WNE 2019 Results

Winchester National Exhibition 2019

Awards and Acceptances

WNE 2019 Images

The results are shown first as searchable and scrollable tables, and then as simple tables.

Searchable/scrollable tables

WNE 2019 Awards

Class ATony Ng BPE4* AFIAPZara LandingFirst
Class AVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBThe TrainerSecond
Class AJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Going for It (1)Third
Class AAlison Dean LRPS BPE1*The Blue DoorJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class AJudi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Rainy Day in GaliciaJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class ACathy HolgateLeft OutJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class AHelen Otton LRPSAfter the StormCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Class AFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBBled Island SloveniaCertificate of Merit
Class AKath Aggiss BPE2*It’s a Long Way DownCertificate of Merit
Class AKath Aggiss BPE2*Waterhole in the NamibCertificate of Merit
Class ALiz Akers ARPS BPE2*Hebridean SheepCertificate of Merit
Class AJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSAThoughts of SummerCertificate of Merit
Class AJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSAVintage PinkCertificate of Merit
Class AJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*SwansCertificate of Merit
Class ABob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4*FishingCertificate of Merit
Class AGavin Bowyer ARPSCelebrating Puja at VaranasiCertificate of Merit
Class ARoger Bradshaw BPE1*Rainy Day at the RacesCertificate of Merit
Class ARoger Bradshaw BPE1*Winter PierCertificate of Merit
Class AFrancis BryanSo Where is the HayCertificate of Merit
Class AChristopher BurrowsA Damp Day in Oxford StreetCertificate of Merit
Class APaul Michael Burwood LRPSEnergyCertificate of Merit
Class ALaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFPlay MatesCertificate of Merit
Class APaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Red DressCertificate of Merit
Class ARachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBRacing WhippetsCertificate of Merit
Class AJohn Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPDawn LightCertificate of Merit
Class AAudrey Couchman BPE1*Heavenly LightsCertificate of Merit
Class ASue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBCamargue GallopCertificate of Merit
Class ASue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBBallet Dancer CubaCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan DenisonFlour Power!Certificate of Merit
Class AAlan DenisonDancing TogetherCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan DenisonBeautiful TrioCertificate of Merit
Class AJudi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*SolitudeCertificate of Merit
Class ACalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*On the Windy MoorCertificate of Merit
Class AChris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPIcehotelCertificate of Merit
Class AMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBLooking at EweCertificate of Merit
Class AMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBThe Red WarningCertificate of Merit
Class AMike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Forward LookingCertificate of Merit
Class ABob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPELine Out MayhemCertificate of Merit
Class AAndy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBFlying PeacockCertificate of Merit
Class AAndy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBTrioCertificate of Merit
Class ALynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*BallerinaCertificate of Merit
Class AStephen Harper BPE1*Feeding CuckooCertificate of Merit
Class ADuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Tough GuyCertificate of Merit
Class AChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSCan You Hear Me NowCertificate of Merit
Class ATom Jones DPAGB BPE3*On the UpCertificate of Merit
Class ADavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPBackhand DriveCertificate of Merit
Class ACharles Kidd EFIAPDid It Survive?Certificate of Merit
Class APeter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Frisky FellowCertificate of Merit
Class AE J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPBourreeCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Popped in for a CuppaCertificate of Merit
Class AJamie Macarthur DPAGBMillieCertificate of Merit
Class AGillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* AWPFTate ModernCertificate of Merit
Class ACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBPrairie SistersCertificate of Merit
Class ASteven MeekinsFoggy Morning Dog WalkCertificate of Merit
Class AMarcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBFreedomCertificate of Merit
Class ALloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Best Paw ForwardCertificate of Merit
Class AKeith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBError of JudgementCertificate of Merit
Class AKeith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBThat’s OutCertificate of Merit
Class APhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*Dovile Kilty Jumps to WinCertificate of Merit
Class ATony Ng BPE4* AFIAPJust OverCertificate of Merit
Class AJohn Phillips BPE2*The Night TubeCertificate of Merit
Class AAndy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* AWPFDear Son . . .Certificate of Merit
Class ASharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFree SpiritsCertificate of Merit
Class ASharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBNiamhCertificate of Merit
Class ADavid Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Between FaresCertificate of Merit
Class AVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSAAt Full StretchCertificate of Merit
Class ALynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Walking in WinterCertificate of Merit
Class AAmanda Sims CPAGB AWPF BPE2* EFIAPLeavingCertificate of Merit
Class AJanis Spice ARPS CPAGBSummer DelightCertificate of Merit
Class AJoyce Streets BPE4* DPAGBThe RunawayCertificate of Merit
Class ADavid StuartHumber CrossingCertificate of Merit
Class ALee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSKirkjufellsfoss Northern LightsCertificate of Merit
Class AGordon Watson BPE3*A New York MinuteCertificate of Merit
Class AGordon Watson BPE3*Moon TideCertificate of Merit
Class ADavid White BPE5*High Flying TackleCertificate of Merit
Class ALin Wyles LRPS CPAGBBy CandlelightCertificate of Merit
Class APeter Wyles LRPS CPAGBA Little StropCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*381 Takes ItCertificate of Merit
Class APhilip Young CPAGB BPE1*Daily TaskCertificate of Merit
Class BAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Maximum EffortFirst
Class BTrevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Lone Tree, Lone WolfSecond
Class BRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPGimsoy Church in SnowstormThird
Class BMichael ByrneBerlin 56-58Judges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class BChristine Holt CPAGBIsland on the LakeJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class BJennifer WillisShyness is Her BeautyJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class BHelen Otton LRPSWhite StallionCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Class BPeter Adams LIPF BPE2*The ClownCertificate of Merit
Class BFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBWild and SpiritedCertificate of Merit
Class BDavide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*A Meeting in FlorenceCertificate of Merit
Class BSue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*The Long Train JourneyCertificate of Merit
Class BCyril James Boyd BPE2* PPSA LIPF LRPSAnna Rose PosedCertificate of Merit
Class BPeter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Shepherd in His Smoky HutCertificate of Merit
Class BPeter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*One Eye Watching MeCertificate of Merit
Class BRobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Brothers in ChurchillCertificate of Merit
Class BJohn Paul Coe BPE2*Don’t MoveCertificate of Merit
Class BJennifer Crook DPAGB BPE4*BondingCertificate of Merit
Class BDavid Cudworth BPE3*Between RoundsCertificate of Merit
Class BAlan Duggan BPE2*The LookCertificate of Merit
Class BMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBOn the BeachCertificate of Merit
Class BJohn Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2*The Tube TravellersCertificate of Merit
Class BRobert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Thinking of YouCertificate of Merit
Class BBarbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/s BPE4*Ruffled AutumnCertificate of Merit
Class BBernice Kelly AFIAPSheep in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Class BJim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The ChairCertificate of Merit
Class BMick MansfieldFelixstowe DocksCertificate of Merit
Class BTony Ng BPE4* AFIAPCamron Chasing OjieCertificate of Merit
Class BPam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBTrees in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Class BJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*What is FunnyCertificate of Merit
Class BJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Misty BelvedereCertificate of Merit
Class BDavid StuartSpanning the HumberCertificate of Merit
Class BLee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSThree in a LineCertificate of Merit
Class BJohn Thorndike LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Made It to the TopCertificate of Merit
Class BAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Mind the GapCertificate of Merit
Class BFran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE2*Pas De DeuxCertificate of Merit
Class BCarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBHelebore TriptychCertificate of Merit
Class BGordon Watson BPE3*Groyne No 10Certificate of Merit
Class BGordon Watson BPE3*Tree and BarnCertificate of Merit
Class BAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Contrasting StylesCertificate of Merit
Class CRobert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPMorning GlowFirst
Class CPaul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFWinter’s EdgeSecond
Class CCheryl Greenwood LRPSStorm over LuskentyreThird
Class CDeborah HammondDancing in the FogJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class CJohn King BPE1*On to Chrome HillJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class CChristopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPWinter MistJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice + Best WPS Image
Class CDavide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*Snow PeaksCertificate of Merit
Class CLiz Akers ARPS BPE2*Dawn at FlakstadCertificate of Merit
Class CVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAfrican Sky at NightCertificate of Merit
Class CNick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBMisty MorningCertificate of Merit
Class CColin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Sunrise on the StourCertificate of Merit
Class CRosemary BuckettSt.Mark’s in the Mist, VeniceCertificate of Merit
Class CPaul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Albatross and IcecliffCertificate of Merit
Class CAudrey Couchman BPE1*Evening SeascapeCertificate of Merit
Class CRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPSlovenian Hay BarnCertificate of Merit
Class CTrevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Yellowstone DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CPhilip Davis ARPSSapling in BlueCertificate of Merit
Class CCalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Hamnoy HarbourCertificate of Merit
Class CPhilip Durkin CPAGB BPE3*Steetley Pier UndisturbedCertificate of Merit
Class CMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBWinter LightCertificate of Merit
Class CMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSEvening Light TuscanyCertificate of Merit
Class CMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSTroon Beach SunsetCertificate of Merit
Class CTim GilbertBlue Wave, HebridesCertificate of Merit
Class CJackie GillmanWareham SunriseCertificate of Merit
Class CNigel Griffiths BPE1* CPAGBScience Park – ValenciaCertificate of Merit
Class CRichard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Gimsoykirke in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Class CRay Hems LRPSAntarctic IcebergCertificate of Merit
Class CJudy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3*Sunrise Lake TiticacaCertificate of Merit
Class CJohn Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dividing LineCertificate of Merit
Class CRobert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPBobby Sox TreesCertificate of Merit
Class CRobert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPMisty DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CJohn King BPE1*Winter BarnsCertificate of Merit
Class CJohn Richard Lethbridge LRPSDesert Sandstorm at DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CMary MaynardMarine Sea Pool, ClevedonCertificate of Merit
Class CJim Munday CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Taking a PoundingCertificate of Merit
Class CPeter Orr ARPSFrosts Across the North Wessex DownsCertificate of Merit
Class CMalcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Rainy Night in the CityCertificate of Merit
Class CTom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*Winter in the DalesCertificate of Merit
Class CClaire SchreuderThe Grand Canal from Accademia BridgeCertificate of Merit
Class CMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBPassing Storm, Hayden ValleyCertificate of Merit
Class CMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBThe Rolling FieldCertificate of Merit
Class CJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Yellowstone SunriseCertificate of Merit
Class CJulian Stelling EFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Dawn on the LakeCertificate of Merit
Class CJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Stormy JokulsarlonCertificate of Merit
Class CJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Hamnoy MorningCertificate of Merit
Class CDave Turner CPAGB BPE2* AFIAPLone Tree QuiraingCertificate of Merit
Class CDavid Upton BPE2*Winter HillsCertificate of Merit
Class CAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Bird WatchingCertificate of Merit
Class CCarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBDerwent DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CCarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBStormy Skies over CastleriggCertificate of Merit
Class CGordon Watson BPE3*The Rocks and the WaterCertificate of Merit
Class CGordon Watson BPE3*Trump TownCertificate of Merit
Class CAlan West CPAGBA Bit of a StormCertificate of Merit
Class CJohn Arthur Robert Williams CPAGBDerwentwaterCertificate of Merit
Class CJohn Arthur Robert Williams CPAGBSeahouses Harbourous WallCertificate of Merit
Class CAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBMisty Morning FishingCertificate of Merit
Class CAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBSnow Laden TreesCertificate of Merit
Class CLeigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE3*Isolation No.5Certificate of Merit
Class CMark Wycherley CPAGBGrazing in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Class DMark Wycherley CPAGBAll in a Day’s WorkFirst
Class DJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*The HairdressersSecond
Class DKean Brown ARPS ABPEFowl PlayThird
Class DJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSASummer DaysJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class DLynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*In a Summer MeadowJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class DKetan Shah CPAGB BPE1*It’s Hotting UpJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class DChristopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPCracked SurfacesWPS Member
Class DLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFDawgCertificate of Merit
Class DDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*PlayfulCertificate of Merit
Class DJo Knight DPAGB AFIAPHitchhikerCertificate of Merit
Class DCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBThe PuppeteersCertificate of Merit
Class DCorin SpinksAll InCertificate of Merit
Class DCorin SpinksPuss in BootsCertificate of Merit
Class EJamie Macarthur DPAGBWild Common KestrelsFirst
Class EGordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Snowy Egret and FishSecond
Class ERobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Churchill CanadaThird
Class EEddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5*Robin Attacking a CuckooJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class EAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Crested Tit and Coal Tit Confrontation 1Judges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class EIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPELion Cub Pouncing on Mum’s TailJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class ERay Hems LRPSFish FightWPS Member
Class EPaul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Mountain Hare PausesCertificate of Merit
Class EDiana Graham CPAGB BPE1*Arctic FoxCertificate of Merit
Class ECheryl Greenwood LRPSMountain Hare in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Class ECheryl Greenwood LRPSMountain Hare on the RunCertificate of Merit
Class ERichard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Looking and ListeningCertificate of Merit
Class EStephen Harper BPE1*Stretching Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Class EDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Roller Tossing CricketCertificate of Merit
Class EStephen Hitchen DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Little Egret in Yellow Lillies with FrogCertificate of Merit
Class EDavid Hughes ARPS CPAGBMountain HareCertificate of Merit
Class EChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSSealion PupCertificate of Merit
Class ECharles Kidd EFIAPCuckoo Robin BattleCertificate of Merit
Class EIan Mitchell MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE2*Stretching Yawning Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Class EPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*Squabbling TernsCertificate of Merit
Class EKeith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dalmatian Pelican AltercationCertificate of Merit
Class ESteve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Cuckoo and CaterpillarCertificate of Merit
Class EKetan Shah CPAGB BPE1*Lion CubsCertificate of Merit
Class EPauline Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*Green Darner Escapes Snowy EgretCertificate of Merit
Class EJennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGBGrizzly Bear on the MoveCertificate of Merit
Class EColin Williams EFIAP CPAGBGreen Veined WhiteCertificate of Merit

WNE 2019 Acceptances (including awards)

Class APeter Adams LIPF BPE2*Eyes of a Clown
Class APeter Adams LIPF BPE2*Amber Angel
Class AFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBBled Island SloveniaCertificate of Merit
Class ASue Adlard ARPSDawn Mist at Wareham
Class AKath Aggiss BPE2*It’s a Long Way DownCertificate of Merit
Class AKath Aggiss BPE2*Waterhole in the NamibCertificate of Merit
Class ADavide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*Next Please
Class ALiz Akers ARPS BPE2*Hebridean SheepCertificate of Merit
Class ANick Akers LRPS BPE2*On a Mission
Class AWarren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE5* ARPSNo Fear
Class ASue Anders BPE1*Ready and Waiting
Class ASue Anders BPE1*Mountain Hare
Class AVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBThe TrainerSecond
Class AVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAlice
Class AJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSAThoughts of SummerCertificate of Merit
Class AJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSAVintage PinkCertificate of Merit
Class AJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*SwansCertificate of Merit
Class AJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Modern Dance
Class AJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Going for It (1)Third
Class AJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Venice Queen
Class AAlec BenwellThurne Dyke Wind Pump
Class AAlec BenwellA Wet Shirt
Class ANick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBStreet Chess Game
Class ANick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBStreet Cat and Street Art, Havana
Class ABob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4*FishingCertificate of Merit
Class AGavin Bowyer ARPSCelebrating Puja at VaranasiCertificate of Merit
Class AColin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGBMarvell Racing
Class AColin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGBThe Back Pass
Class ARoger Bradshaw BPE1*Rainy Day at the RacesCertificate of Merit
Class ARoger Bradshaw BPE1*Winter PierCertificate of Merit
Class ARaymond Bridges ADPS CPAGB BPE3*Light and Strength
Class ARaymond Bridges ADPS CPAGB BPE3*Moment of Impact
Class AFrancis BryanSo Where is the HayCertificate of Merit
Class AChristopher BurrowsA Damp Day in Oxford StreetCertificate of Merit
Class APaul Michael Burwood LRPSEnergyCertificate of Merit
Class ALaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFPlay MatesCertificate of Merit
Class ALaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFMake a Wish
Class ALaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFClown Face
Class APaul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Red DressCertificate of Merit
Class APeter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Watching the Pot
Class AMatthew Canning LIPF BPE2*Hamills Piano
Class ARachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBBoardmaster
Class ARachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBWhoooah!
Class ARachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBRacing WhippetsCertificate of Merit
Class AJohn Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPAlmost Buried
Class AJohn Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPDawn LightCertificate of Merit
Class AMark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Intimidating
Class ABryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2*Cooling Down
Class ARoger Clark ARPSNew Forest Ponies in Snowstorm
Class ARobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Big Cop Little Cop
Class AJames CookeCanary Wharf Sunset
Class AAudrey Couchman BPE1*Heavenly LightsCertificate of Merit
Class AAudrey Couchman BPE1*Sea Pool
Class ARobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPFly Past
Class ATony Cowburn LRPS ARPSMissed Train – Home Late – XX
Class ASue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBCamargue GallopCertificate of Merit
Class ASue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBBallet Dancer CubaCertificate of Merit
Class ADerek Crunkhorn LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Got It
Class ADavid Cudworth BPE3*Raining Champion
Class ADavid Cudworth BPE3*The Time Line
Class AAlison Dean LRPS BPE1*The Blue DoorJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class AAlan DenisonFlour Power!Certificate of Merit
Class AAlan DenisonDancing TogetherCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan DenisonBeautiful TrioCertificate of Merit
Class AJudi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Rainy Day in GaliciaJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class AJudi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*SolitudeCertificate of Merit
Class ACalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*On the Windy MoorCertificate of Merit
Class ASue Dunham CPAGB APAGBSurvival in a Harsh Winter
Class ASue Dunham CPAGB APAGBPunch and Judy Punk
Class AChris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE5*Praying to Buddha
Class APeter Elliston BPE2* CPAGB AFIAPLittle Drummer Boy
Class ADaryl FordFinmark Plateau
Class ACheryl ForemanElam Portrait
Class AChris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPIcehotelCertificate of Merit
Class AMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBLooking at EweCertificate of Merit
Class AMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBThe Red WarningCertificate of Merit
Class AMike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Forward LookingCertificate of Merit
Class AMike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Quick on the Ball
Class AMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSHomeward Bound
Class APaul Giles CPAGBLeading the Trio
Class AJackie GillmanLove is in the Air
Class ABob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPELine Out MayhemCertificate of Merit
Class ABob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPEIndignation
Class ABob Goode LRPS EFIAP BPE1*Solitary Sail
Class ABob Goodman BPE3*Winter’s Day
Class AStephen Green LRPSFirst Light
Class ANigel Griffiths BPE1* CPAGBJake Dixon at Clarks Corner
Class AAndy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBUpside Down
Class AAndy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBFlying PeacockCertificate of Merit
Class AAndy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBTrioCertificate of Merit
Class ALynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*BallerinaCertificate of Merit
Class ALynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Jenny
Class AStephen Harper BPE1*Feeding CuckooCertificate of Merit
Class AStephen Harper BPE1*Mountain Hare
Class AMartin Owen Henfield CPAGB BPE2*Jet Ski Jester
Class AMartin Owen Henfield CPAGB BPE2*Fingertip Turn
Class ADuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Tough GuyCertificate of Merit
Class AJim Hill CPAGB BPE4*Just the Two of Us
Class ACathy HolgateLeft OutJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class AJohn Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2*Southwark Station
Class ARobert Howarth LRPS BPE3*The Cormorant Fisherman
Class ADavid Hughes ARPS CPAGBAlone
Class ADavid Hughes ARPS CPAGBCuckoo in Meadow Grasses
Class ATracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*Movement
Class ATrevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Abandon Hikers Hostel
Class AMartin Janes BPE3*Cuban Backstreet
Class AMartin Janes BPE3*The Industrialist
Class AMartin Janes BPE3*Night Mission
Class AChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSIslay
Class AChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSCan You Hear Me NowCertificate of Merit
Class ATom Jones DPAGB BPE3*On the Turn
Class ATom Jones DPAGB BPE3*On the UpCertificate of Merit
Class ADavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPBackhand DriveCertificate of Merit
Class ADavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPForward Pike
Class ADavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPThe Open Water Swimmer
Class AJo KellyLilly-Rose
Class ACharles Kidd EFIAPDid It Survive?Certificate of Merit
Class ACharles Kidd EFIAPCuckoo Robin Confrontation
Class AIan Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Below Stairs
Class AIan Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Awakening
Class AJo Knight DPAGB AFIAPDisobedient
Class APeter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Frisky FellowCertificate of Merit
Class ATrevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5*Having a Gossip
Class ATrevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5*Beach Racer
Class AJohn Larry EFIAP/p ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Giraffe at Sunset
Class APeter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Red Arrows Display Team
Class AE J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPBourreeCertificate of Merit
Class AKevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE3*Deyfing Gravity
Class AKen Lester BPE1* CPAGBThat’s Close Enough
Class AAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Old, But in Good Working Order
Class AAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Popped in for a CuppaCertificate of Merit
Class AJamie Macarthur DPAGBMillieCertificate of Merit
Class AJamie Macarthur DPAGBSteam Power
Class AGillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* AWPFBaker Street
Class AGillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* AWPFTate ModernCertificate of Merit
Class APeter McGonigal CPAGBA Hard Pull
Class ACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBThe Blue Hour
Class ACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBPrairie SistersCertificate of Merit
Class ACarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBPerfect Equilibrium
Class ASteven MeekinsFoggy Morning Dog WalkCertificate of Merit
Class AMarcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBFreedomCertificate of Merit
Class ASarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*No Walkies Today
Class ASarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*The One That Got Away
Class ASarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*Jumping Collie
Class APeter Milsom EFIAP/g BPE3*Yohan Blake Anniversary Games
Class AYvonne Mitchell CPAGB LRPSConfrontation
Class ALloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Best Paw ForwardCertificate of Merit
Class ALloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Falling at the Water Jump
Class AKeith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBError of JudgementCertificate of Merit
Class AKeith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBThat’s OutCertificate of Merit
Class AEileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBHome Alone
Class AEileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBMaja and the Mannequin
Class ASteve Myall EFIAP BPE4*Backhand
Class APhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*Dovile Kilty Jumps to WinCertificate of Merit
Class AKeith Edward Newton LRPSTourists in the Fog, Venice
Class ATony Ng BPE4* AFIAPDwain and Ojie
Class ATony Ng BPE4* AFIAPJust OverCertificate of Merit
Class ATony Ng BPE4* AFIAPZara LandingFirst
Class ATony North BPE1*Temple Boy
Class AHelen Otton LRPSAfter the StormCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Class AHelen Otton LRPSWildebeest and Acacia Tree
Class AMartin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE3* QPSAChasing Number Nine
Class ANoel Patterson DPAGB BPE4*Graceful Leap
Class ANoel Patterson DPAGB BPE4*Scissors on the Pommel Horse
Class AMalcolm PeacockBad Hair Day
Class APhil PeatThe Reds in Action
Class AKenneth Peters CPAGB EFIAPYoung Blue Eyes
Class AJohn Phillips BPE2*The Night TubeCertificate of Merit
Class AJohn Phillips BPE2*The Steampunk Engineer
Class AAndy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* AWPFDear Son . . .Certificate of Merit
Class ASharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFramed
Class ASharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFree SpiritsCertificate of Merit
Class ASharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBNiamhCertificate of Merit
Class AFrances Price LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Tate Britain
Class AFrances Price LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Taking Flight
Class ABob Richards CPAGBClair De Lune
Class ATom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*Seagull and Rock
Class APaul RobinsonGoing over
Class APaul RobinsonStare
Class ADavid Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Between FaresCertificate of Merit
Class AVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSAAt Full StretchCertificate of Merit
Class AKetan Shah CPAGB BPE1*Rajasthan Camel Herdsman
Class AKeith Sharples CPAGB BPE3*Calm Sail
Class ALynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Walking in WinterCertificate of Merit
Class APam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBThrough the Gap
Class AAmanda Sims CPAGB AWPF BPE2* EFIAPLeavingCertificate of Merit
Class ACampbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*Synchronised Swimmers
Class AGillian Smith CPAGBRipping the Sky
Class AGillian Smith CPAGBOn the Lookout
Class AJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*I Can’t Get Down
Class AJanis Spice ARPS CPAGBSummer DelightCertificate of Merit
Class AJanis Spice ARPS CPAGBDead and Dainty
Class ABrian Stephenson DPAGB ABPENeck and Neck
Class AGillian SteynBoating at Sunrise
Class AIan Stone DPAGB BPE3*Determination
Class AJoyce Streets BPE4* DPAGBThe RunawayCertificate of Merit
Class AMike Stringer BPE1* LRPSReady to Fight
Class ADavid StuartGreat and Small
Class ADavid StuartHumber CrossingCertificate of Merit
Class ALee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSKirkjufellsfoss Northern LightsCertificate of Merit
Class ALee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSLighthouse and the Milky Way
Class AMarilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPThe Curl
Class AAngela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Abdul and His Fan
Class AMartin Vaughan ARPS BPE4*Small Boys at the Gallery
Class AMary VenablesKerelan Sunset
Class AKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSSurfers Departure
Class AAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Running Forehand
Class AAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Passing Through
Class AAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Will He or Won’t He
Class ASandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Who’s There
Class ACarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBOut in the Cold
Class AGordon Watson BPE3*A New York MinuteCertificate of Merit
Class AGordon Watson BPE3*Moon TideCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan West CPAGBThe Cricketers
Class ADavid White BPE5*High Flying TackleCertificate of Merit
Class AJennifer WillisEthereal
Class AAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBThe Bean Seller
Class ALin Wyles LRPS CPAGBBy CandlelightCertificate of Merit
Class APeter Wyles LRPS CPAGBA Little StropCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*381 Takes ItCertificate of Merit
Class AAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Star of the Future
Class APhilip Young CPAGB BPE1*Daily TaskCertificate of Merit
Class ACarole Zimmerman CPAGB BPE1* AFIAPGoing Down
Class ACarole Zimmerman CPAGB BPE1* AFIAP
Class BPeter Adams LIPF BPE2*In Prayer
Class BPeter Adams LIPF BPE2*The ClownCertificate of Merit
Class BFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBWild and SpiritedCertificate of Merit
Class BKath Aggiss BPE2*Please Play with Me
Class BDavide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*A Meeting in FlorenceCertificate of Merit
Class BWarren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE5* ARPSFalling on Deaf Ears
Class BWilliam Edward Allen CPAGB BPE1*Guitar Man
Class BVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAndalusian Stallion
Class BVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBBorzoi Portrait
Class BFred Archer BPE2* CPAGBIntertwine
Class BGraham Barber LRPSThe Kiss
Class BPhilip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3*Railings
Class BJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Eleanor
Class BJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Winston
Class BEllen BellThe Ladykiller
Class BAlec BenwellUrban Solitude
Class BNick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBTrinidad Street at Sunset
Class BSue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*The Long Train JourneyCertificate of Merit
Class BDavid Boam LRPS BPE1*Tower of Power
Class BCyril James Boyd BPE2* PPSA LIPF LRPSAnna Rose PosedCertificate of Merit
Class BColin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Misty Stour
Class BColin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Exmoor Ponies in the Mist
Class BRaymond Bridges ADPS CPAGB BPE3*Grace and Strength
Class BKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*Let’s Dance
Class BKen Bunch CPAGB BPE3*Power Slide
Class BPaul Michael Burwood LRPSWoof, Woof
Class BMichael ByrneBerlin 56-58Judges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class BMichael ByrneRide by
Class BPeter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Shepherd in His Smoky HutCertificate of Merit
Class BPeter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*One Eye Watching MeCertificate of Merit
Class BPaul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Lurcher in Full Flight
Class BAndrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Number One
Class BAndrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Portuguese Fado Singer
Class BAndrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*400 Metre Winner Kirani James
Class BMark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*I Wonder Who He is
Class BRobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Brothers in ChurchillCertificate of Merit
Class BRobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Mum and Cubs Churchill
Class BJohn Paul Coe BPE2*Don’t MoveCertificate of Merit
Class BSteve Collins BPE1*Finishing Touches
Class BAudrey Couchman BPE1*Winter Fishing Huts
Class BRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPGimsoy Church in SnowstormThird
Class BDavid Cowsill CPAGB BPE2*Round One
Class BStephen Coyne BPE2* CPAGBEvening Stroll
Class BStephen Coyne BPE2* CPAGBTaekwondo
Class BJoyce CresswellDoube Exposure
Class BSue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBRialto Bridge
Class BJennifer Crook DPAGB BPE4*BondingCertificate of Merit
Class BDavid Cudworth BPE3*Between RoundsCertificate of Merit
Class BDavid Cudworth BPE3*Gladiators in the Bear Pit
Class BTrevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Lone Tree, Lone WolfSecond
Class BAlison Dean LRPS BPE1*Daisies
Class BAndrew Donkin BPE1*Lytham Jetty
Class BAlan Duggan BPE2*The LookCertificate of Merit
Class BNiall Ferguson LRPS CPAGBHunting the Wave Dolphin
Class BChris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPTree at Wanaka
Class BMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBOn the BeachCertificate of Merit
Class BRichard FulcherShe Flies Like a Bird
Class BRoger Geldard BPE2*Concentration
Class BRoger Geldard BPE2*Eye Contact
Class BMike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Get Him
Class BAnne Given DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE4*Fighter
Class BBob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPESculpted
Class BBilly Gow BPE3*Vase and Tulip
Class BAndy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGB6am Fallas Firecrackers
Class BLynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Holly
Class BLynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*I Am She, She is Me
Class BCallum Harrison BPE1*Train Hard
Class BSteve Hatch BPE2* CPAGBStraight Right
Class BBeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Dripping in Mud
Class BBeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE3*That Sinking Feeling
Class BGarry Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Gritty Weightlifter
Class BGarry Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Watching for the Ball
Class BAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Stairway to Heaven
Class BAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Way Out
Class BRay Hems LRPSVenetian View
Class BDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Sorry
Class BDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Blaydon Highjumper
Class BLorraine Hinks CPAGBPlease Sir, Can I Read Some More
Class BLorraine Hinks CPAGBDancing with Flour
Class BChristine Holt CPAGBIsland on the LakeJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class BJohn Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2*The Tube TravellersCertificate of Merit
Class BRobert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Thinking of YouCertificate of Merit
Class BDavid Hughes ARPS CPAGBThe Black Church
Class BBarbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/s BPE4*Ruffled AutumnCertificate of Merit
Class BMalcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d1 GMPSA/s CPAGB BPE4*Miriam and Rope
Class BChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSRugby in the Snow
Class BChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSSocial Media
Class BBernice Kelly AFIAPSheep in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Class BJo KellyDorothy
Class BNeil Kingsbury BPE2* CPAGB EFIAPAlmost Down
Class BPeter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Lago Antiono, Dolomites
Class BJim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The ChairCertificate of Merit
Class BE J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPSelene I
Class BGeorge Lill CPAGBAnother Damn War
Class BAlan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Sometimes There are Just Too Many Steps
Class BTracey Lund LRPS CPAGB QPSARunning Wild
Class BStan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Waiting for the Train
Class BBrian Maguire LRPSOne Way Traffic
Class BBrian Maguire LRPSStorm Watch
Class BMick MansfieldFelixstowe DocksCertificate of Merit
Class BPeter McGonigal CPAGBUnconditional Love
Class BCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBTwenties Elegance
Class BCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBSplashing Through
Class BMarcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBDaydreaming
Class BKieran MetcalfeThe Little Bridge and Small Fall
Class BPeter Milsom EFIAP/g BPE3*Let’s Do This
Class BLloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Well Clear
Class BGareth MorganThe Ghost Crew
Class BKeith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBFending Off the Challenge
Class BEileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBSchool’s Out
Class BTony Ng BPE4* AFIAPCamron Chasing OjieCertificate of Merit
Class BHelen Otton LRPSWhite StallionCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Class BNoel Patterson DPAGB BPE4*The High Serve
Class BMalcolm PeacockPraying Nun
Class BPhil PeatLast Ones Home
Class BJohn Phillips BPE2*Lone Rider
Class BSharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBMemories
Class BFrances Price LRPS CPAGB BPE1*The Pose
Class BSteve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*110m Hurdles – Curtis Mathews
Class BMarion Rapier ARPS BPE4* EFIAP/sArched
Class BBob Richards CPAGBBig Sister
Class BTom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*The Printer
Class BGwladys Roberts EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* AWPFChip Supper
Class BGwladys Roberts EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* AWPFMargaret
Class BPauline Rumsey AFIAPWhite on Black
Class BDavid Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Dinner Time
Class BDavid Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*The Kindly Dentist
Class BMick Sayer ARPS BPE3*Eggs
Class BClaire SchreuderSerious Game
Class BVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSABad News
Class BPaul Screen BPE1*Down and Round
Class BKetan Shah CPAGB BPE1*The Srum
Class BMike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP ABPEBy Lamp Light
Class BMike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP ABPERembering Ada
Class BPam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBTrees in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Class BSharon Sims CPAGBThe Black Sheep
Class BCampbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*The Dismount
Class BKaren Smalley BPE1*Hayden
Class BKaren Smalley BPE1*Respect
Class BJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*What is FunnyCertificate of Merit
Class BPete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE5* ARPSKeeping in Step
Class BJanis Spice ARPS CPAGBLainey
Class BCorin SpinksWalk On By
Class BBrian Stephenson DPAGB ABPEEngland Leads
Class BJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Misty BelvedereCertificate of Merit
Class BStuart Strachan BPE3*Easy Riders
Class BStuart Strachan BPE3*Full Throttle
Class BDavid StuartSpanning the HumberCertificate of Merit
Class BLee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSSwerved
Class BLee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSThree in a LineCertificate of Merit
Class BPaul Sutton BPE2*Beauty and the Beast
Class BMarilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPDomination
Class BMarilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPIsolated
Class BMarilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPThe Man in the Merkato
Class BAngela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Living in Fear
Class BJohn Thorndike LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Made It to the TopCertificate of Merit
Class BChristine Tidman EFIAP CPAGB AWPFAll in the Crystal Ball
Class BChris Tostevin-Hall LRPSHigh Tide
Class BRobert Turley CPAGB BPE2* QPSADean
Class BDavid Upton BPE2*The Rower
Class BKen Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSHop Step & Jump
Class BAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Mind the GapCertificate of Merit
Class BAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Aldgate East
Class BFran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE2*Pas De DeuxCertificate of Merit
Class BPaul Warburton LRPSAnita
Class BCarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBHelebore TriptychCertificate of Merit
Class BGordon Watson BPE3*Groyne No 10Certificate of Merit
Class BGordon Watson BPE3*Tree and BarnCertificate of Merit
Class BGordon Watson BPE3*We Built This City
Class BEileen R Wilkinson ARPS CPAGB AFIAPWindow Light
Class BJennifer WillisShyness is Her BeautyJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class BPeter Wilson BPE1*Midnight Deadline
Class BAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBDomino Players
Class BLeigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE3*White Hut
Class BAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Contrasting StylesCertificate of Merit
Class BAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Maximum EffortFirst
Class BAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*
Class CFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBDovercourt
Class CFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBMorning Light Hamnoy
Class CTerri Adcock LRPS CPAGB AFIAP PPSAAnti Submarine Boon
Class CKath Aggiss BPE2*Sand Dunes
Class CDavide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*Snow PeaksCertificate of Merit
Class CLiz Akers ARPS BPE2*Dawn at FlakstadCertificate of Merit
Class CLiz Akers ARPS BPE2*Sea Fog
Class CNick Akers LRPS BPE2*Lofoten Fishing Station
Class CWilliam Edward Allen CPAGB BPE1*Lighthouse
Class CVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAfrican Sky at NightCertificate of Merit
Class CDavid Robert Balcombe ARPS CPAGB BPE1*Misty Start
Class CJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Winter Sunset
Class CNick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBMisty MorningCertificate of Merit
Class CSue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Tuscan Mist
Class CDavid Boam LRPS BPE1*Sweep
Class CColin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Frosty Start to the Day
Class CColin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Sunrise on the StourCertificate of Merit
Class CKean Brown ARPS ABPEBeachline
Class CRosemary BuckettSt.Mark’s in the Mist, VeniceCertificate of Merit
Class CSheana Cameron BPE1*In the Pink, Scarista
Class CAndrew Carter LRPS CPAGBSurrounded by Snow
Class CPaul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Albatross and IcecliffCertificate of Merit
Class CRachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBAurora over the Smoke Houses
Class CAndrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Northern Lights
Class CJohn Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPEvening Shadows
Class CSteve Collins BPE1*Winter’s Walk
Class CAudrey Couchman BPE1*Evening SeascapeCertificate of Merit
Class CAudrey Couchman BPE1*Uttakleiv Beach
Class CRobin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPSlovenian Hay BarnCertificate of Merit
Class CStephen Coyne BPE2* CPAGBHalong Bay Scene
Class CMichael Crack CPAGBBeeleigh Weir
Class CMichael Crack CPAGBMoon over Heybridge
Class CNicholas Culbert LRPSFreezing River
Class CTrevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Thermal Spring, Yellowstone
Class CTrevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Yellowstone DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CPhilip Davis ARPSSapling in BlueCertificate of Merit
Class CAndrew Donkin BPE1*Across the Bay
Class CCalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Water Swirls
Class CCalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Hamnoy HarbourCertificate of Merit
Class CPhilip Durkin CPAGB BPE3*Steetley Pier UndisturbedCertificate of Merit
Class CGavin Duxbury BPE2*Misty Norfolk Dawn
Class CMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBWinter LightCertificate of Merit
Class CMartin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBLight in the Storm
Class CMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSEvening Light TuscanyCertificate of Merit
Class CMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSTroon Beach SunsetCertificate of Merit
Class CTim GilbertBlue Wave, HebridesCertificate of Merit
Class CTim GilbertSand Patterns, Bay of Laig
Class CJackie GillmanWareham SunriseCertificate of Merit
Class CAnne Given DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE4*Frozen
Class CBob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPEThe Hemisphere, Valencia
Class CStephen Green LRPSWinter Sunset Yosemite Valley
Class CStephen Green LRPSMorning Mist
Class CStephen Green LRPSDolomite Dawn
Class CCheryl Greenwood LRPSStorm over LuskentyreThird
Class CNigel Griffiths BPE1* CPAGBScience Park – ValenciaCertificate of Merit
Class CDeborah HammondDancing in the FogJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class CRichard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Gimsoykirke in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Class CTrevor HarveyEntering the Lake District
Class CPaul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFWinter’s EdgeSecond
Class CAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Durdle Door
Class CAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Swanage Old Pier
Class CRay Hems LRPSAntarctic IcebergCertificate of Merit
Class CRay Hems LRPSBudir Church
Class CJim Hill CPAGB BPE4*River Coupal and Buachaille Etive Mor
Class CDavid Hodgson DPAGB BPE3*Morning Mist over Rice Terraces
Class CJudy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3*Sunrise Lake TiticacaCertificate of Merit
Class CDavid Hollingsworth CPAGBWinter Beach Dance
Class CChristine Holt CPAGBWinter in Lake Bled
Class CChristine Holt CPAGBSkeleton Trees
Class CJohn Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dividing LineCertificate of Merit
Class CRobert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Summer in the Paddy Fields
Class CTracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*Minimalist
Class CRobert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPBobby Sox TreesCertificate of Merit
Class CRobert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPMisty DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CRobert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPMorning GlowFirst
Class CJohn King BPE1*On to Chrome HillJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class CJohn King BPE1*Winter BarnsCertificate of Merit
Class CKen Lester BPE1* CPAGBEarly Morning on the River
Class CJohn Richard Lethbridge LRPSDesert Sandstorm at DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CSteve LobleyEvening Light
Class CSteve LobleyGreenland Long Berg
Class CDavid Lyon EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3*River Mole in Winter
Class CChristopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPJanuary Sun
Class CChristopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPWinter MistJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice + Best WPS Image
Class CMary MaynardMarine Sea Pool, ClevedonCertificate of Merit
Class CMarcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBGlen Etive Autumn
Class CMatt Morrow BPE3*Undulatus Asperatus Clouds
Class CJim Munday CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Taking a PoundingCertificate of Merit
Class CTony North BPE1*Winter Peaks
Class CPeter Orr ARPSEvening Light over Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica
Class CPeter Orr ARPSFrosts Across the North Wessex DownsCertificate of Merit
Class CDawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Kicking Horse Rapids
Class CDawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Sunrise on Pyramid Mountain
Class CHelen Otton LRPSSunrise at Jokulsarlon
Class CSwales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4*Loch Achtriochtan
Class CMartin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE3* QPSAIce Beach Sunrise
Class CJohn Phillips BPE2*Foggy Tideway
Class CMalcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Rainy Night in the CityCertificate of Merit
Class CMarion Rapier ARPS BPE4* EFIAP/sThe Trek Down
Class CMarion Rapier ARPS BPE4* EFIAP/sWindow in the Iceberg
Class CJohn Reed BPE3* DPAGB ARPSMorning Ferry
Class CJohn Reed BPE3* DPAGB ARPSMorning Tide
Class CTom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*Winter in the DalesCertificate of Merit
Class CClaire SchreuderThe Grand Canal from Accademia BridgeCertificate of Merit
Class CClaire SchreuderRush Hour in Venice
Class CLynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Nefyn Bay
Class CLynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Sunlight over the Water
Class CIvan ShawThe Foot of the Falls
Class CPam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBSkeletal Trees Yellowstone
Class CMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBPassing Storm, Hayden ValleyCertificate of Merit
Class CMark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBThe Rolling FieldCertificate of Merit
Class CCampbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*Winterscape
Class CJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Yellowstone SunriseCertificate of Merit
Class CJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Dead Trees in the Snow
Class CCliff Spooner LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Breaking Through the Mist
Class CJulian Stelling EFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Dawn on the LakeCertificate of Merit
Class CBrian Stephenson DPAGB ABPEDerwentwater Dawn
Class CBrian Stephenson DPAGB ABPEDawn Paradise Bay
Class CJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Stormy JokulsarlonCertificate of Merit
Class CJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Hamnoy MorningCertificate of Merit
Class CGillian SteynMisty Autumn Morning
Class CGillian SteynSnowfall in the Meadow
Class CStuart Strachan BPE3*Winter Mountain
Class CBarry Thompson LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Porthleven Storm Ophelia
Class CChris Tostevin-Hall LRPSOn the Rocks
Class CDave Turner CPAGB BPE2* AFIAPLone Tree QuiraingCertificate of Merit
Class CAndrew UdallSnowfields
Class CDavid Upton BPE2*Winter HillsCertificate of Merit
Class CMartin Vaughan ARPS BPE4*First Light St. Primus Church
Class CKuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Golden Hour
Class CAndrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Bird WatchingCertificate of Merit
Class CTerry Walters EFIAPSunset Drive
Class CCarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBDerwent DawnCertificate of Merit
Class CCarol Watson BPE3* CPAGBStormy Skies over CastleriggCertificate of Merit
Class CGordon Watson BPE3*The Rocks and the WaterCertificate of Merit
Class CGordon Watson BPE3*Trump TownCertificate of Merit
Class CAlan West CPAGBA Bit of a StormCertificate of Merit
Class CAlan West CPAGBThe Waves Crash in
Class CPeter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBElephant Island
Class CPeter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBFragile Earth
Class CPeter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBThe Blue Pool
Class CJohn Arthur Robert Williams CPAGBDerwentwaterCertificate of Merit
Class CJohn Arthur Robert Williams CPAGBSeahouses Harbourous WallCertificate of Merit
Class CKevin WilliamsWareham Quays
Class CKevin WilliamsPoint Duty-1
Class CKarin Wilson ARPS DPAGB BPE4* EFIAPSolitude
Class CAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBEarly Morning Fishing
Class CAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBMisty Morning FishingCertificate of Merit
Class CAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBSnow Laden TreesCertificate of Merit
Class CLeigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE3*Isolation No.5Certificate of Merit
Class CMark Wycherley CPAGBGrazing in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Class CMark Wycherley CPAGB
Class DDavid Adamson BPE3* EFIAPGuardians of the Forest
Class DVerity Assad OND CPAGBAlice and Friends
Class DJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSADearest Mama
Class DJoan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSASummer DaysJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class DBrian Baker EFIAP/b LRPS CPAGBEnd of Season
Class DJanine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*The HairdressersSecond
Class DJane Barrett DPAGB BPE2*Speed
Class DDavid Boam LRPS BPE1*Martian Expeditionary Force
Class DDavid Boam LRPS BPE1*Bootleggers Last Run
Class DKean Brown ARPS ABPEFowl PlayThird
Class DKean Brown ARPS ABPESwan Lake
Class DLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFPast Times
Class DLaurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFDawgCertificate of Merit
Class DMark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Steam Master
Class DMark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Sweeney Todd
Class DAudrey Couchman BPE1*Golden Birch
Class DMike Cowdrey EFIAP MPSA MPAGB ARPSThe Lonely Forest
Class DJennifer Crook DPAGB BPE4*Alice in Winter Wonderland
Class DDavid Cudworth BPE3*Norseman
Class DStuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE5*Victorian Peeler
Class DNeil Davies-MckayStrasidlo of the Underground
Class DGraham DeaconEllie Umbrella
Class DPeter Elliston BPE2* CPAGB AFIAPWhere Alice Met the Mad Hatter
Class DChris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPThe Long Walk Home
Class DRichard FulcherGraveyard Shift
Class DBarrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Smoke Bunnies
Class DLynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*In a Summer MeadowJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class DLynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Stand Off
Class DLynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Young Giraffes Playing
Class DPaul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFAt Rest
Class DPaul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFPierrot
Class DDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*The Fifth Horseman
Class DDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*PlayfulCertificate of Merit
Class DRobert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Time to Meet Your Maker
Class DTracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*Solitude
Class DBarbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/s BPE4*Godiva in Fireworks
Class DRobert Jones EFIAP/g BPE4*A Bunch of Bankers
Class DDavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPDiscovery of the Murder Weapon
Class DJohn King BPE1*Out of This World
Class DIan Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Cycling is Dangerous
Class DIan Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Ivory Flame
Class DCatherine KneeWild Splash
Class DJo Knight DPAGB AFIAPHitchhikerCertificate of Merit
Class DJo Knight DPAGB AFIAPOn the Shelf
Class DJo Knight DPAGB AFIAPPink Flamingo
Class DE J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPInto Battle
Class DKevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE3*The Master
Class DKevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE3*Banished
Class DChristopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPCracked SurfacesWPS Member
Class DDarron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Super Moon
Class DBrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE3*No Shy Girl
Class DBrian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE3*Time to Say Goodbye
Class DCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBPierrot
Class DCarol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBThe PuppeteersCertificate of Merit
Class DLloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Blue Moon
Class DLloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Feeding Nuts to the Young
Class DEileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBThe Greatest Showman
Class DPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*When the Night Falls
Class DPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*The Bone Collector
Class DPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*The Calling
Class DTony Ng BPE4* AFIAPMiddle Earth Warriors
Class DTony Ng BPE4* AFIAPPerfect Storm
Class DPaul Parkinson LRPS CPAGBShe Was Taken Too Soon
Class DKenneth Peters CPAGB EFIAPKeira – Head Spin
Class DSharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFly Free
Class DSteve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Siren’s Song
Class DBob Richards CPAGBSnip
Class DKetan Shah CPAGB BPE1*It’s Hotting UpJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class DPam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBVenice Impression
Class DPete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE5* ARPSThe First Breakfast
Class DJanis Spice ARPS CPAGBButterfly
Class DCorin SpinksAll InCertificate of Merit
Class DCorin SpinksPuss in BootsCertificate of Merit
Class DCorin SpinksThe Last Stand
Class DNick StewartBeach Dreams
Class DGillian SteynHalloween Horror
Class DDavid StuartFading Flowers
Class DDavid StuartBluebells
Class DMarilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPTwisting Into the Light
Class DAngela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Into the Deep
Class DAngela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Lost in Time
Class DRon TrevisBluebell
Class DBrian Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAir Sea Rescue
Class DBrian Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPNo Time for Joking!
Class DSusan Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAce of Hearts to Win
Class DMary VenablesEssence of Agistri
Class DPaul Warburton LRPSYou are Not Alone
Class DGordon Watson BPE3*Remembering
Class DDavid White BPE5*Return of the Tern
Class DColin Williams EFIAP CPAGBThe Spaceman
Class DMark Wycherley CPAGB[ Insert Title Here ]
Class DMark Wycherley CPAGBAll in a Day’s WorkFirst
Class DMark Wycherley CPAGB
Class EFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBA Good Catch
Class EFiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBForaging Icelandic Fox
Class ETerri Adcock LRPS CPAGB AFIAP PPSACuckoo in Flight
Class ETerri Adcock LRPS CPAGB AFIAP PPSAWaiting for the Fish
Class EKath Aggiss BPE2*Black-Winged Stilt Landing
Class EKath Aggiss BPE2*Springbok
Class ELiz Akers ARPS BPE2*Fighting Arctic Terns
Class ENick Akers LRPS BPE2*Kingfisher and Stickleback – Eye to Eye
Class ESue Anders BPE1*Black Grouse
Class ESue Anders BPE1*Heron with Fish
Class ESue Anders BPE1*Mating Common Blues
Class EVictoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBRhino Chase
Class EPhilip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3*Squabbling Starlings
Class EJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Peregrine
Class EJanice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Fox with Dinner
Class ELesley Betts CPAGBEvening Light at the Fallow Deer Rut
Class EAdrian Binney LRPSWildebeest Got Too Close to the Cliff
Class EMichael BlacknellAshy Mining Bee
Class EMichael BlacknellStanding Tall
Class ESue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Morning Stretch
Class EColin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGBFour Spotted Chaser in Early Morning Sunlight
Class EGordon Bramham MPAGB MPSA EFIAP/p ARPSPelican Miss
Class EColin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Wolf Taking a Drink
Class EChris Briggs CPAGB BPE2*Long Eared Owl
Class EChris Briggs CPAGB BPE2*The Hare Gang
Class EChris Briggs CPAGB BPE2*Winter Hare
Class EMaggie Bullock ARPS CPAGB BPE1*Wild Kestrel Taking Flight
Class EPaul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Mountain Hare PausesCertificate of Merit
Class EPaul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Two Polar Bear Cubs After Eating
Class ERachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBFollowing Mum’s Footprints
Class ERachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBRed Footed Falcons Mating
Class EAndrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Chasing Elephants
Class EJohn Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPYoung Stonechats Quarreling
Class EJohn Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPStriated Caracaras with Dead Penguin
Class EJanice Clark LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Mycena Inclinata
Class ERobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*A Mother’s Love
Class ERobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Bear Cub Churchill
Class ERobin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Churchill CanadaThird
Class ETrevor Clifford ARPSSanderlings
Class EEddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5*Robin Attacking a CuckooJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Class EEddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5*Sparrowhawk with Mouse
Class EJohn Paul Coe BPE2*Lion Couple, Etosha
Class ESue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBRed Squirrel
Class ENicholas Culbert LRPSSnow Monkey (Macaque Fuscata)
Class EStuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE5*Male Kestrel Making Kill
Class ECalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Autumn Dawn Geese
Class ECalvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Little Egret Preening
Class ENorman FergusonAlert Red Grouse
Class EMichael Foster BPE3* CPAGBPuffin in the Pouring Rain
Class EKate FridaySuper Squirrel
Class EKate FridayInspecting the Manicure
Class ERoger Geldard BPE2*Bee-Eater Dispute
Class ERoger Geldard BPE2*Northern Goshawk with Prey
Class ERoger Geldard BPE2*Hoopoe Feeding Chick
Class EMary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSCruel Embrace
Class EPaul Giles CPAGBWren with Prey
Class EDiana Graham CPAGB BPE1*Arctic FoxCertificate of Merit
Class EMartin GrayLeopard in the Masai Mara Rain
Class ESue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE1*Solitude
Class ESue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE1*Family Time (Acinonyx Jubatus)
Class ESue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE1*Hot Springs Indulgence
Class ECheryl Greenwood LRPSMountain Hare in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Class ECheryl Greenwood LRPSMountain Hare on the RunCertificate of Merit
Class EJulie Patricia Hall CPAGB BPE1*Red Dune Fox in Snowfall
Class EWilliam HallCubs Play While Mum Sleeps
Class EWilliam HallHyena with Victim’s Leg
Class EDeborah HammondSpectactular Rust Gill
Class ELynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Peregrine Falcon
Class ERichard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Looking and ListeningCertificate of Merit
Class ERichard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Watching Its World Disappear
Class EStephen Harper BPE1*Osprey Fishing
Class EStephen Harper BPE1*Stretching Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Class ESteve Hatch BPE2* CPAGBGolden Plover Amongst Blue Pebbles
Class EBeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Kingfisher Dispute
Class EBeverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Royal Python Snake
Class EGarry Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Goshawk with Pheasant
Class EGarry Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Yemen Chameleon
Class EAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Crested Tit and Coal Tit Confrontation 1Judges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Class EAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Juvenile Baltimore Orioles Squabbling
Class EAnn Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*White-Faced Capuchin, Costa Rican Rainforest
Class ETim Hearn AFIAP CPAGBBlack Veined White Butterflies
Class ERay Hems LRPSFish FightWPS Member
Class EDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Roller Tossing CricketCertificate of Merit
Class EDuncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Red Footed Falcons Mating
Class EStephen Hitchen DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Avocet in Flight
Class EStephen Hitchen DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Little Egret in Yellow Lillies with FrogCertificate of Merit
Class EDavid Hodgson DPAGB BPE3*Grey Wolves in Yellowstone
Class EJudy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3*Goshawk with Kill
Class EDavid Howse CPAGBDalmatian Pelicans Feeding
Class EDavid Hughes ARPS CPAGBMountain HareCertificate of Merit
Class ETrevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Little Owl with Prey
Class ETrevor Hupton ARPS DPAGDKingfisher with Catch
Class EChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSSealion PupCertificate of Merit
Class EChristine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSWaxwing Taking Flight
Class EEileen Jones CPAGB BPE2*A Pair of Kestrels
Class EYealand Kalfayan BPSA QPSA BPE1*Dark Green Fritillary Feeding on Dung
Class EDavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPLemon Shark, Grand Bahamas
Class EDavid Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPNorth American Manatee, Crystal River, Florida
Class ECharles Kidd EFIAPOsprey Catching Fish
Class ECharles Kidd EFIAPCuckoo Robin BattleCertificate of Merit
Class EJohn King BPE1*Blowing in the Wind
Class EJohn King BPE1*Peregrine Falcon the Pheasant Plucker
Class EPeter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Peregrine Falcon
Class EAtul M KshirsagarEye Contact
Class ETrevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5*Male Green Woodpecker
Class ETrevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5*Golden Eagle on Pine Martin
Class EJohn Richard Lethbridge LRPSFox Hunting for Mice, Yellowstone National Park
Class EMichael Lown CPAGBRunning Little Owl
Class EMichael Lown CPAGBKingfisher Preening
Class EMichael Lown CPAGBArctic Fox
Class ETracey Lund LRPS CPAGB QPSAOn the Run
Class EJamie Macarthur DPAGBRed-Footed Falcons Mating
Class EJamie Macarthur DPAGBWild Common KestrelsFirst
Class EDee Maddams LRPS CPAGBBlack Vultures Dispute
Class EDee Maddams LRPS CPAGBRed Deer Stag
Class EStan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Gannet with Nesting Material
Class EStan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Mayfly at Rest
Class EDarron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Male Banded Demoiselle
Class ETony MatthewsYoung Brown Hare in the Grass
Class ESarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*Robber Fly
Class ESarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*Yellow Dung Fly
Class EGordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Snowy Egret and FishSecond
Class EIan Mitchell MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE2*Stag in Morning Dew
Class EIan Mitchell MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE2*Female Pine Marten
Class EIan Mitchell MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE2*Stretching Yawning Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Class EKeith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBSprinting Sanderling
Class EPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*Squabbling TernsCertificate of Merit
Class EPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*Red Grouse on Heather
Class EPhilip Newman ARPS BPE2*Spotted Redshank Stretching 1
Class ESue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGBTwo Jaguars at Water’s Edge
Class ENorman O’Neill EFIAP DPAGB BPE4*Praying Mantis Displaying
Class ENorman O’Neill EFIAP DPAGB BPE4*Grey Heron with Catch
Class EPeter Orr ARPSKing Penguins on South Georgia
Class EDawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Redshank Calling
Class EDawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*White Morph Reddish Egret Canopy Fishing Behaviour
Class ESwales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4*Arctic Tern – Warning
Class ESwales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4*Gannet – for the Nest
Class EMartin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE3* QPSADalmatian Pelican Sunset
Class EMike Pockney FDPS BPE2*Cuckoo Wasp on Bramble
Class EAndy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* AWPFProtecting the Young
Class EKeith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Black-Headed Gull with Fish
Class EKeith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dalmatian Pelican AltercationCertificate of Merit
Class ESteve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Cuckoo and CaterpillarCertificate of Merit
Class ESteve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Little Owl Approaches Grub
Class ELeo Rich ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB HonPAGBHyena Poised to Attack
Class ELynn Rix DPAGB BPE1*Red Squirrel, Scotland
Class ELesley Robb BPE2*Mountain Hare
Class EMike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5*Running Sanderling with Sea Slater
Class EJohn Stephen ScholeyMad March Hares
Class EVincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSAKestrel with Prey
Class EPaul Screen BPE1*Bowing Kingfisher
Class EVincent Scriven LRPS CPAGBMale Kingfisher
Class EKetan Shah CPAGB BPE1*Lion CubsCertificate of Merit
Class EKaren Smalley BPE1*Kestrel and Its Prey
Class EJudy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Brown Bear Family, Finland
Class EGary SpicerTree Pipit v Great Tit
Class EJim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Sanderling
Class EIan Stone DPAGB BPE3*Cheetah and Cubs
Class EAlan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Spiked Shield Bug with Prey
Class EStuart Strachan BPE3*Cuckoo
Class ELee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSGoshawk Devouring a Blackbird
Class EPaul Sutton BPE2*Scorpion Fly
Class ENeil Thomas CPAGB AWPFA Pair of Hoopoes
Class EColin Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*White Ibis Immature 3
Class EPauline Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*Coyote Rolls on Dead Raccoon
Class EPauline Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*Green Darner Escapes Snowy EgretCertificate of Merit
Class EDiane Thurlow BPE1*Mountain Hare in Falling Snow
Class EDiane Thurlow BPE1*Mountain Hare Yawning
Class EDiane Thurlow BPE1*Red Squirrel, Cairngorms
Class EChris Tostevin-Hall LRPSSphaeroceridae Species
Class ESusan Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPBlack Crowned Cranes
Class EMartin Vaughan ARPS BPE4*Common Tern Hunting Mayfly
Class EKuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Catch of the Day
Class EJennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGBGrizzly Bear on the MoveCertificate of Merit
Class EAlan West CPAGBA Marbled Godwit
Class EIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPEHyena with Buffalo Leg
Class EIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPELion Cub Pouncing on Mum’s TailJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Class EIan Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPEAlert Cheetah Mother
Class EPeter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBRed Fox on the Hunt
Class EPeter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBSteller’s Sea Eagle on Ice
Class EPeter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBSwans in the Mist
Class EColin Williams EFIAP CPAGBGreen Veined WhiteCertificate of Merit
Class EKarin Wilson ARPS DPAGB BPE4* EFIAPSpoon-Winged Lacewing
Class EKarin Wilson ARPS DPAGB BPE4* EFIAPBee-Eaters Dispute
Class EAnne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBCanadian Lynx Juvenile
Class EAlan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Male Common Blue Damselfly 4
Class EPhilip Young CPAGB BPE1*Indian Roller
Class EPhilip Young CPAGB BPE1*Tiger with Kill
Class ECarole Zimmerman CPAGB BPE1* AFIAPGolden Orb Spider

Full results tables

Table of Awards by Class

Class A Pictorial Colour Awards

Tony Ng BPE4* AFIAPZara LandingFirst
Victoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBThe TrainerSecond
Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Going for It (1)Third
Alison Dean LRPS BPE1*The Blue DoorJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Rainy Day in GaliciaJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Cathy HolgateLeft OutJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Helen Otton LRPSAfter the StormCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Fiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBBled Island SloveniaCertificate of Merit
Kath Aggiss BPE2*It’s a Long Way DownCertificate of Merit
Waterhole in the NamibCertificate of Merit
Liz Akers ARPS BPE2*Hebridean SheepCertificate of Merit
Joan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSAThoughts of SummerCertificate of Merit
Vintage PinkCertificate of Merit
Janine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*SwansCertificate of Merit
Bob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4*FishingCertificate of Merit
Gavin Bowyer ARPSCelebrating Puja at VaranasiCertificate of Merit
Roger Bradshaw BPE1*Rainy Day at the RacesCertificate of Merit
Winter PierCertificate of Merit
Francis BryanSo Where is the HayCertificate of Merit
Christopher BurrowsA Damp Day in Oxford StreetCertificate of Merit
Paul Michael Burwood LRPSEnergyCertificate of Merit
Laurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFPlay MatesCertificate of Merit
Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Red DressCertificate of Merit
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBRacing WhippetsCertificate of Merit
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPDawn LightCertificate of Merit
Audrey Couchman BPE1*Heavenly LightsCertificate of Merit
Sue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBCamargue GallopCertificate of Merit
Ballet Dancer CubaCertificate of Merit
Alan DenisonFlour Power!Certificate of Merit
Dancing TogetherCertificate of Merit
Beautiful TrioCertificate of Merit
Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*SolitudeCertificate of Merit
Calvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*On the Windy MoorCertificate of Merit
Chris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPIcehotelCertificate of Merit
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBLooking at EweCertificate of Merit
The Red WarningCertificate of Merit
Mike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Forward LookingCertificate of Merit
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPELine Out MayhemCertificate of Merit
Andy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBFlying PeacockCertificate of Merit
TrioCertificate of Merit
Lynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*BallerinaCertificate of Merit
Stephen Harper BPE1*Feeding CuckooCertificate of Merit
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Tough GuyCertificate of Merit
Christine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSCan You Hear Me NowCertificate of Merit
Tom Jones DPAGB BPE3*On the UpCertificate of Merit
David Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPBackhand DriveCertificate of Merit
Charles Kidd EFIAPDid It Survive?Certificate of Merit
Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Frisky FellowCertificate of Merit
E J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPBourreeCertificate of Merit
Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Popped in for a CuppaCertificate of Merit
Jamie Macarthur DPAGBMillieCertificate of Merit
Gillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* AWPFTate ModernCertificate of Merit
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBPrairie SistersCertificate of Merit
Steven MeekinsFoggy Morning Dog WalkCertificate of Merit
Marcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBFreedomCertificate of Merit
Lloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Best Paw ForwardCertificate of Merit
Keith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBError of JudgementCertificate of Merit
That’s OutCertificate of Merit
Philip Newman ARPS BPE2*Dovile Kilty Jumps to WinCertificate of Merit
Tony Ng BPE4* AFIAPJust OverCertificate of Merit
John Phillips BPE2*The Night TubeCertificate of Merit
Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* AWPFDear Son . . .Certificate of Merit
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFree SpiritsCertificate of Merit
NiamhCertificate of Merit
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Between FaresCertificate of Merit
Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSAAt Full StretchCertificate of Merit
Lynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Walking in WinterCertificate of Merit
Amanda Sims CPAGB AWPF BPE2* EFIAPLeavingCertificate of Merit
Janis Spice ARPS CPAGBSummer DelightCertificate of Merit
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGBThe RunawayCertificate of Merit
David StuartHumber CrossingCertificate of Merit
Lee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSKirkjufellsfoss Northern LightsCertificate of Merit
Gordon Watson BPE3*A New York MinuteCertificate of Merit
Moon TideCertificate of Merit
David White BPE5*High Flying TackleCertificate of Merit
Lin Wyles LRPS CPAGBBy CandlelightCertificate of Merit
Peter Wyles LRPS CPAGBA Little StropCertificate of Merit
Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*381 Takes ItCertificate of Merit
Philip Young CPAGB BPE1*Daily TaskCertificate of Merit

Class B: Pictorial Monochrome Awards

Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Maximum EffortFirst
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Lone Tree, Lone WolfSecond
Robin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPGimsoy Church in SnowstormThird
Michael ByrneBerlin 56-58Judges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Christine Holt CPAGBIsland on the LakeJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Jennifer WillisShyness is Her BeautyJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Helen Otton LRPSWhite StallionCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Peter Adams LIPF BPE2*The ClownCertificate of Merit
Fiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBWild and SpiritedCertificate of Merit
Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*A Meeting in FlorenceCertificate of Merit
Sue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*The Long Train JourneyCertificate of Merit
Cyril James Boyd BPE2* PPSA LIPF LRPSAnna Rose PosedCertificate of Merit
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Shepherd in His Smoky HutCertificate of Merit
One Eye Watching MeCertificate of Merit
Robin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Brothers in ChurchillCertificate of Merit
John Paul Coe BPE2*Don’t MoveCertificate of Merit
Jennifer Crook DPAGB BPE4*BondingCertificate of Merit
David Cudworth BPE3*Between RoundsCertificate of Merit
Alan Duggan BPE2*The LookCertificate of Merit
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBOn the BeachCertificate of Merit
John Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2*The Tube TravellersCertificate of Merit
Robert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Thinking of YouCertificate of Merit
Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/s BPE4*Ruffled AutumnCertificate of Merit
Bernice Kelly AFIAPSheep in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Jim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The ChairCertificate of Merit
Mick MansfieldFelixstowe DocksCertificate of Merit
Tony Ng BPE4* AFIAPCamron Chasing OjieCertificate of Merit
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBTrees in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*What is FunnyCertificate of Merit
Jim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Misty BelvedereCertificate of Merit
David StuartSpanning the HumberCertificate of Merit
Lee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSThree in a LineCertificate of Merit
John Thorndike LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Made It to the TopCertificate of Merit
Andrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Mind the GapCertificate of Merit
Fran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE2*Pas De DeuxCertificate of Merit
Carol Watson BPE3* CPAGBHelebore TriptychCertificate of Merit
Gordon Watson BPE3*Groyne No 10Certificate of Merit
Tree and BarnCertificate of Merit
Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Contrasting StylesCertificate of Merit

Class C: Scapes Awards

Robert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPMorning GlowFirst
Paul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFWinter’s EdgeSecond
Cheryl Greenwood LRPSStorm over LuskentyreThird
Deborah HammondDancing in the FogJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
John King BPE1*On to Chrome HillJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Christopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPWinter MistJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice + Best WPS Image
Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*Snow PeaksCertificate of Merit
Liz Akers ARPS BPE2*Dawn at FlakstadCertificate of Merit
Victoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAfrican Sky at NightCertificate of Merit
Nick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBMisty MorningCertificate of Merit
Colin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Sunrise on the StourCertificate of Merit
Rosemary BuckettSt.Mark’s in the Mist, VeniceCertificate of Merit
Paul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Albatross and IcecliffCertificate of Merit
Audrey Couchman BPE1*Evening SeascapeCertificate of Merit
Robin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPSlovenian Hay BarnCertificate of Merit
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Yellowstone DawnCertificate of Merit
Philip Davis ARPSSapling in BlueCertificate of Merit
Calvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Hamnoy HarbourCertificate of Merit
Philip Durkin CPAGB BPE3*Steetley Pier UndisturbedCertificate of Merit
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBWinter LightCertificate of Merit
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSEvening Light TuscanyCertificate of Merit
Troon Beach SunsetCertificate of Merit
Tim GilbertBlue Wave, HebridesCertificate of Merit
Jackie GillmanWareham SunriseCertificate of Merit
Nigel Griffiths BPE1* CPAGBScience Park – ValenciaCertificate of Merit
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Gimsoykirke in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Ray Hems LRPSAntarctic IcebergCertificate of Merit
Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3*Sunrise Lake TiticacaCertificate of Merit
John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dividing LineCertificate of Merit
Robert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPBobby Sox TreesCertificate of Merit
Misty DawnCertificate of Merit
John King BPE1*Winter BarnsCertificate of Merit
John Richard Lethbridge LRPSDesert Sandstorm at DawnCertificate of Merit
Mary MaynardMarine Sea Pool, ClevedonCertificate of Merit
Jim Munday CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Taking a PoundingCertificate of Merit
Peter Orr ARPSFrosts Across the North Wessex DownsCertificate of Merit
Malcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Rainy Night in the CityCertificate of Merit
Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*Winter in the DalesCertificate of Merit
Claire SchreuderThe Grand Canal from Accademia BridgeCertificate of Merit
Mark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBPassing Storm, Hayden ValleyCertificate of Merit
The Rolling FieldCertificate of Merit
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Yellowstone SunriseCertificate of Merit
Julian Stelling EFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Dawn on the LakeCertificate of Merit
Jim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Stormy JokulsarlonCertificate of Merit
Hamnoy MorningCertificate of Merit
Dave Turner CPAGB BPE2* AFIAPLone Tree QuiraingCertificate of Merit
David Upton BPE2*Winter HillsCertificate of Merit
Andrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Bird WatchingCertificate of Merit
Carol Watson BPE3* CPAGBDerwent DawnCertificate of Merit
Stormy Skies over CastleriggCertificate of Merit
Gordon Watson BPE3*The Rocks and the WaterCertificate of Merit
Trump TownCertificate of Merit
Alan West CPAGBA Bit of a StormCertificate of Merit
John Arthur Robert Williams CPAGBDerwentwaterCertificate of Merit
Seahouses Harbourous WallCertificate of Merit
Anne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBMisty Morning FishingCertificate of Merit
Snow Laden TreesCertificate of Merit
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE3*Isolation No.5Certificate of Merit
Mark Wycherley CPAGBGrazing in the SnowCertificate of Merit

Class D: Creative Awards

Mark Wycherley CPAGBAll in a Day’s WorkFirst
Janine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*The HairdressersSecond
Kean Brown ARPS ABPEFowl PlayThird
Joan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSASummer DaysJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Lynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*In a Summer MeadowJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Ketan Shah CPAGB BPE1*It’s Hotting UpJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Christopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPCracked SurfacesWPS Member
Laurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFDawgCertificate of Merit
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*PlayfulCertificate of Merit
Jo Knight DPAGB AFIAPHitchhikerCertificate of Merit
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBThe PuppeteersCertificate of Merit
Corin SpinksAll InCertificate of Merit
Puss in BootsCertificate of Merit

Class E: Nature Awards

Jamie Macarthur DPAGBWild Common KestrelsFirst
Gordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Snowy Egret and FishSecond
Robin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Churchill CanadaThird
Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5*Robin Attacking a CuckooJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Ann Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Crested Tit and Coal Tit Confrontation 1Judges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPELion Cub Pouncing on Mum’s TailJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Ray Hems LRPSFish FightWPS Member
Paul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Mountain Hare PausesCertificate of Merit
Diana Graham CPAGB BPE1*Arctic FoxCertificate of Merit
Cheryl Greenwood LRPSMountain Hare in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Mountain Hare on the RunCertificate of Merit
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Looking and ListeningCertificate of Merit
Stephen Harper BPE1*Stretching Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Roller Tossing CricketCertificate of Merit
Stephen Hitchen DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Little Egret in Yellow Lillies with FrogCertificate of Merit
David Hughes ARPS CPAGBMountain HareCertificate of Merit
Christine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSSealion PupCertificate of Merit
Charles Kidd EFIAPCuckoo Robin BattleCertificate of Merit
Ian Mitchell MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE2*Stretching Yawning Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Philip Newman ARPS BPE2*Squabbling TernsCertificate of Merit
Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dalmatian Pelican AltercationCertificate of Merit
Steve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Cuckoo and CaterpillarCertificate of Merit
Ketan Shah CPAGB BPE1*Lion CubsCertificate of Merit
Pauline Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*Green Darner Escapes Snowy EgretCertificate of Merit
Jennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGBGrizzly Bear on the MoveCertificate of Merit
Colin Williams EFIAP CPAGBGreen Veined WhiteCertificate of Merit

Table of Acceptances (including awards)

Class A – Pictorial Colour (including awards)

Peter Adams LIPF BPE2*Eyes of a Clown 
 Amber Angel 
Fiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBBled Island SloveniaCertificate of Merit
Sue Adlard ARPSDawn Mist at Wareham 
Kath Aggiss BPE2*It’s a Long Way DownCertificate of Merit
 Waterhole in the NamibCertificate of Merit
Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*Next Please 
Liz Akers ARPS BPE2*Hebridean SheepCertificate of Merit
Nick Akers LRPS BPE2*On a Mission 
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE5* ARPSNo Fear 
Sue Anders BPE1*Ready and Waiting 
 Mountain Hare 
Victoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBThe TrainerSecond
Joan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSAThoughts of SummerCertificate of Merit
 Vintage PinkCertificate of Merit
Janine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*SwansCertificate of Merit
 Modern Dance 
Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Going for It (1)Third
 Venice Queen 
Alec BenwellThurne Dyke Wind Pump 
 A Wet Shirt 
Nick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBStreet Chess Game 
 Street Cat and Street Art, Havana 
Bob Bishop EFIAP/g BPE4*FishingCertificate of Merit
Gavin Bowyer ARPSCelebrating Puja at VaranasiCertificate of Merit
Colin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGBMarvell Racing 
 The Back Pass 
Roger Bradshaw BPE1*Rainy Day at the RacesCertificate of Merit
 Winter PierCertificate of Merit
Raymond Bridges ADPS CPAGB BPE3*Light and Strength 
 Moment of Impact 
Francis BryanSo Where is the HayCertificate of Merit
Christopher BurrowsA Damp Day in Oxford StreetCertificate of Merit
Paul Michael Burwood LRPSEnergyCertificate of Merit
Laurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFPlay MatesCertificate of Merit
 Make a Wish 
 Clown Face 
Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE3*Red DressCertificate of Merit
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Watching the Pot 
Matthew Canning LIPF BPE2*Hamills Piano 
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBBoardmaster 
 Racing WhippetsCertificate of Merit
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPAlmost Buried 
 Dawn LightCertificate of Merit
Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Intimidating 
Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE2*Cooling Down 
Roger Clark ARPSNew Forest Ponies in Snowstorm 
Robin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Big Cop Little Cop 
James CookeCanary Wharf Sunset 
Audrey Couchman BPE1*Heavenly LightsCertificate of Merit
 Sea Pool 
Robin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPFly Past 
Tony Cowburn LRPS ARPSMissed Train – Home Late – XX 
Sue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBCamargue GallopCertificate of Merit
 Ballet Dancer CubaCertificate of Merit
Derek Crunkhorn LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Got It 
David Cudworth BPE3*Raining Champion 
 The Time Line 
Alison Dean LRPS BPE1*The Blue DoorJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Alan DenisonFlour Power!Certificate of Merit
 Dancing TogetherCertificate of Merit
 Beautiful TrioCertificate of Merit
Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Rainy Day in GaliciaJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
 SolitudeCertificate of Merit
Calvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*On the Windy MoorCertificate of Merit
Sue Dunham CPAGB APAGBSurvival in a Harsh Winter 
 Punch and Judy Punk 
Chris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE5*Praying to Buddha 
Peter Elliston BPE2* CPAGB AFIAPLittle Drummer Boy 
Daryl FordFinmark Plateau 
Cheryl ForemanElam Portrait 
Chris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPIcehotelCertificate of Merit
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBLooking at EweCertificate of Merit
 The Red WarningCertificate of Merit
Mike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Forward LookingCertificate of Merit
 Quick on the Ball 
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSHomeward Bound 
Paul Giles CPAGBLeading the Trio 
Jackie GillmanLove is in the Air 
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPELine Out MayhemCertificate of Merit
Bob Goode LRPS EFIAP BPE1*Solitary Sail 
Bob Goodman BPE3*Winter’s Day 
Stephen Green LRPSFirst Light 
Nigel Griffiths BPE1* CPAGBJake Dixon at Clarks Corner 
Andy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGBUpside Down 
 Flying PeacockCertificate of Merit
 TrioCertificate of Merit
Lynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*BallerinaCertificate of Merit
Stephen Harper BPE1*Feeding CuckooCertificate of Merit
 Mountain Hare 
Martin Owen Henfield CPAGB BPE2*Jet Ski Jester 
 Fingertip Turn 
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Tough GuyCertificate of Merit
Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4*Just the Two of Us 
Cathy HolgateLeft OutJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
John Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2*Southwark Station 
Robert Howarth LRPS BPE3*The Cormorant Fisherman 
David Hughes ARPS CPAGBAlone 
 Cuckoo in Meadow Grasses 
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*Movement 
Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Abandon Hikers Hostel 
Martin Janes BPE3*Cuban Backstreet 
 The Industrialist 
 Night Mission 
Christine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSIslay 
 Can You Hear Me NowCertificate of Merit
Tom Jones DPAGB BPE3*On the Turn 
 On the UpCertificate of Merit
David Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPBackhand DriveCertificate of Merit
 Forward Pike 
 The Open Water Swimmer 
Jo KellyLilly-Rose 
Charles Kidd EFIAPDid It Survive?Certificate of Merit
 Cuckoo Robin Confrontation 
Ian Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Below Stairs 
Jo Knight DPAGB AFIAPDisobedient 
Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Frisky FellowCertificate of Merit
Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5*Having a Gossip 
 Beach Racer 
John Larry EFIAP/p ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Giraffe at Sunset 
Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Red Arrows Display Team 
E J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPBourreeCertificate of Merit
Kevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE3*Deyfing Gravity 
Ken Lester BPE1* CPAGBThat’s Close Enough 
Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Old, But in Good Working Order 
 Popped in for a CuppaCertificate of Merit
Jamie Macarthur DPAGBMillieCertificate of Merit
 Steam Power 
Gillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* AWPFBaker Street 
 Tate ModernCertificate of Merit
Peter McGonigal CPAGBA Hard Pull 
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBThe Blue Hour 
 Prairie SistersCertificate of Merit
 Perfect Equilibrium 
Steven MeekinsFoggy Morning Dog WalkCertificate of Merit
Marcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBFreedomCertificate of Merit
Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*No Walkies Today 
 The One That Got Away 
 Jumping Collie 
Peter Milsom EFIAP/g BPE3*Yohan Blake Anniversary Games 
Yvonne Mitchell CPAGB LRPSConfrontation 
Lloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Best Paw ForwardCertificate of Merit
 Falling at the Water Jump 
Keith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBError of JudgementCertificate of Merit
 That’s OutCertificate of Merit
Eileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBHome Alone 
 Maja and the Mannequin 
Steve Myall EFIAP BPE4*Backhand 
Philip Newman ARPS BPE2*Dovile Kilty Jumps to WinCertificate of Merit
Keith Edward Newton LRPSTourists in the Fog, Venice 
Tony Ng BPE4* AFIAPDwain and Ojie 
 Just OverCertificate of Merit
 Zara LandingFirst
Tony North BPE1*Temple Boy 
Helen Otton LRPSAfter the StormCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
 Wildebeest and Acacia Tree 
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE3* QPSAChasing Number Nine 
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE4*Graceful Leap 
 Scissors on the Pommel Horse 
Malcolm PeacockBad Hair Day 
Phil PeatThe Reds in Action 
Kenneth Peters CPAGB EFIAPYoung Blue Eyes 
John Phillips BPE2*The Night TubeCertificate of Merit
 The Steampunk Engineer 
Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* AWPFDear Son . . .Certificate of Merit
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFramed 
 Free SpiritsCertificate of Merit
 NiamhCertificate of Merit
Frances Price LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Tate Britain 
 Taking Flight 
Bob Richards CPAGBClair De Lune 
Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*Seagull and Rock 
Paul RobinsonGoing over 
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Between FaresCertificate of Merit
Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSAAt Full StretchCertificate of Merit
Ketan Shah CPAGB BPE1*Rajasthan Camel Herdsman 
Keith Sharples CPAGB BPE3*Calm Sail 
Lynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Walking in WinterCertificate of Merit
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBThrough the Gap 
Amanda Sims CPAGB AWPF BPE2* EFIAPLeavingCertificate of Merit
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*Synchronised Swimmers 
Gillian Smith CPAGBRipping the Sky 
 On the Lookout 
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*I Can’t Get Down 
Janis Spice ARPS CPAGBSummer DelightCertificate of Merit
 Dead and Dainty 
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPENeck and Neck 
Gillian SteynBoating at Sunrise 
Ian Stone DPAGB BPE3*Determination 
Joyce Streets BPE4* DPAGBThe RunawayCertificate of Merit
Mike Stringer BPE1* LRPSReady to Fight 
David StuartGreat and Small 
 Humber CrossingCertificate of Merit
Lee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSKirkjufellsfoss Northern LightsCertificate of Merit
 Lighthouse and the Milky Way 
Marilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPThe Curl 
Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Abdul and His Fan 
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE4*Small Boys at the Gallery 
Mary VenablesKerelan Sunset 
Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSSurfers Departure 
Andrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Running Forehand 
 Passing Through 
 Will He or Won’t He 
Sandra Walker AFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Who’s There 
Carol Watson BPE3* CPAGBOut in the Cold 
Gordon Watson BPE3*A New York MinuteCertificate of Merit
 Moon TideCertificate of Merit
Alan West CPAGBThe Cricketers 
David White BPE5*High Flying TackleCertificate of Merit
Jennifer WillisEthereal 
Anne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBThe Bean Seller 
Lin Wyles LRPS CPAGBBy CandlelightCertificate of Merit
Peter Wyles LRPS CPAGBA Little StropCertificate of Merit
Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*381 Takes ItCertificate of Merit
 Star of the Future 
Philip Young CPAGB BPE1*Daily TaskCertificate of Merit
Carole Zimmerman CPAGB BPE1* AFIAPGoing Down 

Class B – Pictorial Monochrome, Acceptances (including awards)

Peter Adams LIPF BPE2*In Prayer 
 The ClownCertificate of Merit
Fiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBWild and SpiritedCertificate of Merit
Kath Aggiss BPE2*Please Play with Me 
Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*A Meeting in FlorenceCertificate of Merit
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE5* ARPSFalling on Deaf Ears 
William Edward Allen CPAGB BPE1*Guitar Man 
Victoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAndalusian Stallion 
 Borzoi Portrait 
Fred Archer BPE2* CPAGBIntertwine 
Graham Barber LRPSThe Kiss 
Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3*Railings 
Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Eleanor 
Ellen BellThe Ladykiller 
Alec BenwellUrban Solitude 
Nick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBTrinidad Street at Sunset 
Sue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*The Long Train JourneyCertificate of Merit
David Boam LRPS BPE1*Tower of Power 
Cyril James Boyd BPE2* PPSA LIPF LRPSAnna Rose PosedCertificate of Merit
Colin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Misty Stour 
 Exmoor Ponies in the Mist 
Raymond Bridges ADPS CPAGB BPE3*Grace and Strength 
Ken Bunch CPAGB BPE3*Let’s Dance 
 Power Slide 
Paul Michael Burwood LRPSWoof, Woof 
Michael ByrneBerlin 56-58Judges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
 Ride by 
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Shepherd in His Smoky HutCertificate of Merit
 One Eye Watching MeCertificate of Merit
Paul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Lurcher in Full Flight 
Andrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Number One 
 Portuguese Fado Singer 
 400 Metre Winner Kirani James 
Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*I Wonder Who He is 
Robin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*Brothers in ChurchillCertificate of Merit
 Mum and Cubs Churchill 
John Paul Coe BPE2*Don’t MoveCertificate of Merit
Steve Collins BPE1*Finishing Touches 
Audrey Couchman BPE1*Winter Fishing Huts 
Robin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPGimsoy Church in SnowstormThird
David Cowsill CPAGB BPE2*Round One 
Stephen Coyne BPE2* CPAGBEvening Stroll 
Joyce CresswellDoube Exposure 
Sue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBRialto Bridge 
Jennifer Crook DPAGB BPE4*BondingCertificate of Merit
David Cudworth BPE3*Between RoundsCertificate of Merit
 Gladiators in the Bear Pit 
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Lone Tree, Lone WolfSecond
Alison Dean LRPS BPE1*Daisies 
Andrew Donkin BPE1*Lytham Jetty 
Alan Duggan BPE2*The LookCertificate of Merit
Niall Ferguson LRPS CPAGBHunting the Wave Dolphin 
Chris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPTree at Wanaka 
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBOn the BeachCertificate of Merit
Richard FulcherShe Flies Like a Bird 
Roger Geldard BPE2*Concentration 
 Eye Contact 
Mike Gibbens CPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Get Him 
Anne Given DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE4*Fighter 
Billy Gow BPE3*Vase and Tulip 
Andy Gutteridge BPE5* EFIAP/g CPAGB6am Fallas Firecrackers 
Lynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Holly 
 I Am She, She is Me 
Callum Harrison BPE1*Train Hard 
Steve Hatch BPE2* CPAGBStraight Right 
Beverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Dripping in Mud 
 That Sinking Feeling 
Garry Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Gritty Weightlifter 
 Watching for the Ball 
Ann Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Stairway to Heaven 
 Way Out 
Ray Hems LRPSVenetian View 
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Sorry 
 Blaydon Highjumper 
Lorraine Hinks CPAGBPlease Sir, Can I Read Some More 
 Dancing with Flour 
Christine Holt CPAGBIsland on the LakeJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
John Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2*The Tube TravellersCertificate of Merit
Robert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Thinking of YouCertificate of Merit
David Hughes ARPS CPAGBThe Black Church 
Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/s BPE4*Ruffled AutumnCertificate of Merit
Malcolm Jenkin EFIAP/d1 GMPSA/s CPAGB BPE4*Miriam and Rope 
Christine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSRugby in the Snow 
 Social Media 
Bernice Kelly AFIAPSheep in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Jo KellyDorothy 
Neil Kingsbury BPE2* CPAGB EFIAPAlmost Down 
Peter Lawrence EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Lago Antiono, Dolomites 
Jim Laws LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*The ChairCertificate of Merit
George Lill CPAGBAnother Damn War 
Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*Sometimes There are Just Too Many Steps 
Tracey Lund LRPS CPAGB QPSARunning Wild 
Stan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Waiting for the Train 
Brian Maguire LRPSOne Way Traffic 
 Storm Watch 
Mick MansfieldFelixstowe DocksCertificate of Merit
Peter McGonigal CPAGBUnconditional Love 
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBTwenties Elegance 
 Splashing Through 
Marcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBDaydreaming 
Kieran MetcalfeThe Little Bridge and Small Fall 
Peter Milsom EFIAP/g BPE3*Let’s Do This 
Lloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Well Clear 
Gareth MorganThe Ghost Crew 
Keith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBFending Off the Challenge 
Eileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBSchool’s Out 
Tony Ng BPE4* AFIAPCamron Chasing OjieCertificate of Merit
Helen Otton LRPSWhite StallionCertificate of Merit + Best WPS Image
Noel Patterson DPAGB BPE4*The High Serve 
Malcolm PeacockPraying Nun 
Phil PeatLast Ones Home 
John Phillips BPE2*Lone Rider 
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBMemories 
Frances Price LRPS CPAGB BPE1*The Pose 
Steve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*110m Hurdles – Curtis Mathews 
Marion Rapier ARPS BPE4* EFIAP/sArched 
Bob Richards CPAGBBig Sister 
Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*The Printer 
Gwladys Roberts EFIAP CPAGB BPE1* AWPFChip Supper 
Pauline Rumsey AFIAPWhite on Black 
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Dinner Time 
 The Kindly Dentist 
Mick Sayer ARPS BPE3*Eggs 
Claire SchreuderSerious Game 
Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSABad News 
Paul Screen BPE1*Down and Round 
Ketan Shah CPAGB BPE1*The Srum 
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP ABPEBy Lamp Light 
 Rembering Ada 
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBTrees in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Sharon Sims CPAGBThe Black Sheep 
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*The Dismount 
Karen Smalley BPE1*Hayden 
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*What is FunnyCertificate of Merit
Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE5* ARPSKeeping in Step 
Janis Spice ARPS CPAGBLainey 
Corin SpinksWalk On By 
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPEEngland Leads 
Jim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Misty BelvedereCertificate of Merit
Stuart Strachan BPE3*Easy Riders 
 Full Throttle 
David StuartSpanning the HumberCertificate of Merit
Lee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSSwerved 
 Three in a LineCertificate of Merit
Paul Sutton BPE2*Beauty and the Beast 
Marilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPDomination 
 The Man in the Merkato 
Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Living in Fear 
John Thorndike LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Made It to the TopCertificate of Merit
Christine Tidman EFIAP CPAGB AWPFAll in the Crystal Ball 
Chris Tostevin-Hall LRPSHigh Tide 
Robert Turley CPAGB BPE2* QPSADean 
David Upton BPE2*The Rower 
Ken Wade DPAGB BPE5* LRPSHop Step & Jump 
Andrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Mind the GapCertificate of Merit
 Aldgate East 
Fran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE2*Pas De DeuxCertificate of Merit
Paul Warburton LRPSAnita 
Carol Watson BPE3* CPAGBHelebore TriptychCertificate of Merit
Gordon Watson BPE3*Groyne No 10Certificate of Merit
 Tree and BarnCertificate of Merit
 We Built This City 
Eileen R Wilkinson ARPS CPAGB AFIAPWindow Light 
Jennifer WillisShyness is Her BeautyJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Peter Wilson BPE1*Midnight Deadline 
Anne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBDomino Players 
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE3*White Hut 
Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Contrasting StylesCertificate of Merit
 Maximum EffortFirst

Class C – Scapes, Acceptances (including awards)

Fiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBDovercourt 
 Morning Light Hamnoy 
Terri Adcock LRPS CPAGB AFIAP PPSAAnti Submarine Boon 
Kath Aggiss BPE2*Sand Dunes 
Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2*Snow PeaksCertificate of Merit
Liz Akers ARPS BPE2*Dawn at FlakstadCertificate of Merit
 Sea Fog 
Nick Akers LRPS BPE2*Lofoten Fishing Station 
William Edward Allen CPAGB BPE1*Lighthouse 
Victoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBAfrican Sky at NightCertificate of Merit
David Robert Balcombe ARPS CPAGB BPE1*Misty Start 
Janine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Winter Sunset 
Nick Berentzen BPE1* CPAGBMisty MorningCertificate of Merit
Sue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Tuscan Mist 
David Boam LRPS BPE1*Sweep 
Colin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Frosty Start to the Day 
 Sunrise on the StourCertificate of Merit
Kean Brown ARPS ABPEBeachline 
Rosemary BuckettSt.Mark’s in the Mist, VeniceCertificate of Merit
Sheana Cameron BPE1*In the Pink, Scarista 
Andrew Carter LRPS CPAGBSurrounded by Snow 
Paul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Albatross and IcecliffCertificate of Merit
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBAurora over the Smoke Houses 
Andrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Northern Lights 
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPEvening Shadows 
Steve Collins BPE1*Winter’s Walk 
Audrey Couchman BPE1*Evening SeascapeCertificate of Merit
 Uttakleiv Beach 
Robin Couchman LRPS BPE3* AFIAPSlovenian Hay BarnCertificate of Merit
Stephen Coyne BPE2* CPAGBHalong Bay Scene 
Michael Crack CPAGBBeeleigh Weir 
 Moon over Heybridge 
Nicholas Culbert LRPSFreezing River 
Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Thermal Spring, Yellowstone 
 Yellowstone DawnCertificate of Merit
Philip Davis ARPSSapling in BlueCertificate of Merit
Andrew Donkin BPE1*Across the Bay 
Calvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Water Swirls 
 Hamnoy HarbourCertificate of Merit
Philip Durkin CPAGB BPE3*Steetley Pier UndisturbedCertificate of Merit
Gavin Duxbury BPE2*Misty Norfolk Dawn 
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/p ABPE APAGBWinter LightCertificate of Merit
 Light in the Storm 
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSEvening Light TuscanyCertificate of Merit
 Troon Beach SunsetCertificate of Merit
Tim GilbertBlue Wave, HebridesCertificate of Merit
 Sand Patterns, Bay of Laig 
Jackie GillmanWareham SunriseCertificate of Merit
Anne Given DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE4*Frozen 
Bob Given MPAGB EPSA EFIAP ABPEThe Hemisphere, Valencia 
Stephen Green LRPSWinter Sunset Yosemite Valley 
 Morning Mist 
 Dolomite Dawn 
Cheryl Greenwood LRPSStorm over LuskentyreThird
Nigel Griffiths BPE1* CPAGBScience Park – ValenciaCertificate of Merit
Deborah HammondDancing in the FogJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Gimsoykirke in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
Trevor HarveyEntering the Lake District 
Paul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFWinter’s EdgeSecond
Ann Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Durdle Door 
 Swanage Old Pier 
Ray Hems LRPSAntarctic IcebergCertificate of Merit
 Budir Church 
Jim Hill CPAGB BPE4*River Coupal and Buachaille Etive Mor 
David Hodgson DPAGB BPE3*Morning Mist over Rice Terraces 
Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3*Sunrise Lake TiticacaCertificate of Merit
David Hollingsworth CPAGBWinter Beach Dance 
Christine Holt CPAGBWinter in Lake Bled 
 Skeleton Trees 
John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Dividing LineCertificate of Merit
Robert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Summer in the Paddy Fields 
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*Minimalist 
Robert Humphreys BPE2* DPAGB AFIAPBobby Sox TreesCertificate of Merit
 Misty DawnCertificate of Merit
 Morning GlowFirst
John King BPE1*On to Chrome HillJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
 Winter BarnsCertificate of Merit
Ken Lester BPE1* CPAGBEarly Morning on the River 
John Richard Lethbridge LRPSDesert Sandstorm at DawnCertificate of Merit
Steve LobleyEvening Light 
 Greenland Long Berg 
David Lyon EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE3*River Mole in Winter 
Christopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPJanuary Sun 
 Winter MistJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice + Best WPS Image
Mary MaynardMarine Sea Pool, ClevedonCertificate of Merit
Marcia Mellor ABPE DPAGBGlen Etive Autumn 
Matt Morrow BPE3*Undulatus Asperatus Clouds 
Jim Munday CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Taking a PoundingCertificate of Merit
Tony North BPE1*Winter Peaks 
Peter Orr ARPSEvening Light over Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica 
 Frosts Across the North Wessex DownsCertificate of Merit
Dawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Kicking Horse Rapids 
 Sunrise on Pyramid Mountain 
Helen Otton LRPSSunrise at Jokulsarlon 
Swales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4*Loch Achtriochtan 
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE3* QPSAIce Beach Sunrise 
John Phillips BPE2*Foggy Tideway 
Malcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Rainy Night in the CityCertificate of Merit
Marion Rapier ARPS BPE4* EFIAP/sThe Trek Down 
 Window in the Iceberg 
John Reed BPE3* DPAGB ARPSMorning Ferry 
 Morning Tide 
Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE5*Winter in the DalesCertificate of Merit
Claire SchreuderThe Grand Canal from Accademia BridgeCertificate of Merit
 Rush Hour in Venice 
Lynda Sharples CPAGB BPE2*Nefyn Bay 
 Sunlight over the Water 
Ivan ShawThe Foot of the Falls 
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBSkeletal Trees Yellowstone 
Mark Sims BPE3* LRPS CPAGBPassing Storm, Hayden ValleyCertificate of Merit
 The Rolling FieldCertificate of Merit
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*Winterscape 
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Yellowstone SunriseCertificate of Merit
 Dead Trees in the Snow 
Cliff Spooner LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Breaking Through the Mist 
Julian Stelling EFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Dawn on the LakeCertificate of Merit
Brian Stephenson DPAGB ABPEDerwentwater Dawn 
 Dawn Paradise Bay 
Jim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Stormy JokulsarlonCertificate of Merit
 Hamnoy MorningCertificate of Merit
Gillian SteynMisty Autumn Morning 
 Snowfall in the Meadow 
Stuart Strachan BPE3*Winter Mountain 
Barry Thompson LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Porthleven Storm Ophelia 
Chris Tostevin-Hall LRPSOn the Rocks 
Dave Turner CPAGB BPE2* AFIAPLone Tree QuiraingCertificate of Merit
Andrew UdallSnowfields 
David Upton BPE2*Winter HillsCertificate of Merit
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE4*First Light St. Primus Church 
Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Golden Hour 
Andrew Wainwright LRPS BPE2*Bird WatchingCertificate of Merit
Terry Walters EFIAPSunset Drive 
Carol Watson BPE3* CPAGBDerwent DawnCertificate of Merit
 Stormy Skies over CastleriggCertificate of Merit
Gordon Watson BPE3*The Rocks and the WaterCertificate of Merit
 Trump TownCertificate of Merit
Alan West CPAGBA Bit of a StormCertificate of Merit
 The Waves Crash in 
Peter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBElephant Island 
 Fragile Earth 
 The Blue Pool 
John Arthur Robert Williams CPAGBDerwentwaterCertificate of Merit
 Seahouses Harbourous WallCertificate of Merit
Kevin WilliamsWareham Quays 
 Point Duty-1 
Karin Wilson ARPS DPAGB BPE4* EFIAPSolitude 
Anne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBEarly Morning Fishing 
 Misty Morning FishingCertificate of Merit
 Snow Laden TreesCertificate of Merit
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB FWPFHon. BPE3*Isolation No.5Certificate of Merit
Mark Wycherley CPAGBGrazing in the SnowCertificate of Merit

Class D – Creative, Acceptances (including awards)

David Adamson BPE3* EFIAPGuardians of the Forest 
Verity Assad OND CPAGBAlice and Friends 
Joan Austin BPE2* AFIAP CPAGB QPSADearest Mama 
 Summer DaysJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Brian Baker EFIAP/b LRPS CPAGBEnd of Season 
Janine Ball ARPS DPAGB BPE3*The HairdressersSecond
Jane Barrett DPAGB BPE2*Speed 
David Boam LRPS BPE1*Martian Expeditionary Force 
 Bootleggers Last Run 
Kean Brown ARPS ABPEFowl PlayThird
 Swan Lake 
Laurie Campbell AFIAP AIPFPast Times 
 DawgCertificate of Merit
Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Steam Master 
 Sweeney Todd 
Audrey Couchman BPE1*Golden Birch 
Mike Cowdrey EFIAP MPSA MPAGB ARPSThe Lonely Forest 
Jennifer Crook DPAGB BPE4*Alice in Winter Wonderland 
David Cudworth BPE3*Norseman 
Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE5*Victorian Peeler 
Neil Davies-MckayStrasidlo of the Underground 
Graham DeaconEllie Umbrella 
Peter Elliston BPE2* CPAGB AFIAPWhere Alice Met the Mad Hatter 
Chris Forster DPAGB FBPE MFIAPThe Long Walk Home 
Richard FulcherGraveyard Shift 
Barrie Glover ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Smoke Bunnies 
Lynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*In a Summer MeadowJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
 Stand Off 
 Young Giraffes Playing 
Paul Hassell MPAGB ABPE FIPFAt Rest 
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*The Fifth Horseman 
 PlayfulCertificate of Merit
Robert Howarth LRPS BPE3*Time to Meet Your Maker 
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*Solitude 
Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/p GMPSA/s BPE4*Godiva in Fireworks 
Robert Jones EFIAP/g BPE4*A Bunch of Bankers 
David Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPDiscovery of the Murder Weapon 
John King BPE1*Out of This World 
Ian Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Cycling is Dangerous 
 Ivory Flame 
Catherine KneeWild Splash 
Jo Knight DPAGB AFIAPHitchhikerCertificate of Merit
 On the Shelf 
 Pink Flamingo 
E J Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAPInto Battle 
Kevin Leah LRPS AFIAP BPE3*The Master 
Christopher Maidens LRPS CPAGB AFIAPCracked SurfacesWPS Member
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Super Moon 
Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE3*No Shy Girl 
 Time to Say Goodbye 
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE2* CPAGBPierrot 
 The PuppeteersCertificate of Merit
Lloyd Moore CPAGB BPE3*Blue Moon 
 Feeding Nuts to the Young 
Eileen Murray EFIAP/s ABPE DPAGBThe Greatest Showman 
Philip Newman ARPS BPE2*When the Night Falls 
 The Bone Collector 
 The Calling 
Tony Ng BPE4* AFIAPMiddle Earth Warriors 
 Perfect Storm 
Paul Parkinson LRPS CPAGBShe Was Taken Too Soon 
Kenneth Peters CPAGB EFIAPKeira – Head Spin 
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/g BPE5* DPAGBFly Free 
Steve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Siren’s Song 
Bob Richards CPAGBSnip 
Ketan Shah CPAGB BPE1*It’s Hotting UpJudges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBVenice Impression 
Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE5* ARPSThe First Breakfast 
Janis Spice ARPS CPAGBButterfly 
Corin SpinksAll InCertificate of Merit
 Puss in BootsCertificate of Merit
 The Last Stand 
Nick StewartBeach Dreams 
Gillian SteynHalloween Horror 
David StuartFading Flowers 
Marilyn Taylor ARPS DPAGB FSWPP AFIAPTwisting Into the Light 
Angela Thompson CPAGB BPE3*Into the Deep 
 Lost in Time 
Ron TrevisBluebell 
Brian Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAir Sea Rescue 
 No Time for Joking! 
Susan Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPAce of Hearts to Win 
Mary VenablesEssence of Agistri 
Paul Warburton LRPSYou are Not Alone 
Gordon Watson BPE3*Remembering 
David White BPE5*Return of the Tern 
Colin Williams EFIAP CPAGBThe Spaceman 
Mark Wycherley CPAGB[ Insert Title Here ] 
 All in a Day’s WorkFirst

Class E – Nature, Acceptances (including awards)

Fiona Adamson LRPS CPAGBA Good Catch 
 Foraging Icelandic Fox 
Terri Adcock LRPS CPAGB AFIAP PPSACuckoo in Flight 
 Waiting for the Fish 
Kath Aggiss BPE2*Black-Winged Stilt Landing 
Liz Akers ARPS BPE2*Fighting Arctic Terns 
Nick Akers LRPS BPE2*Kingfisher and Stickleback – Eye to Eye 
Sue Anders BPE1*Black Grouse 
 Heron with Fish 
 Mating Common Blues 
Victoria Andrews BPE2* DPAGBRhino Chase 
Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE3*Squabbling Starlings 
Janice Barton CPAGB BPE4*Peregrine 
 Fox with Dinner 
Lesley Betts CPAGBEvening Light at the Fallow Deer Rut 
Adrian Binney LRPSWildebeest Got Too Close to the Cliff 
Michael BlacknellAshy Mining Bee 
 Standing Tall 
Sue Blythe LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Morning Stretch 
Colin Bradshaw BPE3* CPAGBFour Spotted Chaser in Early Morning Sunlight 
Gordon Bramham MPAGB MPSA EFIAP/p ARPSPelican Miss 
Colin Brett CPAGB BPE2*Wolf Taking a Drink 
Chris Briggs CPAGB BPE2*Long Eared Owl 
 The Hare Gang 
 Winter Hare 
Maggie Bullock ARPS CPAGB BPE1*Wild Kestrel Taking Flight 
Paul Carter LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Mountain Hare PausesCertificate of Merit
 Two Polar Bear Cubs After Eating 
Rachel Carter LRPS BPE2* CPAGBFollowing Mum’s Footprints 
 Red Footed Falcons Mating 
Andrea Caws CPAGB BPE3*Chasing Elephants 
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAPYoung Stonechats Quarreling 
 Striated Caracaras with Dead Penguin 
Janice Clark LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Mycena Inclinata 
Robin Claydon ARPS CPAGB DPAGB BPE2*A Mother’s Love 
 Bear Cub Churchill 
 Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Churchill CanadaThird
Trevor Clifford ARPSSanderlings 
Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE5*Robin Attacking a CuckooJudges’ Commendation – Caroline’s choice
 Sparrowhawk with Mouse 
John Paul Coe BPE2*Lion Couple, Etosha 
Sue Critchlow ARPS BPE1* CPAGBRed Squirrel 
Nicholas Culbert LRPSSnow Monkey (Macaque Fuscata) 
Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE5*Male Kestrel Making Kill 
Calvin Downes EFIAP/s BPE3*Autumn Dawn Geese 
 Little Egret Preening 
Norman FergusonAlert Red Grouse 
Michael Foster BPE3* CPAGBPuffin in the Pouring Rain 
Kate FridaySuper Squirrel 
 Inspecting the Manicure 
Roger Geldard BPE2*Bee-Eater Dispute 
 Northern Goshawk with Prey 
 Hoopoe Feeding Chick 
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE4* LRPSCruel Embrace 
Paul Giles CPAGBWren with Prey 
Diana Graham CPAGB BPE1*Arctic FoxCertificate of Merit
Martin GrayLeopard in the Masai Mara Rain 
Sue Green ARPS DPAGB BPE1*Solitude 
 Family Time (Acinonyx Jubatus) 
 Hot Springs Indulgence 
Cheryl Greenwood LRPSMountain Hare in a SnowstormCertificate of Merit
 Mountain Hare on the RunCertificate of Merit
Julie Patricia Hall CPAGB BPE1*Red Dune Fox in Snowfall 
William HallCubs Play While Mum Sleeps 
 Hyena with Victim’s Leg 
Deborah HammondSpectactular Rust Gill 
Lynda Haney DPAGB BPE3*Peregrine Falcon 
Richard Anthony Harding EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Looking and ListeningCertificate of Merit
 Watching Its World Disappear 
Stephen Harper BPE1*Osprey Fishing 
 Stretching Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Steve Hatch BPE2* CPAGBGolden Plover Amongst Blue Pebbles 
Beverly Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Kingfisher Dispute 
 Royal Python Snake 
Garry Hayes LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Goshawk with Pheasant 
 Yemen Chameleon 
Ann Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*Crested Tit and Coal Tit Confrontation 1Judges’ Commendation – Tony’s choice
 Juvenile Baltimore Orioles Squabbling 
 White-Faced Capuchin, Costa Rican Rainforest 
Tim Hearn AFIAP CPAGBBlack Veined White Butterflies 
Ray Hems LRPSFish FightWPS Member
Duncan S K Hill EFIAP/p MPAGB BPE5*Roller Tossing CricketCertificate of Merit
 Red Footed Falcons Mating 
Stephen Hitchen DPAGB AFIAP BPE4*Avocet in Flight 
 Little Egret in Yellow Lillies with FrogCertificate of Merit
David Hodgson DPAGB BPE3*Grey Wolves in Yellowstone 
Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE3*Goshawk with Kill 
David Howse CPAGBDalmatian Pelicans Feeding 
David Hughes ARPS CPAGBMountain HareCertificate of Merit
Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Little Owl with Prey 
Trevor Hupton ARPS DPAGDKingfisher with Catch 
Christine Johnson BPE5* DPAGB LRPSSealion PupCertificate of Merit
 Waxwing Taking Flight 
Eileen Jones CPAGB BPE2*A Pair of Kestrels 
Yealand Kalfayan BPSA QPSA BPE1*Dark Green Fritillary Feeding on Dung 
David Keep ARPS ABPE DPAGB AFIAPLemon Shark, Grand Bahamas 
 North American Manatee, Crystal River, Florida 
Charles Kidd EFIAPOsprey Catching Fish 
 Cuckoo Robin BattleCertificate of Merit
John King BPE1*Blowing in the Wind 
 Peregrine Falcon the Pheasant Plucker 
Peter Knight LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Peregrine Falcon 
Atul M KshirsagarEye Contact 
Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE5*Male Green Woodpecker 
 Golden Eagle on Pine Martin 
John Richard Lethbridge LRPSFox Hunting for Mice, Yellowstone National Park 
Michael Lown CPAGBRunning Little Owl 
 Kingfisher Preening 
 Arctic Fox 
Tracey Lund LRPS CPAGB QPSAOn the Run 
Jamie Macarthur DPAGBRed-Footed Falcons Mating 
 Wild Common KestrelsFirst
Dee Maddams LRPS CPAGBBlack Vultures Dispute 
 Red Deer Stag 
Stan Maddams LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Gannet with Nesting Material 
 Mayfly at Rest 
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4*Male Banded Demoiselle 
Tony MatthewsYoung Brown Hare in the Grass 
Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE4*Robber Fly 
 Yellow Dung Fly 
Gordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Snowy Egret and FishSecond
Ian Mitchell MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE2*Stag in Morning Dew 
 Female Pine Marten 
 Stretching Yawning Mountain HareCertificate of Merit
Keith Mountford BPE4* DPAGBSprinting Sanderling 
Philip Newman ARPS BPE2*Squabbling TernsCertificate of Merit
 Red Grouse on Heather 
 Spotted Redshank Stretching 1 
Sue O’Connell EFIAP/p ARPS BPE5* DPAGBTwo Jaguars at Water’s Edge 
Norman O’Neill EFIAP DPAGB BPE4*Praying Mantis Displaying 
 Grey Heron with Catch 
Peter Orr ARPSKing Penguins on South Georgia 
Dawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Redshank Calling 
 White Morph Reddish Egret Canopy Fishing Behaviour 
Swales Parry DPAGB ARPS BPE4*Arctic Tern – Warning 
 Gannet – for the Nest 
Martin Patten LRPS CPAGB BPE3* QPSADalmatian Pelican Sunset 
Mike Pockney FDPS BPE2*Cuckoo Wasp on Bramble 
Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE5* AWPFProtecting the Young 
Keith Polwin ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Black-Headed Gull with Fish 
 Dalmatian Pelican AltercationCertificate of Merit
Steve Proctor DPAGB BPE4*Cuckoo and CaterpillarCertificate of Merit
 Little Owl Approaches Grub 
Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB HonPAGBHyena Poised to Attack 
Lynn Rix DPAGB BPE1*Red Squirrel, Scotland 
Lesley Robb BPE2*Mountain Hare 
Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5*Running Sanderling with Sea Slater 
John Stephen ScholeyMad March Hares 
Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5* AFIAP PPSAKestrel with Prey 
Paul Screen BPE1*Bowing Kingfisher 
Vincent Scriven LRPS CPAGBMale Kingfisher 
Ketan Shah CPAGB BPE1*Lion CubsCertificate of Merit
Karen Smalley BPE1*Kestrel and Its Prey 
Judy Smith AFIAP LRPS DPAGB BPE4*Brown Bear Family, Finland 
Gary SpicerTree Pipit v Great Tit 
Jim Stevenson CPAGB BPE1*Sanderling 
Ian Stone DPAGB BPE3*Cheetah and Cubs 
Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Spiked Shield Bug with Prey 
Stuart Strachan BPE3*Cuckoo 
Lee Sutton DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP LRPSGoshawk Devouring a Blackbird 
Paul Sutton BPE2*Scorpion Fly 
Neil Thomas CPAGB AWPFA Pair of Hoopoes 
Colin Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*White Ibis Immature 3 
Pauline Thornhill DPAGB BPE2*Coyote Rolls on Dead Raccoon 
 Green Darner Escapes Snowy EgretCertificate of Merit
Diane Thurlow BPE1*Mountain Hare in Falling Snow 
 Mountain Hare Yawning 
 Red Squirrel, Cairngorms 
Chris Tostevin-Hall LRPSSphaeroceridae Species 
Susan Trout LRPS BPE3* AFIAPBlack Crowned Cranes 
Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE4*Common Tern Hunting Mayfly 
Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Catch of the Day 
Jennifer Margaret Webster BPE3* DPAGBGrizzly Bear on the MoveCertificate of Merit
Alan West CPAGBA Marbled Godwit 
Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP/s ABPEHyena with Buffalo Leg 
 Lion Cub Pouncing on Mum’s TailJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
 Alert Cheetah Mother 
Peter Whitehead BPE2* CPAGBRed Fox on the Hunt 
 Steller’s Sea Eagle on Ice 
 Swans in the Mist 
Colin Williams EFIAP CPAGBGreen Veined WhiteCertificate of Merit
Karin Wilson ARPS DPAGB BPE4* EFIAPSpoon-Winged Lacewing 
 Bee-Eaters Dispute 
Anne Woodington BPE2* DPAGBCanadian Lynx Juvenile 
Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*Male Common Blue Damselfly 4 
Philip Young CPAGB BPE1*Indian Roller 
 Tiger with Kill 
Carole Zimmerman CPAGB BPE1* AFIAPGolden Orb Spider 

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