2022-23 Print League
2022-23 Print League Results by Round

Print Round 1
Date: Tuesday 11 October
Location: The Arc
Judge: Carl Reeve LMPA
Print Round 2
Date: Tuesday 1 November
Location: The Arc
Judge: Giles Barkley
Print Round 3 (mono)
Date:Tuesday 14 February
Location: The Arc
Judge: Andrew Mills MA (Photo) ARPS
Print Round 4
Date: Tuesday 21 March
Location: The Arc
Judge: Chris Dixon ARPS
Print Round 5
New Date: Tuesday 23 May
(was 16 May)
Location: The Arc
Judge: Jason Hyde CPAGB
Print League Table for 2022-23
At the end of the season a trophy is awarded to the winner of each league.
If a tie occurs, the trophy is awarded to the person with the greatest number of first, then second, then third places and finally Highly Commended.
If there is still a tie, the trophy will be shared.
This season, there was a photo finish in the Beginners’ class where three members finished on 25 points. After countback, Peter Henderson and Stephen Line share the trophy. Commiserations to Katie Wooding who just missed out.
This countback system for resolving ties is now implemented in the spreadsheet below for every round.
Winning and Held Back Entries By Round
At the end of Print Round 3, the winner of the competition for the best mono image for 2023 was decided by public vote of the members present.
The overall winner, and winner of the FB Heathcote-Wride Old Symmetrical trophy for the best mono image, was the Proud Shopkeeper by Anne Ruffell.
In the gallery below, click on any pane to see the winning and held back images in that round and class
A=Advanced, B=Beginners, G=Gold, I=Intermediate
See also the Internal Competition Image Archive
click to show details
We encourage members to come to the meeting in the Arc.
But if you are self-isolating or otherwise unable to attend in person, you can follow the evening online.
Logon details are published in the weekly email members’ newsletter preceding the meeting, and another email to all members on the day of the meeting.
If you are a member, please login to display the archive of recent newsletters