WPS Newsflash – Annual Print Exhibition 2020
It is with very great regret that we have to announce the cancellation of the WPS Annual Print Exhibition for 2020.
You will be aware that we regard this as one of the highlights of our WPS year. It is not a decision we have taken lightly – and we recognise that this will be a disappointment for many of our members, and has led to much time and some money being spent in producing prints.
We had worked on contingencies for print collection, sorting, judging – but what we cannot work around, for a print exhibition of this size, is a loss of venue.
The Discovery Centre told us on Tuesday evening, and will announce officially today, that all events at the DC will be cancelled until at least early June (the library services will remain open as long as possible/permissible).
We had explored with the Hampshire Cultural Trust the possibility that if the gallery were not available for our allocated period, could we perhaps hold the Exhibition later in the year in more auspicious times – the answer is no, regrettably.
We will inform you soon about arrangements to pick up your prints if they have already been delivered, and arrangements for entry fee refunds.
A Virtual Exhibition?
We are looking at whether we could, exceptionally, hold a virtual exhibition akin to the Winchester National Exhibition. Entries would be competitively judged online, awards would be made, and exhibited in an on-line gallery.
Clearly there are some technical challenges in this idea, and entries would all have to be resubmitted as PDIs.
It’s an idea not without challenges but we’ll look carefully at it.
We will also tell you as soon as possible if we are able to progress with an alternative format for our Exhibition in this challenging year.
Best wishes
Gavin Bowyer and Geoff Sharman, 18 March 2020
Trevor Morecraft
Communications Secretary, Winchester Photographic Society