Judge: Tony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE5*

About Tony

image acknowledgement : Salisbury Camera Club

Tony is a welcome and frequent visitor to WPS, well-known as a speaker, an SCPF Level 3 senior judge and member of the SCPF Judging Advisory Team.

He has been judging since 2011.

Recent visits have included

Tony has been a member of Salisbury Photography Club (formerly Salisbury Camera Club) since 2004, which he joined on retirement from the Fire Service.

Tony describes his photography as:

very eclectic as you will see from my four galleries. I enjoy all genres and subjects but will always admit that landscapes are my first passion.

Tony’s ARPS panel, Salisbury Cathedral Moods, used to be available on the old Salisbury Camera Club website. You can see one of the images from his panel, and more of his work on his website http://www.aropics.com/

In January 2020 Tony was presented with the SCPF Roll of Honour in recognition of his many years of dedication to Salisbury Camera Club, including a number of initiatives to help support newer and developing photographers, his work as a busy judge throughout the Federation and his years on the SCPF Council including a term as President.

Last updated 8 July 2024