
ClassARobert MooreLittle Boy, Big DreamsCertificate of Merit
ClassADavid MorementTimid Fallow Deer
ClassAJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*Itoje Breaks ThroughCertificate of Merit
ClassAJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*The Interceptor
ClassATony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBUp and overCertificate of Merit
ClassAPhilip Newman ARPS BPE3* AFIAPFaith
ClassATony Ng BPE5* AFIAPRound House Kick
ClassATony North DPAGB BPE4*Green-Veined Whites
ClassATony North DPAGB BPE4*Night Arches
ClassASue O'Connell EFIAP/d2 ARPS BPE5* DPAGBTrio of Eagle Hunters
ClassAAnthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4*The Lido
ClassAAnthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4*Cromer Pier at Christmas
ClassAHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Focused AheadBest WPS Image - The Irving Cup
ClassAMartin Patten LRPS DPAGB BPe4* EFIAPBrown Eyes
ClassAPhil Peat BPE1*DogfightCertificate of Merit
ClassAPhil Peat BPE1*One Last Look BackCertificate of Merit
ClassAJohn Phillips BPE3*Art Deco
ClassATom Plucinski CPAGB LRPSPhysalis
ClassAGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bEnjoying the Storm
ClassAGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bIn the LightCertificate of Merit
ClassAGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bPro SurferCertificate of Merit
ClassAMarion Rapier ARPS DPAGB BPE5 EFIAP/gReady for Action
ClassADavid Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP/s BPE3*New Market Dhaka
ClassAJeanette Savigar PR60DBJasper
ClassASharon Sawyer CPAGB AFIAPBergenia - Elephant's Ears
ClassAClaire Schreuder BPE2*Victorian Belle with Spring Blossom
ClassAClaire Schreuder BPE2*Forest Nymph
ClassAClaire Schreuder BPE2*Some Assembly Required
ClassAVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSAKatie Swan Eyes on the Ball
ClassAVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSAMuddy Marvellous
ClassAPaul Screen BPE3*Lux
ClassAKetan Shah CPAGB BPE3*Camel Herder
ClassAKetan Shah CPAGB BPE3*Holy Man
ClassAMike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB EFIAP FBPEYvette
ClassAPaul Sherriff BPE2* CPAGBOld Jokers are the BestCertificate of Merit
ClassAMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBGoodall and Hodge
ClassAPaul Smith BPE5* LSINWP AWPFHit for 4
ClassAPaul Smith BPE5* LSINWP AWPFRed Squirrel in Snowfall
ClassAMarie-Laure Stone BPE5* EFIAP/d2 DPAGBSumi Wrestling
ClassALee Sutton DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP MPSASmile
ClassAJohn Sykes BPE1*Lady in Red
ClassAJohn Sykes BPE1*Hearty Meal
ClassAJohn D Tillotson EFIAP CPAGB EPSASalisbury Font
ClassADavid ToftKidsCertificate of Merit
ClassADavid ToftTrain 2918
ClassAMaureen Toft efiap/D3 MPSA FBPE MPAGBMy Place
ClassASarah Louise Townley FRPSThree Flowers
ClassASue Vernon CPAGB BPE2*Good Companions
ClassAKuli Virdee DPAGB BPE5*Dickensian
ClassAJoseph Vize CPAGB BPE4* LIPF EFIAPYour MoveCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSTrue GritCertificate of Merit
ClassAKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSNearly There
ClassAAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE3*Effort
ClassAJulia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE2*Gelada Baboons GroomingCertificate of Merit
ClassAAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAAbandonedCertificate of Merit
ClassAAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSADans La Salle De BainsCertificate of Merit
ClassASandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Preparation
ClassASandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The SaviourCertificate of Merit
ClassASteve Walters BPE2*Buddhist Monk
ClassACarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Fading Away
ClassAGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBI'Ve Been Waiting
ClassAGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBThe AssignationCertificate of Merit
ClassAJennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGB EFIAP/b mpsaIn the Arms of Mother
ClassAPeter Wells ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Shifty
ClassACarole WetherleyCity of Gold
ClassAJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Wolf DogCertificate of Merit
ClassAJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Icelandic Horse ChargeCertificate of Merit
ClassAJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*This Time Last Year
ClassAPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBToed SlothCertificate of Merit
ClassAPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBHandbags at DawnCertificate of Merit
ClassAJane Wiltshire CPAGB BPE1Chilly Sea Pool Swim
ClassAJane Wiltshire CPAGB BPE2Pink Magnolia
ClassAStephen R. Womack LRPS CPAGB EFIAPEarth GirlCertificate of Merit
ClassAGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPOverhead ReachCertificate of Merit
ClassAwendy irwin ARPS CPAGBA Snails Banquet
ClassAwendy irwin ARPS CPAGBBlue Bottles
ClassBPeter Adams FIPF BPE3*Prima in Thought
ClassBPeter Adams FIPF BPE3*Gerald
ClassBKath Aggiss BPE4*Bridging the Generations
ClassBLilliana Alani LRPS CPAGB BPE1*In the Gallery
ClassBWilliam Allen CPAGB BPE3*Mudam Spiral
ClassBVictoria Andrews BPE4* DPAGB LRPSSpoonbill PreeningCertificate of Merit
ClassBMike Barnard LRPS ABPPA BPE2*Lindesfarne Boats
ClassBSteve Batchelor CPAGBMr Pan Smoking His Pipe
ClassBPeter Benson ARPS AWPF CPAGB BPE3*Across the East RiverCertificate of Merit
ClassBPeter Benson ARPS AWPF CPAGB BPE3*South of the River
ClassBPaula BernardArchitectural Wave
ClassBDavid BlakeTearing Up the TurfCertificate of Merit
ClassBSue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Cattle Cart
ClassBCyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFWell ClearCertificate of Merit
ClassBCyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFComrade Gerald
ClassBColin Bradshaw BPE4* DPAGB QPSA66 Taking the Air
ClassBColin Bradshaw BPE4* DPAGB QPSAThe Fighter
ClassBColin Bradshaw BPE4* DPAGB QPSAUnion Jack Racer
ClassBKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*After the Workout
ClassBPaul Michael Burwood LRPS CPAGB BPE2* QPSAEnd of the Line
ClassBLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGBTiger PlayingJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassBLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGBContemplation
ClassBMichele CampbellContemplationCertificate of Merit
ClassBTrevor Clifford ARPS BPE1*Hare
ClassBAlan Cork LRPS CPAGBJapanese Cranes Display
ClassBRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAfter the SnowstormCertificate of Merit
ClassBTony Cowburn ARPS BPE1Domes at GreenwichBest WPS Image - Walton Salver
ClassBTony Cowburn ARPS BPE2Umbrella Day
ClassBFerg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Happy to FinishCertificate of Merit
ClassBFerg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Muddy But Happy
ClassBSue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Ebony Beauty
ClassBSue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Girl and Kitten
ClassBSue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Flossie in Mono
ClassBWayne Davey CPAGB BPE*1City of Arts 1920X1080
ClassBIrvine Dean CPAGB BPE3* LIPFSelina
ClassBIrvine Dean CPAGB BPE3* LIPFJab
ClassBAlan Denison BPE3* CPAGBIn Your ArmsCertificate of Merit
ClassBAlan Denison BPE3* CPAGBCaught in Flight!Certificate of Merit
ClassBChristine Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP QPSA BPE2*My Prayer
ClassBAnn Dickson LRPSMother and SonCertificate of Merit
ClassBRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*A Wet Winter Walk
ClassBMartin Duffy BPE2*Human InteractionsCertificate of Merit
ClassBChris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE5*Friends ForeverCertificate of Merit
ClassBRichard Fulcher BPE3*Jetting inCertificate of Merit
ClassBRoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Apprehension
ClassBTim Gilbert LRPS PPSAGood Shot Ian
ClassBTom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGBFinal Call the Last Stop
ClassBGerald GribbonCocoon
ClassBAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bShadow Oracle
ClassBAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bBeauty and DerelictionThird
ClassBBruce Harley BPE1* LRPS AFIAP CPAGBThree Trees and a Blocked Staircase
ClassBRay Hems LRPS CPAGBCasual WalkerCertificate of Merit
ClassBJim Hill CPAGB BPE4*The Prisoners
ClassBIain Jack CPAGB BPE2* CrGPCreating Spray
ClassBMartin Janes BPE4*The Apparition
ClassBMartin Janes BPE4*Come and Take a SeatCertificate of Merit
ClassBRonald Jarvis LRPS EFIAP BPE2* PPSAWindowCertificate of Merit
ClassBMalcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d3 GMPSA/P CPAGB BPE4*Dynamic DanceCertificate of Merit
ClassBPeter Jepson DPAGB BPE2*Going for GoldCertificate of Merit
ClassBPeter Jepson DPAGB BPE2*In Where It Hurts
ClassBPeter Jepson DPAGB BPE2*Safely Negotiated
ClassBSteve Johnson CPAGB BPE1Peter Hickman
ClassBTom Jones DPAGB BPE3*Kelly Simm on Beam
ClassBTom Jones DPAGB BPE3*Jack Oliver Lift
ClassBTom Jones DPAGB BPE3*Max Whitlock FlaresCertificate of Merit
ClassBCharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE2Get Him DownCertificate of Merit
ClassBCharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE3Going Down MCertificate of Merit
ClassBDavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Getting Down LowCertificate of Merit
ClassBDavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Running ForehandCertificate of Merit
ClassBDavid Kissman CPAGB BPE2*Another 6 Runs
ClassBTillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*The OculusCertificate of Merit
ClassBPeter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE2*Melancholy Charlie
ClassBKevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE4*Tangled Hair
ClassBRussell Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP AWPFVersaceCertificate of Merit
ClassBAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPBackstage
ClassBKen Lomas BPE3*Hartfield on High
ClassBEILEEN MURRAY EFIAP/G ABPE DPAGBThe Finished PortaitCertificate of Merit
ClassBBrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5*Ayla Rose Levitating
ClassBCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBDancing in a DreamCertificate of Merit
ClassBCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBIsabella
ClassBCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBDefeated
ClassBPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Hug Wins
ClassBPeter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Sam Kolek in the Rain
ClassBDavid MorementThames Barrier
ClassBMatt Morrow BPE4* CPAGBJetski Turn
ClassBMatt Morrow BPE4* CPAGBThe Boathouse
ClassBChris Mowatt LRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Archibald Attacks on the Outside
ClassBJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*England Prop, Mako Vunipola
ClassBJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*Joe Cokanasiga Powering Through
ClassBTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBStripesCertificate of Merit
ClassBTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBAfter the BalletCertificate of Merit
ClassBTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBCarla
ClassBRoger Newark LRPS CPAGBCoffee Man
ClassBPhilip Newman ARPS BPE3* AFIAPShieldmaiden
ClassBTony Ng BPE5* AFIAPKunieda Backhand Return
ClassBTony Ng BPE5* AFIAPStormy Waters
ClassBRichard O'MearaThe Pilgrim
ClassBDarrell Oakden EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBStreet Study
ClassBAnthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4*Storm Front Passing Cromer
ClassBGlyn Paton LRPS CPAGBLockdown
ClassBGlyn Paton LRPS CPAGBStreet Cleaning Gang
ClassBMartin Patten LRPS DPAGB BPe4* EFIAPOculus MonoCertificate of Merit
ClassBJohn Phillips BPE3*Shall I Lead the WayCertificate of Merit
ClassBGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bOn TargetCertificate of Merit
ClassBGlenn Porter BPE1* AWPF ARPS EFIAP/bSurfing Vision
ClassBMarion Rapier ARPS DPAGB BPE5 EFIAP/gTeam Breacher
ClassBTheresa Salmon LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Eden
ClassBTheresa Salmon LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Poker PlayersJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassBClaire Schreuder BPE2*Veiled Twins
ClassBClaire Schreuder BPE2*The Tackle
ClassBVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSALucas SitholeCertificate of Merit
ClassBPaul Screen BPE3*Next Breath
ClassBPaul Screen BPE3*ChargeCertificate of Merit
ClassBPaul Screen BPE3*Number 69
ClassBKetan Shah CPAGB BPE3*Take Him Down
ClassBKetan Shah CPAGB BPE3*The Fly Half
ClassBMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBPassing Clouds over Sizewell
ClassBJim Stevenson EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* QPSAControlled Power
ClassBGillian Steyn CPAGB BPE3* QPSABanish the BetrayerCertificate of Merit
ClassBIan Stone DPAGB BPE4*Menacing
ClassBMarie-Laure Stone BPE5* EFIAP/d2 DPAGBWeary Travellers
ClassBJohn Sykes BPE1*Man Holding Chain in His Mouth
ClassBAlan Thompson LRPSThe Newsagent
ClassBBrian Trout LRPS BPE3* EFIAPTime to Decide
ClassBKuli Virdee DPAGB BPE5*PearlsCertificate of Merit
ClassBKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSTop of the Mountain Cadwell
ClassBKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSAnticipation
ClassBPaul Wagstaff LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Going for GoldCertificate of Merit
ClassBAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAThe She WarriorSecond
ClassBSandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The Pay Off
ClassBCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*White OrchidCertificate of Merit
ClassBJennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGB EFIAP/b mpsaA Nice Fit
ClassBPeter Wells ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The Finishing Touch
ClassBCarole WetherleyHoney I Shrunk the KidsCertificate of Merit
ClassBIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPEDeterminationJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassBJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Through Gritted TeethFirst
ClassBGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPSitoles ReturnCertificate of Merit
ClassBGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPSlick City
ClassBGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPWednesdays Child
ClassCDavide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP BPE2*Storm BrianCertificate of Merit
ClassCLiz Akers ARPS BPE3*Morning on HarrisCertificate of Merit
ClassCLiz Akers ARPS BPE3*Wild Atlantic Coast
ClassCNick Akers ARPS BPE3*Evening Light Bealach Na Ba
ClassCDavid Robert Balcombe ARPS CPAGB BPE2*Tidal Pool
ClassCSteve Batchelor CPAGBLongji Rice Terrace, Pingan Village
ClassCSteve Batchelor CPAGBSeven Star with Moon Rice Terraces Longji
ClassCGillian Beckett ARPS CPAGBDubrovnik
ClassCPeter Benson ARPS AWPF CPAGB BPE3*Night Time at the Isle of DogsCertificate of Merit
ClassCSue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Manhattan Dawn
ClassCSue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Tuscan Mist
ClassCColin Bradshaw BPE4* DPAGB QPSADaybreak at Fairy Pools
ClassCGavin BrandSt. Audries Bay
ClassCSheana Cameron BPE2*Scarista Seascape
ClassCJohn Clare LRPSPortuguese Parasols
ClassCWilliam CleggSalterstown Bay Tranquility
ClassCJohn Paul Coe BPE3*View of Eilean Donan Castle
ClassCAlan Cork LRPS CPAGBTri Cime De LavaredoCertificate of Merit
ClassCAudrey Couchman BPE3*Newhaven StormCertificate of Merit
ClassCAudrey Couchman BPE3*Under a Starlit Sky
ClassCRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPStormy Light over Utakleiv BeachCertificate of Merit
ClassCFerg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Towards Church Rock
ClassCStephen Coyne BPE3* CPAGBArctic Bay
ClassCSue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*HamnoyCertificate of Merit
ClassCWayne Davey CPAGB BPE*1Last Light Derwentwate 1920X1080 SRGB
ClassCTeresa DavidsonAurora over Icy Lofoten
ClassCAlan Denison BPE3* CPAGBBattersea Power Station ViewThird
ClassCRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*Brian Sands
ClassCRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*Llandwyn Island
ClassCCalvin Downes EFIAP/g BPE3*Fresh Snow in HamnoyFirst
ClassCMartin Duffy BPE2*The Storm
ClassCPhilip Durkin DPAGB BPE3*Hebrides Blue Hour
ClassCGavin Duxbury BPE3*Lone Tree on a December Dawn
ClassCPatricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Twilight
ClassCGraham Frost LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Lagangarbh Bothy
ClassCGraham Frost LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Unloading the Marit Maersk
ClassCTim Gilbert LRPS PPSABuachaille Etive MorCertificate of Merit
ClassCBob Goodman BPE3*Img 7371-1 Copy Athabasca River
ClassCBryan GriffithsBattersea Night Train
ClassCBruce Harley BPE1* LRPS AFIAP CPAGBPlaying Ball at Rattray Head Lighthouse
ClassCJanice Harris CPAGBMorning Light on the Quiraing
ClassCJanice Harris CPAGBFairy Pools
ClassCPaul HarrisonParliament Square Minsk
ClassCSteve Hatch BPE3* DPAGBTranquilCertificate of Merit
ClassCJulie Holbeche-Maund ARPSRydal Mist
ClassCJulie Holbeche-Maund ARPSSaltwick Wreck
ClassCIain Jack CPAGB BPE2* CrGPScaleber Foss
ClassCMartin Janes BPE4*Beach WhirlpoolsCertificate of Merit
ClassCTillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4*Evening at the Sea PoolJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassCAlun LambertThe Quiraing
ClassCPeter LawrieLoch Lubnaig
ClassCKevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE4*Early Morning over the Mount
ClassCMary Maynard BPE1*Storm Francis
ClassCRussell McGowanOver the Sea to Skye
ClassCKenny McLean CPAGBLone Tree, Hayden Valley
ClassCMatt Morrow BPE4* CPAGBAiguille Du Plan
ClassCJulie Mullings DPAGB BPE2*Icelandic Church in SnowfallCertificate of Merit
ClassCTony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBBrooklyn NightsJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassCJim Munday DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE3*Worthing Pier
ClassCTony North DPAGB BPE4*Coupall FallsCertificate of Merit
ClassCTony North DPAGB BPE4*Fairy Pool
ClassCTony North DPAGB BPE4*Milky Way over Tryfan
ClassCHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Abandoned FarmCertificate of Merit
ClassCHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Ride and SlideBest WPS Image - Pendreigh Cup
ClassCMartin Patten LRPS DPAGB BPe4* EFIAPShard Steps and Bridge
ClassCJane RowbottomSalford Quay
ClassCClaire RussellSlovenian Mist
ClassCNicola Scott BPE1*Valencia Dawn
ClassCMike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB EFIAP FBPEKirkjufell Winter LightSecond
ClassCMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBCaught Between the LinesCertificate of Merit
ClassCMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBEarly Light, Overstrand
ClassCMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBThe Calm of MorningCertificate of Merit
ClassCMaureen Smith LRPSHigh Tide
ClassCPaul Smith BPE5* LSINWP AWPFBlue Hour over Staithes
ClassCJim Stevenson EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* QPSALight on the Storr
ClassCMarie-Laure Stone BPE5* EFIAP/d2 DPAGBMilky Way and Quiver Trees
ClassCStuart Strachan BPE3*Buachaille Reflection
ClassCStuart Strachan BPE3*Snow and Ice
ClassCDavid Travis ARPS BPE1*In My Beginning
ClassCDavid Travis ARPS BPE1*Railings to NowhereCertificate of Merit
ClassCDave Turner CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPFairy Pools Isle of SkyeCertificate of Merit
ClassCKuli Virdee DPAGB BPE5*The Tower
ClassCAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE3*Stepping Stones
ClassCAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE3*Tranquil High TideJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassCCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Hebridean TranquilityCertificate of Merit
ClassCCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Vestrahorn ReflectionCertificate of Merit
ClassCGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBAfter the Snowstorm
ClassCGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBBlack Beach GlowCertificate of Merit
ClassCGordon Watson BPE4* CPAGBOn the DunesCertificate of Merit
ClassCAlan West CPAGB BPE2*Crashing WavesCertificate of Merit
ClassCAlan West CPAGB BPE2*Vik I Myrdal Church
ClassCJames WestTravellers' Rest - the Tan Hill Inn
ClassCGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPWaves
ClassCGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPBetween ShowersCertificate of Merit
ClassDKath Aggiss BPE4*Chimp and Butterfly
ClassDChristine AlexanderVeiled Thoughts
ClassDWilliam Allen CPAGB BPE3*Tiny DancerCertificate of Merit
ClassDJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Collecting EggsCertificate of Merit
ClassDJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Pulled Pork
ClassDPhilip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3*Pirate
ClassDSteve Batchelor CPAGBSt Flying Lesson
ClassDTrish Bloodworth AFIAPAeronauts
ClassDTrish Bloodworth AFIAPGatekeeper
ClassDCyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFDani De LionCertificate of Merit
ClassDCyril James Boyd EFIAP EPSA DPAGB LIPFAutumn
ClassDLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPF DPAGBPink Flamingoes
ClassDPaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Amongst FriendsCertificate of Merit
ClassDPaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Enter at Your Peril
ClassDPaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*War Games
ClassDIrvine Dean CPAGB BPE3* LIPFVision of Atlantis
ClassDBarry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* QPSAFlo I've Shrunk the NeighboursCertificate of Merit
ClassDBarry Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* QPSASandman
ClassDRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*Life in LockdownCertificate of Merit
ClassDRoger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*The ShepherdJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice Best WPS Image - Wykeham Cup
ClassDBrian Fleming LRPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE1*Sardine Fishing
ClassDPatricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Fading Sunflowers
ClassDPatricia Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Rosie
ClassDRichard Fulcher BPE3*Apocalypse
ClassDRichard Fulcher BPE3*Wild Goose Chase
ClassDRichard Fulcher BPE3*Going Round the Bend
ClassDMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSMorning Grooming
ClassDMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSFlamingo Dawn
ClassDGerald GribbonButterfly Rescue
ClassDGerald GribbonLet It RainCertificate of Merit
ClassDLynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPFlamboyance of FlamingoesCertificate of Merit
ClassDLynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPSing Little BirdieCertificate of Merit
ClassDLynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPA Balloon for the Children
ClassDAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bFreyas GardenCertificate of Merit
ClassDAndrea Hargreaves FIPF MPAGB BPE3 EFIAP/bRaven Angel
ClassDBruce Harley BPE1* LRPS AFIAP CPAGBThe Undertaker
ClassDJulie Holbeche-Maund ARPSSarah
ClassDJulie Holbeche-Maund ARPSPennywiseCertificate of Merit
ClassDRob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*No Way OutCertificate of Merit
ClassDRob Howarth LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Dandelion DancerCertificate of Merit
ClassDGill JonesHydrangea Blue
ClassDJeannine King CPAGBBygone DaysCertificate of Merit
ClassDNeil Kingsbury BPE3* CPAGB EFIAP/bSekhmet
ClassDBarbie Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/s AWPFThe Experiment That Went Wrong
ClassDBarbie Lindsay FBPE MPAGB EFIAP/s AWPFIroning Out Our DifferencesCertificate of Merit
ClassDAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPAre We Lost
ClassDKelly LongHarmony
ClassDBrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE5*The Show Must Go onCertificate of Merit
ClassDCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBDancing with the DevilCertificate of Merit
ClassDPhilip Newman ARPS BPE3* AFIAPThe Star Spangled Banner
ClassDTony Ng BPE5* AFIAPThe Call at DuskCertificate of Merit
ClassDTony Ng BPE5* AFIAPWrong Place Wrong TimeCertificate of Merit
ClassDTony North DPAGB BPE4*Backstreet Guy
ClassDTony North DPAGB BPE4*Crossing Lines
ClassDRichard O'MearaDrinking Like Fish
ClassDDarrell Oakden EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBTime Warrior
ClassDDarrell Oakden EFIAP BPE4* DPAGBLone Vigil
ClassDHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Pegasus Seeking NarniaCertificate of Merit
ClassDSharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPSBroken DollSecond
ClassDSharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB ABPE ARPSEira and StormThird
ClassDJeanette Savigar PR60DBWe All Need Friends
ClassDMike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB EFIAP FBPEFrozen
ClassDPaul Sherriff BPE2* CPAGBSwan Song Her Final JourneyFirst
ClassDCorin Spinks BPE2*Gremlin HolmesCertificate of Merit
ClassDGillian Steyn CPAGB BPE3* QPSAStands Out from the CrowdCertificate of Merit
ClassDJohn Thorndike LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE4*Big Boys ToysCertificate of Merit
ClassDBrian Trout LRPS BPE3* EFIAPGeisha Sunrise
ClassDBrian Trout LRPS BPE3* EFIAPThe Management
ClassDSusan Trout LRPS BPE3* EFIAPOne Day My Prince Will ComeCertificate of Merit
ClassDAngie Tucker EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE3* CPAGBWomans Talk
ClassDSue Vernon CPAGB BPE2*A Spring Meadow
ClassDJoseph Vize CPAGB BPE4* LIPF EFIAPMan About Town
ClassDJoseph Vize CPAGB BPE4* LIPF EFIAPMind Your Manners
ClassDAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAThe Mad CommuterJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassDCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Passage of Time
ClassDCarol Watson DPAGB BPE5*Waiting by the Window
ClassDPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBA Quiet PlaceCertificate of Merit
ClassDPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBDreamingJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassDPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBMaking FriendsCertificate of Merit
ClassDGillian Young DPAGB BPE4* AFIAPLand of Nod
ClassDwendy irwin ARPS CPAGBActing the Goat
ClassDwendy irwin ARPS CPAGBOne Worm or TwoCertificate of Meri
ClassEKath Aggiss BPE4*Two's Company (Spoonbills)
ClassEVictoria Andrews BPE4* DPAGB LRPSTick Removal
ClassEAli AsplinLearning to Lead
ClassEAli AsplinThe Balance of Nature
ClassEJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Affectionate Moment
ClassEJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Loggerhead Turtle
ClassEKevin Barnes CPAGB BPE5*Mycena GroupCertificate of Merit
ClassEKevin Barnes CPAGB BPE5*Peregrine Falcon on PreyCertificate of Merit
ClassEClare Beech BPE1*Painted Lady in Evening Light
ClassEEllen Bell CPAGB BPE2*Wasps DrinkingCertificate of Merit
ClassEEllen Bell CPAGB BPE2*Wasp Returning to Nest with Prey
ClassEEllen Bell CPAGB BPE2*Yemen Chameleon
ClassEWayne BraceFemale Wheatear Collecting Nesting Material
ClassEGary Bradley BPE1*Squabbling Jays
ClassEGillian Brett LRPS BPE2*Rhagio TringariusCertificate of Merit
ClassEDerek Bridel AFIAP BPE2*Yellow Eyelash Pit Viper
ClassEJohn Clare LRPSOn the Hunt
ClassETrevor Clifford ARPS BPE1*Barn Owl with Vole
ClassEJohn Paul Coe BPE3*Lion Brother Dispute
ClassEAlan Cork LRPS CPAGBGannet Landing
ClassEAlan Cork LRPS CPAGBSwallowtail Nectaring on Ivy
ClassEFerg Cowhig EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Royal Tern Mating Ritual
ClassESue Critchlow ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Woodmouse on Catkin
ClassEWayne Davey CPAGB BPE*1Mantis in Blossom 1920X1080 SRGB
ClassEChristine Dickinson DPAGB AFIAP QPSA BPE2*In the Grasses
ClassEAnn Dickson LRPSMorning ExerciseCertificate of Merit
ClassEAnn Dickson LRPSLeopard Emering
ClassEDavid L Edwards EFIAP/b EPSA DPAGB BPE2*Snow Leopard in a BlizzardFirst
ClassEWendy Eve ARPSAnemonefish in Green Anemone
ClassENiall Ferguson ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Resting Serengeti Leopard
ClassEKate FridayDiet Starts Monday
ClassEKate FridayLow Flyer
ClassERoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Bee-Eater Conversation
ClassERoger Geldard DPAGB BPE4*Hoopoe Landing with Insect
ClassEMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSStarling Attack
ClassENigel Gidney QPSAScarce ChaserCertificate of Merit
ClassETim Gilbert LRPS PPSA4 Wasps Drinking
ClassETom Glancz EFIAP BPE3* CPAGBBaboon FamilyThird
ClassEJulie Patricia Hall BPE2* CPAGBRed Fox in Rainfall
ClassELynda Haney DPAGB BPE5* EFIAPStarling DisputeCertificate of Merit
ClassEStephen Harper AFIAP BPE3*Boxing Hares
ClassESteve Hatch BPE3* DPAGBBrown Hare and Ox-Eye Daisy
ClassEBeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Sparrowhawk on PreySecond
ClassEAnn Healey FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE3*Curlew
ClassEAnn Healey FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE3*Pallas's Long-Tongued BatCertificate of Merit
ClassERay Hems LRPS CPAGBDawn PatrolBest WPS Image - Duma Trophey
ClassEDavid Hodgson DPAGB BPE4*Sea Nettle Jellyfish
ClassETrevor Hupton ARPS DPAGB BPE4Great Crested Greebe with Young
ClassEMalcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d3 GMPSA/P CPAGB BPE4*Iguana on Wood 2
ClassEEileen Jones CPAGB BPE3*Starling Fight
ClassEBruce KendrickFamily of Swallows
ClassECharles Kidd EFIAP DPAGB BPE2Cuckoo Robin Battle for GrubCertificate of Merit
ClassEPeter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE2*Peregrine Falcon with Teal Prey
ClassEKen Lomas BPE3*Migrant Hawker and ExuviaCertificate of Merit
ClassEDee Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE2*Common Terns Passing the Fish
ClassEStan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Banded Demoiselle at Rest
ClassEStan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Eastern Lubber Grasshopper on Dry Grass
ClassEKeith MalcolmDeath on the High WireCertificate of Merit
ClassEKeith MalcolmSwallow on the Wing
ClassERussell McGowanThe Glum Family
ClassEIan Mitchell MPAGB EFIAP ARPSWild Pine Marten Female with KitJudges' Commendation - Sue's choice
ClassETony Mulvenna LRPS BPE2* CPAGBDo I Really Have to
ClassEDavid Neale CPAGB AFIAP BPE2*Polar Bear Cubs Crossing Iceflow
ClassETony North DPAGB BPE4*Marbled WhitesCertificate of Merit
ClassEGill O'MearaAnemone with Resident ClownfishCertificate of Merit
ClassEGill O'MearaGodwit with SanderlingJudges' Commendation - Colin's choice
ClassEHelen Otton LRPS BPE3*Collision Course
ClassEKeith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Orange Tip Butterfly Male
ClassEMike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5*Clustered Bonnet
ClassEClaire Schreuder BPE2*Arctic Terms Squabbling
ClassEVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSAYellow Dung Fly
ClassEVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP PPSAMale Banded Demoiselle
ClassEPaul Screen BPE3*Pine MartenCertificate of Merit
ClassEKetan Shah CPAGB BPE3*Rhinos Grazing
ClassEKetan Shah CPAGB BPE3*Mara Plains
ClassEPaul Smith BPE5* LSINWP AWPFBoxing Hares and Flying FurCertificate of Merit
ClassEPaul Smith BPE5* LSINWP AWPFHoopoe Food Pass
ClassEJim Stevenson EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* QPSAJay Feeding Juvenile
ClassEGillian Steyn CPAGB BPE3* QPSADiving Kingfisher
ClassEAlan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Broad Bodied and Four Spotted ChasersCertificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Mantis with Prey
ClassEAlan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Newly Emerged Four Spotted ChaserJudges' Commendation - Roy's choice
ClassEColin Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*Coyote with Roadkill
ClassEMaureen Toft efiap/D3 MPSA FBPE MPAGBFighting for Life,Certificate of Merit
ClassESarah Louise Townley FRPSBlackbirds Fighting
ClassEPaul Wagstaff LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Green-Banded Swallowtail Butterfly
ClassEJulia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE2*Black-Backed Jackal with Her Pup
ClassEJulia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE2*Cheetah Siblings Playfighting
ClassEAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAFish Frenzy Through the IceCertificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAGreen Parrot Snake in Rain ForestCertificate of Merit
ClassEAlan Walker ARPS MPAGB BPE2* MPSAThree Against OneCertificate of Merit
ClassELizzie Wallis EFIAP DPAGB BPE2*Herring Gull - Walking on Water
ClassEJennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGB EFIAP/b mpsaA Kiss from a Grey Wolf
ClassEAlan West CPAGB BPE2*Adelie Amongst the Icebergs
ClassEIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPECheetah with Food for SiblingCertificate of Merit
ClassEIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPEWarthog Demise
ClassEIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPECheetah Cub Love
ClassELen White CPAGB BPE4*Jay on Hoar Frost
ClassEAllan Wild CPAGBOrange Tips Face to Face
ClassEKevin Williams BPE2*Water Rail Feeding at DawnCertificate of Merit
ClassEJennifer Willis ARPS AIPF DPAGB BPE3*Pelican Soft Landing
ClassEPamela Margaret Wilson CPAGBDalmation Pelicans

Full results spreadsheets


ordered by award and then alphabetical by author

Acceptances (including awards)

alphabetical by author

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