WNE Results 2017 July

Winchester National Exhibition 2017

Acceptances and Awards


Class : A – People Awards Full Class – People Acceptances
Glyn Paton LRPSHoly BeggarFirst
Chris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE4*Cuban MommaSecond
Julian Stelling CPAGB BPE2*Going UnderThird
Paul Hassell MPAGB BPE4*DeterminationJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Lynda Morris LRPS CPAGBWalking with UmbrellasJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
Brian Stephenson DPAGB BPE5*HardevJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
Glyn Paton LRPSHoly BeggarBest WPS Image – The Irving Cup
Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*InspirationalCertificate of Merit
 The HandsCertificate of Merit
Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE1*The DancerCertificate of Merit
Alan Duggan BPE2*Lady of the ManorCertificate of Merit
Jeanette Duncan EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*In the Style of VettrianoCertificate of Merit
Adrian LinesWelcome to the WorkhouseCertificate of Merit
Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS LIPF BPE2*Brother GeraldCertificate of Merit
Marcia Mellor BPE4*Rain Stops PlayCertificate of Merit
Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE5* AWPFIt’s All Going SwimminglyCertificate of Merit
Steve Myall EFIAP BPE4*Ivory FlameCertificate of Merit
Sue O’Connell ARPS EFIAP/g BPE4* DPAGBNo ParkingCertificate of Merit
Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/b BPE3*The Lighthouse Keeper’s DaughterCertificate of Merit
David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAPAfter School ClubCertificate of Merit
 The AnaesthetistCertificate of Merit
Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Wasn’t UsCertificate of Merit
Class : B – Landscape Awards Full Class – Landscapes Acceptances
Ron Lines CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* AWPFThe BoathouseFirst
David Keep LRPS BPE3*Aurora over HamnoySecond
Paul Smith BPE3*Dawn on the River StourThird
David Byrne MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Testing DefencesJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
Robin Couchman BPE1*Lake BledJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB AWPFIce TrioJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Eric Blake LRPSCranes in the MistBest WPS Image – The Pendreigh Cup
Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/s BPE5* APAGBAtlantic StormCertificate of Merit
 Wall of WaterCertificate of Merit
Barrie Glover DPAGB BPE3*Belvedere DawnCertificate of Merit
Garry Hayes CPAGB BPE2*Cromer Pier at DuskCertificate of Merit
Jim Hill CPAGB BPE3*San Giorgio MaggioreCertificate of Merit
Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE3*Waiting Out the WinterCertificate of Merit
Robert Hume BPE2*Windermere DawnCertificate of Merit
Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Stokksnes PeninsulaCertificate of Merit
Jill MeedsHebridean DreamCertificate of Merit
 Frosty LakesideCertificate of Merit
Marion Rapier ARPS EFIAP BPE3*Trek Across the GlacierCertificate of Merit
Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*LuskentyreCertificate of Merit
Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBDawn, Bosque Del ApacheCertificate of Merit
Paul Smith BPE3*A Winter’s Morning in Constable CountryCertificate of Merit
Joyce Streets BPE3* DPAGBThe TwisterCertificate of Merit
Sue Trower FRPS CPAGBCool Blue WinterCertificate of Merit
 SuspendedCertificate of Merit
Class : C – Open Awards Full Class – Open Acceptances
E J Lazenby LRPSDusty RebellionFirst
Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPEPlayful NipSecond
Joan Blease MPAGB ABPE EFIAP/bGolden GirlThird
Dan Beecroft CPAGB BPE2*Playing with DeathJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*She’s Texting Above AgainJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
Katrina Mee BPE2*FantasiaJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Sally GoldenIcelandic AdventureBest WPS Image – The Wykeham Cup
Joan Austin PSA1*In ConversationCertificate of Merit
Phillip BarberHare DisputeCertificate of Merit
 Hair of the DogCertificate of Merit
 MorrisCertificate of Merit
Joan Blease MPAGB ABPE EFIAP/bHaunted SolitudeCertificate of Merit
David Byrne MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Riding His LuckCertificate of Merit
Reg Clark LRPS BPE2*Pre-Raphaelite DreamCertificate of Merit
Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE4*Like Wot You See Sir?Certificate of Merit
Doug Crockett ARPS AFIAPThe King’s MessengerCertificate of Merit
Calvin Downes EFIAP BPE1*Keeping an EyeCertificate of Merit
Jim Duncan ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Neighbourhood WatchCertificate of Merit
Adrian LinesApocalyptic ExplorerCertificate of Merit
Jane M Lines MPAGB BPE5*Roll UpCertificate of Merit
Jon Mee BPE3*Two PoniesCertificate of Merit
Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE5* AWPFBattered CodCertificate of Merit
Tony Ng AFIAP BPE3*Guiding Light – 476Certificate of Merit
Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*In for a DipCertificate of Merit
Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*Determined to ScoreCertificate of Merit
Fran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE1*Swan LakeCertificate of Merit
Sandra Walker AFIAPMischkahCertificate of Merit
Christine Willis BPE3* CPAGBI Wanted ThatCertificate of Merit
Class : D – Nature Awards Full Class – Nature Acceptances 
Diane Jackson CPAGB BPE3*Wild Dogs Confront Young RhinoFirst
Phillip BarberJuvenile Starling SquabbleSecond
Lesley Robb BPE1*Mountain Hare YawningThird
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Immature Common Blue DamselflyJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
Judi Neachell LRPSFlesh FlyJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP ABPECheetah with FamilyJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGBArctic ReindeerBest WPS Image – The Duma Trophy
David Adamson BPE3* AFIAPMating House MartinsCertificate of Merit
Phillip BarberMarch HaresCertificate of Merit
Sue Blythe LRPS BPE3*The LeapCertificate of Merit
Roger Clark ARPSAdult Emperor Penguin and Three ChicksCertificate of Merit
 Emperor Penguin Parents with Hungry ChickCertificate of Merit
Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPSSuccessful DiveCertificate of Merit
Barrie Glover DPAGB BPE3*Barn Owl HuntingCertificate of Merit
Alan Grant DPAGB BPE4*Mating Bee-EatersCertificate of Merit
Jenny Hibbert EFIAP MPAGBAfter the FishCertificate of Merit
Stephen Hitchen CPAGB BPE3*Sparrow v GreenfinchCertificate of Merit
Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE3*Cheetah and CubCertificate of Merit
Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE2*Egg-Dropping LocustsCertificate of Merit
Graham Jones EFIAP/p ABPE DPAGBGentoo Return from Stormy SeaCertificate of Merit
Martin JumpAdult Starling AggressionCertificate of Merit
Angela Lord MrsAnhinga with CatchCertificate of Merit
Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*German Wasp and MitesCertificate of Merit
Gordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Osprey NestCertificate of Merit
Matt Morrow BPE3*Black JaguarCertificate of Merit
David Neale AFIAP BPE2*Polar Bear and CubsCertificate of Merit
Ken Rasmussen ARPS BPE1*Gentoo Penguin Leaping AshoreCertificate of Merit
George Reekie ABPE DPAGBBee-Eaters PairingCertificate of Merit
Lesley Robb BPE1*Crested Tit Singing in the SnowCertificate of Merit
Diane Seddon LRPS CPAGB BPE2*Green WoodpeckerCertificate of Merit
Paul Smith BPE3*Barn Owl Quartering a FieldCertificate of Merit
David Taylor BPE1*Female Red Grouse in SnowCertificate of Merit
Robert Tunstall DPAGB BPE4*Male Kestrel (Wild)Certificate of Merit
Terry Wall MPAGB EFIAP/p ARPS BPE4*Bee-Eater Catching BeeCertificate of Merit
Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGBA Breath-Holding DiveCertificate of Merit
Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP ABPECheetah SiblingsCertificate of Merit
Len White CPAGB BPE4*Coots FightingCertificate of Merit
Charles Whitfield King DPAGB BPE5*Sedge Warbler with DemoiselleCertificate of Merit


Class A– People, Acceptances (including awards)

 Terri Adcock LRPSAllan 
  A Snowy Walk 
 Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*InspirationalCertificate of Merit
  The HandsCertificate of Merit
 Phillip BarberThe Butcher 
  Full Force 
 Jane Barrett CPAGBDance Like Nobody is Watching 
 John Bell AFIAP BPE3* DPAGB LRPSLast Post, Menin Gate 
 Mike Bennett LRPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Fairground Worker 
 Ian Brash BPE1*Mother and Child 
 Simeon BriggsPeaceful Smile 
 Mike Bromley DPAGB BPE1*The Rug Weaver, Jaipur 
  Old Lady of Sorrento 
 Kean Brown ARPS BPE5*Andy Capp 
  The Copper Promise 
 Lisa Marie Buck CPAGBMemories 
  First Train Journey 
 Rosemary BuckettChecking the Luggage 
 David Byrne MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Wartime Glamour 
  Lunch Time Rained Off 
 Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE1*The DancerCertificate of Merit
 Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Love in Brick Lane 
 Jean ChadwickJust Sat on a Step 
  Street Barbers 
 Philip Chadwick DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP AWPFAmrita and Prisha 
 Susan Champion CPAGBHappy Galta Worshippers 
 Bryan Cherry CPAGB BPE1*Under the Wire 
 Robin Claydon LRPS CPAGBBig Cop Little Cop 
 Torben CoxNude Curled on Pedestal 
 Jennifer Crook LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Holy Man 
 Stuart Crump ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGBFlamenco Dance Class 
  Night Flight 
  Post No Bills 
 David Cudworth BPE1*Working on the Coalface 
 Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE3*Is This Our Train? 
  Annies Telegram 
 Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Burmese Woman with Cheroot 
 Charlie Davidson BPE1*Novice Monks, Burma 
 Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Pensive 
 Robb Doyle BPE1*Beautiful Nightmare 
  Looking at You 
 Alan Duggan BPE2*Lady of the ManorCertificate of Merit
  Time to Go 
 Jeanette Duncan EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*A Foggy Day in the Woods 
  Getting Their Act Together 
  In the Style of VettrianoCertificate of Merit
 Jim Duncan ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Dreadlocks and Pearls 
  Nice Little Earners 
  The Horse Jester 
 Philip Durkin CPAGBWhat Will Today Bring? 
 Keith Elgin DPAGB EFIAP/b EPSA BPE5*A Grand Day Out 
  A Mean Jab 
 Chris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE4*Cuban MommaSecond
 Peter EllistonWin Elliston, Age 103 
 Robert George FarrowJimmy 
 David Fletcher LRPS EFIAP BPE1*Sikh Guard at Amritsar 
 Mike Gibbens AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Forward Pass 
 Kenneth GibsonLady Grey 
 Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPSOn the Bend 
  The Whippet Man 
 Dave GreenwoodForgotten Sons 
  Moroccan Musician 
  Shadow Play 
 Lorraine Grey LRPS CPAGBI Love My Sunglasses 
 Carole HarveyThe Engineer 
 Paul Hassell MPAGB BPE4*British Champion Taeja James 
  DeterminationJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
 Beverly Hayes CPAGB BPE2*Still Smiling 
 Garry Hayes CPAGB BPE2*Muddy Fun 
 Jim Hill CPAGB BPE3*Send in the Clowns 
 Simon Holyland CPAGB BPE4*Clean Bowled 
  Hanging on 
 Diane Jackson CPAGB BPE3*Kolkata Card School 
  The Stare 
  Mo in Full Flight 
 Martin Janes BPE1*Lady in Red 
 Paul Jay ARPS DPAGB BPE3*The Company of Men 
  Karuna and Her Sheep 
 Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/g GMPSA BPE2*Free to Muse 
 John Jennings LRPS BPE1*Come Back Safely to Me 
  Double Exposure: Flying and Dying 
 Eion Johnston ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE1*Fox and Friend 
  Looking Out 
 Robert Jones EFIAP/b BPE3*The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 
 John KingPresence 
 Ian Kippax EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*The Lure of the Sea 
 Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE2*Man with Boot 
 Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Pinup Girl 
 Cherry Larcombe EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Girl on the Train 
 Adrian LinesWelcome to the WorkhouseCertificate of Merit
 Jane M Lines MPAGB BPE5*Bravaprita 
  Shamota Mother with Week-Old Calf 
  The Camargue Horseman 
 Gillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGBFeeling Shy 
 Kylie-Ann Martin AFIAP BPE1*Civil War Canon Crew 
 Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS LIPF BPE2*Brother GeraldCertificate of Merit
  The Cruciverbalist 
  The Sheik 
  Ben and the Watchman 
 Dave McKay ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Hamer Woman Brewing Coffee 
 Marcia Mellor BPE4*Rain Stops PlayCertificate of Merit
  Riding the Storm 
  In the Bleak Mid Winter 
 Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4*Deep in Thought 
 Lloyd Moore BPE1*From the Shadows 
 Lynda Morris LRPS CPAGBWalking with UmbrellasJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
 Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE5* AWPFIt’s All Going SwimminglyCertificate of Merit
  In at the Deep End 
 Matt Morrow BPE3*Returning Home 
 Keith Mountford BPE2* CPAGBVictory in Sight 
 Lisa Mullins BPE2*Bethany 
  Peaky Blinder 
 Eileen Murray EFIAP BPE5* DPAGBFarewell My Gemini 2 
  The Fighter 
  Sweet Sorrow 
 Steve Myall EFIAP BPE4*Ivory FlameCertificate of Merit
 Judi Neachell LRPSThe Monarch 
 Tony Ng AFIAP BPE3*463 
 Carmen Norman LRPSThe Curtsy 
 Sue O’Connell ARPS EFIAP/g BPE4* DPAGBNo ParkingCertificate of Merit
  Hair Care Day at the Nunnery 
  Braving the Monsoon 
 Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Innocence in Admiration 
  Lost in Music 
 Bryan David Organ BPE1*Key to Success 
 Glyn Paton LRPSHoly BeggarFirst Best WPS Image – The Irving Cup
  Namaste, Welcome 
  The Smoking Cardplayer 
 Martin Patten LRPSThe Doorman 
  Cuban Cuties 
 Noel Patterson CPAGB BPE1*Back Flip on the Beam 
 Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* AWPFPeter the Historian 
 Keith Polwin ARPS BPE3*Girl in Green and Red 
 Lisa Potter LRPSStanding by Me 
 Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/b BPE3*The Lighthouse Keeper’s DaughterCertificate of Merit
  City Slicker 
  Special Couple 
  Ripper Street 
 Malcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP BPE4*In the Dance 
 George Reekie ABPE DPAGBGotcha! 
 Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB HonPAGBBest of Friends 
  Face of Age 
 Sue RuggFocussed 
 David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAPAfter School ClubCertificate of Merit
  The AnaesthetistCertificate of Merit
 Keith Sawyer ARPS CPAGBMethuselah 
 Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*The Chargehand 
  Wasn’t UsCertificate of Merit
 Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBA Hard Life 
 Amanda Sims CPAGB AWPF BPE1*Boys from the Slums 
  The Little Boy 
 Mark Sims BPE2*Walking Home Through the Field 
 John Sixsmith EFIAP/p BPE5* EPSABecky 
 Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*In the Moment 
 Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* ARPSPunk at the Capatain’s Table 
 Tony Smith ARPS DPAGBFlower Hmong Woman and Buffalo, Vietnam 
 Julian Stelling CPAGB BPE2*Going UnderThird
 Brian Stephenson DPAGB BPE5*HardevJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
 Ian Stone DPAGBHill Tribe Woman, Myanmar 
  If You Think You are Big Enough, Come and Get It 
 Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/gBurmese Hill Tribe Couple 
 Lee Sutton CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPFirst Train Journey 
 Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAPSnow Memory 
 Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE4*Happy Biker 
 John Tinneny LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Guitar Man 
 Bernard Todd LRPSFlamenco Dancer 
  My Demons 
 Mike TrothSliding Into the Abyss 
 Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*The Men in Black 
 Joseph Vize CPAGB BPE2* LIPFThe Thinker 
 Ken Wade BPE3* CPAGB LRPSThe Shot Putter 
  Nearly Over 
  Determined Hurdler 
  Eye on the Ball 
 Larry Walker DPAGBTo You! 
 David WhitbreadReferendum Fallout 
 David White BPE5*Alexander Dolgopolov 
 John White EFIAP/p BPE5* CPAGBBeen Around the Block 
  Colonial Veteran 
 Hugh Wilkinson DPAGB BPE5*Leap of Faith 
  Indian Pride 
 Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5*The White Veil 
 Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB AWPFWalk on By 
 Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/b DPAGBDetermination 
  Memories of Martha 
  Years of Knowledge 
 Philip Young CPAGBRani 


 Class B– Landscapes, Acceptances (including awards)

 David Adamson BPE3* AFIAPCaithness Wind Farm 
 Jon C Allanson LRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Black Rock Cottage 
 Anthony Baines ARPS CPAGBLower Manhattan from Brooklyn 
 Dan Beecroft CPAGB BPE2*Felixstowe Rocks 
  Wind Power 
 Eric Blake LRPSCranes in the MistBest WPS Image – The Pendreigh Cup
 Colin Brett CPAGBOn the Snow Field 
  Impending Shower 
 Simeon BriggsGuggenheim 
  Mist on the Tarn 
 David Byrne MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Last Light on Flakstad 
  Testing DefencesJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
  Storm over New Brighton 
 Sheana CameronSunlit Peak, Rannoch Moor 
 Janice Clark LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Dusk in Val D’orcia 
 Roger Clark ARPSAntarctica Connection 
 Robin Couchman BPE1*Lake BledJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
 Jennifer Crook LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Evening Light on Jokulsarlon Beach 
 Charlie Davidson BPE1*St Primoz Sunrise 
 Brian DeanBandon Beach Sunset 
 Roger Dixey ARPS DPAGB BPE2*Ghost Ship 
  Storm at the Cobb 
 Jeanette Duncan EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Rising to the Challenge 
 Jim Duncan ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Mount Fitzroy 
 Michael Foster BPE1*Lone Tree on the River Coupall 
 Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP/s BPE5* APAGBStorm Breakers 
  Atlantic StormCertificate of Merit
  Wall of WaterCertificate of Merit
 Peter Fry ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Ghost Bathers 
 Philip GeorgeEarly Morning on the Test 
 Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPSLoch Doon Sunrise 
  The Old Community Centre 
 Barrie Glover DPAGB BPE3*Belvedere DawnCertificate of Merit
 Dave GreenwoodAurora over Jokulsarlon 
  The Passing Storm 
 Lorraine Grey LRPS CPAGBMoroccan Desert 
 Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPELoch Arklet Rainbow 
 Garry Hayes CPAGB BPE2*Cromer Pier at DuskCertificate of Merit
 Jim Hill CPAGB BPE3*Grand Canal 
  San Giorgio MaggioreCertificate of Merit
 Annette Hockney BPE2*Yellowstone Springs Mist 
 Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE3*Waiting Out the WinterCertificate of Merit
 David Hodgson DPAGB BPE2*Sand Dune Shadows 
 Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE2*Caratinga Valley 
 John Holt ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Autumn Rays 
 Sandie Holyland CPAGB BPE2*Alpine Church 
  Moorland Storm 
 Lawrence HomewoodKyrenia Harbour, North Cyprus 
 Robert Hume BPE2*Windermere DawnCertificate of Merit
 Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Approaching Storm Luskentyre 
  Gulf of Honafjordur 
  Stokksnes PeninsulaCertificate of Merit
 Terence Martin JamiesonCroquet, Cricket and Castle 
  Richmond Park Mist 
 Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/g GMPSA BPE2*Oxbow Bend 
 Gwilym Erfyl JonesGlen Coe 
 Sue Jones CPAGBStorm Force 
 David Keep LRPS BPE3*Aurora over HamnoySecond
  Ebb & Flow 
 Wendy J KennettBraving the Blizzard 
 Atul M KshirsagarDoorway to Sky… 
 Cherry Larcombe EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Misty Evening, River Authie 
  Storm Approaching 
 Chris Lewis EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Trees in the Mist 
 Adrian LinesThe Buachaille 
 Ron Lines CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* AWPFThe BoathouseFirst
 Jeremy Lintott LRPS BPE1*Therfield Heath 
 Cathryn Mantovani LRPS BPE1*Halo 
  Winter in Yellowstone 
 Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Ribblehead Viaduct 
 Anne McDonaldLlandudno Shore 
 Jill MeedsHebridean DreamCertificate of Merit
  Frosty LakesideCertificate of Merit
 Marcia Mellor BPE4*Dedham Winter Morning 
 Adrian Moore AFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Homeward Bound 
 Lynda Morris LRPS CPAGBBeverley Brook 
 Matt Morrow BPE3*Clearing Mists 
 Keith Mountford BPE2* CPAGBDriftwood 
 Carmen Norman LRPSJetty in the Mist 
 Sue O’Connell ARPS EFIAP/g BPE4* DPAGBHerding in Bagan 
  View of Mount Semeru, Java 
 Paul O’Flanagan LRPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE2*Edging into Day 
 Peter Orr ARPSTuscan Sunrise 
 Christophe PonchantWinchester 
 Marion Rapier ARPS EFIAP BPE3*Trek Across the GlacierCertificate of Merit
 John Reed BPE3* DPAGB ARPSFrom Lingmoor Fell 
 Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5*LuskentyreCertificate of Merit
  Steel Fell 
 Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBDawn, Bosque Del ApacheCertificate of Merit
 Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB BPE2* AFIAPLlandudno Pier Early Morning 
 John Sixsmith EFIAP/p BPE5* EPSAValley View Yosemite 
 Geoff Smith ARPS DPAGB BPE5* EFIAP/gHamoya 
  Lighthouse Storm 
 Paul Smith BPE3*A Winter’s Morning in Constable CountryCertificate of Merit
  Dawn on the River StourThird
  Misty Sunrise at Dedham 
 Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* ARPSIcebeach with Storm Approaching 
 Julian Stelling CPAGB BPE2*Steam Power 
 Peter Stevens ARPS AFIAP DPAGBAn Early Round of Golf 
  Trees in Winter 
 Joyce Streets BPE3* DPAGBThe TwisterCertificate of Merit
 Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAPTowards Beachy Head 
 Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE4*Tuscan Dawn 2 
  Eruption on Etna 
 Alan James ThomsonApproaching Storm 
  Blackmount Dawn 
  Evening Storm 
 Diane ThurlowFootprints 
  Icebergs, Jokulsarlon 
  The Dark Hedges 
 Sue Trower FRPS CPAGBCool Blue WinterCertificate of Merit
  SuspendedCertificate of Merit
 David James TurnbullBully Trees at Dawn 
 David UptonBamburgh Castle 
  Machu Picchu Dawn 
  Mary’s Shell 
  Petronas Skyline 
 Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Dubai Marina 
 Richard Walton FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGBSimply Le Touquet 
 Dave Wharmby LRPS CPAGBSt Michael’s Mount, Cornwall 
 John White EFIAP/p BPE5* CPAGBContours and Mist 
 Peter WhiteheadTabular Berg 
 Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5*Tree, Snow and Cloud 
  Two’s Company, Inch Strand 
 Karin Wilson BPE3* EFIAP LRPSMorning Mist in Val d’Orcia 
 Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB AWPFIce TrioJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
  Stokksnes Beach 
 Philip Young CPAGBFrom Out of the Mist 


Class C– Open, Acceptances (including awards)

 Terri Adcock LRPSChasing the Pack 
 Warren Alani DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Memory of War 
 Fred Archer BPE2*Miss Universe 
 Joan Austin PSA1*Country Life 
  In ConversationCertificate of Merit
 Anthony Baines ARPS CPAGBRailing Against the Storm 
 Richard Henry BakerIn the Night Garden 
 Janine Ball LRPS CPAGBWalking with Dinosaurs 
  Grand Designs 
  Onesie Washday 
 Phillip BarberHare DisputeCertificate of Merit
  Hair of the DogCertificate of Merit
  MorrisCertificate of Merit
 Philip Barker ARPS CPAGB BPE2*Subway Psychotics 
 Jane Barrett CPAGBDavid Florence Pulling to the Gate 
 Janice Barton BPE3* CPAGBThe Tackle 
 Bernard BeechWashday Blues 
 Dan Beecroft CPAGB BPE2*A Life of Drink 
  Playing with DeathJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
  The Bird Man 
 John Bell AFIAP BPE3* DPAGB LRPSGoing Down 
  The Race is over at Oulton Park 
 Linda Bell LRPS AFIAP BPE3* DPAGBThe Kiss 
 Mike Bennett LRPS CPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Beach View 
 Bob Bishop EFIAP/s BPE3*Duplication 
 Joan Blease MPAGB ABPE EFIAP/bGolden GirlThird
  Haunted SolitudeCertificate of Merit
 Sue Blythe LRPS BPE3*The Chase 
 Cyril James BoydFairground Attraction 
 Howard Broadbent CPAGB BPE3*Leader of the Pack 
  Man Overboard 
 Mike Bromley DPAGB BPE1*Another Busy Day 
  The Rendezvous 
 Elizabeth Brown AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*Fading Tulips 
 Kean Brown ARPS BPE5*It’s Over 
 Paul BurrowsFarrier at Work 
 David Byrne MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Riding His LuckCertificate of Merit
 Paul Campbell CPAGB BPE1*Lily Dancer 
 Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Chicken Legs with Flies 
  She’s Texting Above AgainJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
 John Cartlidge EFIAP/p APAGB BPE5*Exhibition Perspective 
 Philip Chadwick DPAGB BPE4* AFIAP AWPFDancing Queen 
  Morning Ferry Ride 
 Reg Clark LRPS BPE2*Pre-Raphaelite DreamCertificate of Merit
  Time Hangs Heavy 
  Vanishing Hopes and Dreams 
 Robin Claydon LRPS CPAGBPaying Respect, Battle of Britain Memorial 
  Welcome Home 
 Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE4*Clown on a Tightrope 
  Like Wot You See Sir?Certificate of Merit
  That’s In 
 Robin Couchman BPE1*Ear to the Ground 
 Doug Crockett ARPS AFIAPModern Times 
  The King’s MessengerCertificate of Merit
 Jennifer Crook LRPS CPAGB BPE3*Dreaming of a Comfy Bed 
  Afternoon Walk to the Temple 
 Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE3*Racing in the Rain 
  Catching the Light 
 Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Grey Wolf Guarding Carcass 
  Wolf on Alert 
 Sian Davies LRPS BPE1* CPAGB AWPFRoad Kill 
 Calvin Downes EFIAP BPE1*Keeping an EyeCertificate of Merit
 Jeanette Duncan EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE4*Elementary My Dear Watson 
  The Street Walkers 
 Jim Duncan ARPS EFIAP/s BPE4*Neighbourhood WatchCertificate of Merit
  Salt Lake Speed Trials 
 Keith Elgin DPAGB EFIAP/b EPSA BPE5*Alien Submission 
 Chris Ellison ARPS EPSA DPAGB BPE4*Back Flip 
 Peter EllistonHer Indoors 
 Peter Fry ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Bringing in the Catch 
  Running for a Taxi 
 Barrie Glover DPAGB BPE3*Camargue Horses 
 Sally GoldenIcelandic AdventureBest WPS Image – The Wykeham Cup
 Ceri Goodrum CPAGB AFIAP BPE2*Fredau in Grey 
  Hat Trick 
 Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPEEye on the Ball 
  Just over 
  Playful NipSecond
 Callum HarrisonAlone Patrol 
  Hunting in Pairs 
 Carole HarveyDid Someone Say Dinner? 
 Garry Hayes CPAGB BPE2*Making the Shot 
 Ann Ruth Helen Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE1*Peacock Green Tree Frogs 
 Roger Hinton LRPS EFIAP CPAGBCan’t Be Far Now 
  The Book Keeper’s Nightmare 
 Annette Hockney BPE2*Looking Back 
 Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE2*Riding the Surf 
 Lawrence HomewoodAutumn Shades, Leaves of Betrayal 
  Grim Fairytales, Once Bitten Twice Shy 
  Wrestling, Feel the Pain 
 David Isaacs LRPS CPAGBBack to the Future 
 Phil Janes LRPSNick Gubbins Batting for Middlesex 
 Barbara Jenkin ARPS EFIAP/g GMPSA BPE2*Gold Blue Dancer 
 Malcolm Jenkin EFIAP/p GMPSA CPAGBDark Secrets 
  Gloves are On 
  Lace Cover 
 Shirley Johnson LRPSBlue Shutters 
 Eion Johnston ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/s BPE1*Body Shape Grid 
  Fingers Pose 
 Graham Jones EFIAP/p ABPE DPAGBAdam Pushing for the Line 
  Trap 5 Overtaking 
 Robert Jones EFIAP/b BPE3*The Last Goodbye 
 Sue Jones CPAGBThe Haunting 
 Tom Jones DPAGB BPE1*Four in a Row 
  Jess Taylor 
  Bar Bending 
 David Keep LRPS BPE3*Agony & Ecstasy 
 Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Red Arrows 
 John Larry EFIAP/p ARPS DPAGB BPE4*Lonely Oryx 
  Rain on the Motorway 
  Samburu Goat Herders 
  Walking in the Light 
 E J Lazenby LRPSDusty RebellionFirst
 Cheryl Leyser CPAGB BPE3*Driving Home 
 Adrian LinesThe Real Thing 
  Apocalyptic ExplorerCertificate of Merit
 Jane M Lines MPAGB BPE5*Vintage Trader 
  Luna and her Cat 
  Bull Herding 
  Roll UpCertificate of Merit
 Ron Lines CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* AWPFThe Evening Shunt 
 Gillian Mackay EFIAP CPAGBMud Glorious Mud 
 Brian McClure DPAGB LRPS LIPF BPE2*A Pawn’s Game 
  Straight Flush 
  The Nutcracker 
 Anne McDonaldHydrangea in a Vase 
 Jon Mee BPE3*Beachwalkers 
  Soothing Waters 
  Two PoniesCertificate of Merit
 Katrina Mee BPE2*FantasiaJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
  Painful Memories 
  Preparing to Dance 
 Marcia Mellor BPE4*Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder 
 Peter Milsom EFIAP/b BPE2*Falling at the Final Hurdle 
 Iain MooreRed Arrows Cyclone 
 Lloyd Moore BPE1*Labradorable 
 Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE5* AWPFBattered CodCertificate of Merit
  Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed 
  Mouse Trap 
  Two by Two 
 Keith Mountford BPE2* CPAGBDown but Ok 
  Out of the Water 
 Lisa Mullins BPE2*Swans in the Mist 
 Eileen Murray EFIAP BPE5* DPAGBThe Golden Triangle 
 Judi Neachell LRPSCoaching Days 
 Tony Ng AFIAP BPE3*Clear 
  Guiding Light – 476Certificate of Merit
 Carmen Norman LRPSOdette and Odile 
 Sue O’Connell ARPS EFIAP/g BPE4* DPAGBCentre of Attention 
  Waiting to be Served 
 Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*In for a DipCertificate of Merit
  Psychological Collapse 
 Anthony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE2*A Walk in Winter 
 Peter Orr ARPSJackdaw on Red Deer 
 Swales ParryBlack Rock Cottage 
  Terraced Houses 
 Glyn Paton LRPSJodhpur Blue 
 Noel Patterson CPAGB BPE1*Flair on the Pommel Horse 
  Focused on the Bar 
  Split Jump over Beam 
 Lisa Potter LRPSSeparated at Birth 
  Jilted at the Altar 
 Sharon Prenton Jones EFIAP/b BPE3*The Hood 
 Malcolm Rapier ARPS EFIAP BPE4*Out in Front 
 Marion Rapier ARPS EFIAP BPE3*Charging Hard 
 George Reekie ABPE DPAGBWhippet Racing 
 Marilyn Roberts DPAGB BPE2*Holy Smoke! 
 Geoff Robinson EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Attitude 
 Mike Rowe FRPS BPE4*Carving the Wave 
 Patricia Rudduck CPAGB AFIAP BPE3*Gentleman of the Road 
 David Sadler ARPS CPAGB EFIAPThe Antidote 
 Keith Sawyer ARPS CPAGBContemplation 
 Diane Seddon LRPS CPAGB BPE2*Flour Dancer 
 Mike Sharples ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*Indian Girls 
  Puppet Maker 
 Ivan ShawHas Anyone Seen a Bucket? 
 Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBWindswept Beach 
 Sue Sibley ARPS DPAGB BPE2* AFIAPCommanding Wind and Waves 
  The Chase 
 Campbell Skinner DPAGB BPE2*Gymnast in Flight 
  Determined to ScoreCertificate of Merit
  Watching the Ball 
 Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* ARPSMumchick 
 Tony Smith ARPS DPAGBBringing in the Fish 
 Gordon SpruceLeading the Group 
 Julian Stelling CPAGB BPE2*Laura Birley on Boxtree 
 Peter Stevens ARPS AFIAP DPAGBFantasy Queen 
 Marilyn Diana Steward ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE4*Backstroke Flight 
 Geoff StoneStarling Murmuration 
 Ian Stone DPAGBEvening Canter 
  Kok-Boru Horse Game, Kyrgyzstan 
 Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/gCrash in the Bend 
 Mike Stringer BPE1*Eyes Closed 
 Paul Sutton BPE1*Keeping Guard 
 Philip TappWaiting 
 Jack Taylor DPAGB EFIAPFun in the Snow 
 Alan James ThomsonHerdwicks in Winter 
 John Thorndike LRPS BPE2*Dawn Patrol 
 Diane ThurlowReflection 
 Caroline Tillett CPAGB BPE2*Biting the Dust 
 Mike TrothKnight Stalker 
  He Gets Nasty After a Drink 
 Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Fake Tan 
 Ken Wade BPE3* CPAGB LRPSHigh Riser 
  Hop, Skip and Jump 
 Fran Walding ARPS CPAGB BPE1*Swan LakeCertificate of Merit
  While Gotham City Burns 
 Sandra Walker AFIAPMischkahCertificate of Merit
  Born Free 
 Jennifer Margaret WebsterBuzzard Coming in to Land 
  In the Presence of Kings 
 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGBA Very Cold Cushion 
  Hunting in Evening Light 
 David White BPE5*Out 
 Christine Willis BPE3* CPAGBEgo Gallery 
  Flighty Dog 
  I Wanted ThatCertificate of Merit
 Leigh Woolford EFIAP DPAGB AWPFClevedon Pier 


Class D – Nature, Acceptances (including awards) 

 Richard AdamsLeatherback Bearded Dragon 
 David Adamson BPE3* AFIAPMating House MartinsCertificate of Merit
 Phillip BarberBrown Hare 
  Juvenile Starling SquabbleSecond
  March HaresCertificate of Merit
  Starling Fight 
 Janice Barton BPE3* CPAGBDriving Kingfisher 
 Bernard BeechViolet Ground Beetle 
 Sue Blythe LRPS BPE3*The LeapCertificate of Merit
 Chris Briggs CPAGBLong-Tailed Tit 
  Up for the Fight 
 John Cartlidge EFIAP/p APAGB BPE5*Great White Egret Displaying 
 Janice Clark LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Nightjar in Habitat 
 Roger Clark ARPSAdult Emperor Penguin and Three ChicksCertificate of Merit
  Emperor Penguin Parents with Hungry ChickCertificate of Merit
 Robin Claydon LRPS CPAGBOpen Wide 
 Eddie Cocozza CPAGB BPE4*Dipper with Grubs 
 David Cudworth BPE1*Artic Tern 
 Liz Cutting ARPS DPAGB BPE5*Pine Marten no 1 
 Stuart Daffin LRPS EFIAP BPE3*Tight Grip Little Owl 
 Charlie Davidson BPE1*Male Cuckoo 
  Feather Plucker 
 Robert Davies LRPS CPAGB BPE1*Swan Lake 
 Bob Devine EFIAP/g MPSAZebra Anger 
 Alan DixonRoe Deer in Clover 
  Whitethroat Nectaring on Blackthorn 
 Wendy Eve ARPSEastern Skunk Anemonefish in the Celebes Sea 
  Triplefin on Hard Coral 
 Michael Foster BPE1*Common Blue Damselfly Feeding on Prey 
 Peter Fry ARPS DPAGB BPE3*White Crab Spider with Prey 
 Mary Gibson DPAGB BPE3* LRPSSuccessful DiveCertificate of Merit
  Cuckoo Mating Display 
 Barrie Glover DPAGB BPE3*Barn Owl HuntingCertificate of Merit
  Starling Trio 
 Alan Grant DPAGB BPE4*Mating Bee-EatersCertificate of Merit
 Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPEDipper and Waterfall 
 Steve HatchJumping Red Squirrel 
 Garry Hayes CPAGB BPE2*Chameleon 
  Gannet on the Breeze 
 Ann Ruth Helen Healey ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE1*Japanese Macaques Grooming 
 Tim HearnCollared Inca Hummingbird 
  Fawn-Breasted Brilliant Hummingbird 
 Jenny Hibbert EFIAP MPAGBAfter the FishCertificate of Merit
  Hawk Owl Hunting over Snow 
  Squabbling Whooper Swans 
  Squabbling Jays 
 Stephen Hitchen CPAGB BPE3*Mud Splattered Buffalo in Dust Cloud 
  Sparrow v GreenfinchCertificate of Merit
  Young Lions 
 Rob Hockney DPAGB BPE3*Cheetah and CubCertificate of Merit
 David Hodgson DPAGB BPE2*Guira Cuckoos Preening 
 Judy Hodgson CPAGB BPE2*Egg-Dropping LocustsCertificate of Merit
  Goshawk on Rabbit 
  Lone Grey Wolf 
 Robert Humphreys CPAGBAggressive Behaviour 
 Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Black Grouse Lekking 
 Ronnie Inglis LRPS BPE1*Merlin Feasting 
 Diane Jackson CPAGB BPE3*Wild Dogs with Warthog Kill 
  Wild Dogs Confront Young RhinoFirst
  Charging Bull Elephant 
 Eileen Jones CPAGB BPE1*Gannets’ Synchronized Dive 
  Swallow Feeding Chicks 
  Hoverfly on Agapanthus 
 Graham Jones EFIAP/p ABPE DPAGBGentoo Penguin Surfing Ashore 
  Gentoo Return from Stormy SeaCertificate of Merit
  Lone Penguin in Sandstorm 
 Martin JumpAdult Starling AggressionCertificate of Merit
 David Keep LRPS BPE3*Giant Moray, Andaman Sea 
 Wendy J KennettEuropean Frogs with Spawn 
 John KingPraying Mantis 
 Trevor Lane LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Dartford Warbler 
  Male Cuckoo 
 Angela Lord MrsAnhinga with CatchCertificate of Merit
 Darron Matthews ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Milking Bonnet 
  German Wasp and MitesCertificate of Merit
  Immature Common Blue DamselflyJudges’ Commendation – Paul’s choice
 Jon Mee BPE3*Mayfly 
  Ringlet on Bracken Frond 
 Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4*Brown Hare 
 Gordon Mills ARPS DPAGB BPE3*Osprey NestCertificate of Merit
 Ian Mitchell ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE1*Cairngorm Mountain Hare 
 Matt Morrow BPE3*Black JaguarCertificate of Merit
 Mike MuddimanMale Banded Demoiselle 
 Lisa Mullins BPE2*Great Crested Grebe and Chick 
 Judi Neachell LRPSFlesh FlyJudges’ Commendation – Barry’s choice
 David Neale AFIAP BPE2*Polar Bear and CubsCertificate of Merit
 Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE3*Goshawk with Rabbit 
 Dawn Osborn FRPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*Marsh Wren Displaying 
 Swales ParryRed Deer Family – Glen Etive 
 Mike Pockney LDPSWeevil 
 Keith Polwin ARPS BPE3*Bottlenose Dolphin with Salmon 
 Ken Rasmussen ARPS BPE1*Cobbs Wren Singing 
  Gentoo Penguin Leaping AshoreCertificate of Merit
 George Reekie ABPE DPAGBBee-Eaters PairingCertificate of Merit
 Veronica Rice EFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Buffalo Horn Perch for Roller 
  Cheetahs in the Rain 
  Hippos at Sunset 
 Lesley Robb BPE1*Crested Tit Singing in the SnowCertificate of Merit
  Gannet with Mackerel 
  Mountain Hare YawningThird
  White-Tailed Sea Eagle 
 Marilyn Roberts DPAGB BPE2*Cuckoo and Robin Encounter 
 Diane Seddon LRPS CPAGB BPE2*Green WoodpeckerCertificate of Merit
 Pam Sherren EFIAP/p BPE5* DPAGBBarn Owl Landing 
 Amanda Sims CPAGB AWPF BPE1*Monkey and Her Baby 
  Portrait of a Monkey 
 John Sixsmith EFIAP/p BPE5* EPSASpotted Chaser 
  Male Black Grouse Calling 
 Judy Smith LRPS DPAGB BPE3*Grey Wolf in Snow 
 Paul Smith BPE3*Barn Owl Quartering a FieldCertificate of Merit
  Red Kite 
  Calling Curlew 
 Pete Smith DPAGB EFIAP BPE3* ARPSAbout to Be Mugged 
 Ralph Snook ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/bCollared Aracari 
  European Bee Eater Food Pass – 1920 
  Nemoptera Sinuata 1600 
 Ian Stone DPAGBThe Onlookers on Hudson Bay 
  Night Heron Flipping the Fish 
 Marie-Laure Stone BPE5* DPAGB EFIAP/gGolden Eagle on Carcass 
  Three-Toed Sloth, Costa Rica 
 Lee Sutton CPAGB BPE3* AFIAPNuthatch in Cherry Blossom 
 Ken Tate CPAGB BPE2*Tricolored Heron 
 David Taylor BPE1*Female Red Grouse in SnowCertificate of Merit
  Sparrow Hawk on Kill in Garden 
 Diane ThurlowPowder Blue Surgeon Fish 
 Caroline Tillett CPAGB BPE2*Common Brown Hare Grooming 
 Bernard Todd LRPSFemale Kestrel 
 Brian Trout LRPS BPE1*Gannet with Mackerel Catch 
  Polar Bear Encounter 
 Susan Trout LRPS BPE1*Mating Lions 
 Robert Tunstall DPAGB BPE4*Male Kestrel (Wild)Certificate of Merit
 Martin Vaughan ARPS BPE3*An Insect for the Chick 
 Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE4*Fork-Tailed Drongo 
 Terry Wall MPAGB EFIAP/p ARPS BPE4*Bee-Eater Catching BeeCertificate of Merit
  Bobcat in Winter Snow 
 Jennifer Margaret WebsterZebra Stallions at War 
 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGBArctic ReindeerBest WPS Image – The Duma Trophy
  A Breath-Holding DiveCertificate of Merit
 Ian Whiston DPAGB EFIAP ABPECheetah SiblingsCertificate of Merit
  Lionesses Catching Wildebeest 
  Cheetah with FamilyJudges’ Commendation – Maureen’s choice
 Len White CPAGB BPE4*Coots FightingCertificate of Merit
  Moorhen at Full Stretch 
 Peter WhiteheadFlight of the Guillemot 
  Sharing the Spoils 
 Charles Whitfield King DPAGB BPE5*Sedge Warbler with DemoiselleCertificate of Merit
  Dartford Warbler 
 Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5*Bobcat in Snow, Yellowstone 
  Bobcat Pouncing on Duck 
 Karin Wilson BPE3* EFIAP LRPSDalmatian Pelican Soaring 
 David Woodhead LRPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3*Egret 
 Anthony Wright ARPS BPE2*Crab Spider with Honey Bee 
 Philip Young CPAGBI Am in Charge 


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