Judge: Pietro Rocchiccioli BA Hons (Photo) DPAGB EFIAP/b

About Pietro

Peter is a highly experienced Level 3 judge on the SPF circuit. He was one of the judges for the WPS 2020 Annual Exhibition which, because of the pandemic, was held as an exhibition for digital images.

As a mature student Peter obtained an Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Photography with First Class Honours, which provided an ideal opportunity to experiment, research & try out new ideas.  Subsequently, his photography has been considerably influenced by time at the University of Portsmouth.  The overlying aim of his work is to communicate significant facts about the subjects and their surroundings.

He enjoys entering International exhibitions and has had work accepted in the prestigious London Salon and Edinburgh exhibitions as well as other worldwide exhibitions.

Peter was Vice President of the SCPF 2015 – 17 and President  2017 – 19.

Pietro is a member of Chichester Camera Club where he was recently awarded Life Membership in recognition of his many years of service to the club.

Last updated 8 July 2024