2017 Print Exhibition Results

Winchester Photographic Society’s 84th Annual Print Exhibition 2017

Results of the 2017 Print Exhibition

The Judges  
Trevor Gellard FRPS 
Rosemary Wilman Hon FRPS, AFIAP, BPE5* 


Public Vote Print Exhibition 2017

All visitors’ to the Exhibition are asked to vote for the “Best Image”. This year we had a record number of votes cast, 955, so Colin Chase has collated the results of the public vote for the best image.

The Overall Winner of Public Vote
By an overwhelming majority the winner was, Peter Whieldon with “A Direct Hit” in  Section B, Set of Three

The rest of the Public Vote results can be seen below the Exhibition results.


Class A – BeginnersCliff Pinn Trophy    
Ref. Photographer Image TitleAward
A038 Gay Gardner Hopkins Storm BrewingWinner – Cliff Pinn Trophy
A002 Robin Shaw WaitingCertificate of Merit
A012 Lynette Clark King Penguin Chick in Brood PouchCertificate of Merit
A015 Lynette Clark Wild Jaguar Lapping from the RiverCertificate of Merit
A030 Stephanie Patterson Suspicious MindsCertificate of Merit
A036 Brian Holloway The Hive at KewCertificate of Merit
A003 Robin Shaw Ration Book 
A006 Frances Lowe Harbour Mist 
A018 Stephen Line Arctic Sunset 
A029 Stephanie Patterson The Honeymoon Getaway 
A034 Brian Holloway Winter at Lake Tahoe 
A037 Gay Gardner Hopkins Remembering 
Class B – Set of Three Challenge Trophy    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
B017 Martin Farrow LRPS AlcovesWinner – Challenge Trophy
B001 Alex Fyfe DPAGB We Will Remember ThemCertificate of Merit
B006 Corinne Kozok Hungry Harvest MiceCertificate of Merit
B012 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* The HouseboatsCertificate of Merit
B008 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB A Direct Hit 
B016 Anne Ruffell ARPS DPAGB The Mirror Staircase, UTS, Sydney 
Class C – Free Subject Winner – DJ Cup    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
C006 Alex Fyfe DPAGB Don’t Look DownWinner – DJ Cup
C018 Roger Clark ARPS Heavens AboveCertificate of Merit
C037 Barbara Lambert CPAGB The Potting ShedCertificate of Merit
C041 Corinne Kozok It’s Cold OutsideCertificate of Merit
C047 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB Hunting in the Evening LightCertificate of Merit
C062 Jill North LRPS Seaside TrystCertificate of Merit
C066 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* Storm on the CobbCertificate of Merit
C097 Glyn Paton LRPS Jodhpur BlueCertificate of Merit
C011 Jude Blackman Busy 
C012 Eric Blake The Shard From the Sky Garden 
C017 Roger Clark ARPS Penguins Play the Game of Freeze 
C029 Sarah Strange LRPS End of a Hot Day 
C032 Nick Townley LRPS Pyramid Sunset 
C038 Mario Brown Waiting for the Waves 
C046 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB Early Days 
C049 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB Avoiding Danger 
C050 Gordon Brown ARPS Autumn Colours at Stourhead 
C051 Gordon Brown ARPS Bringing Him Down 
C073 Bryce Richardson Into the Nest 
C080 Anne Ruffell ARPS DPAGB Black Sand Beach, Te Henga, NZ 
C085 Martin Farrow LRPS On the Shore 
C090 Gavin Bowyer LRPS The Reward 
C092 Dawn Blight LRPS The Shopkeeper 
C096 Glyn Paton LRPS Smoking and Cards 
C098 Glyn Paton LRPS Holy Pool, Amritsar 
C099 Glyn Paton LRPS Sweeping the Bakery Ovens 
Class D – Taken in Hampshire Hampshire Chronicle Bowl    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
D002 Alex Fyfe DPAGB How Many Flags?Winner – Hampshire Chronicle Bowl
D001 Alex Fyfe DPAGB Born to FlyCertificate of Merit
D032 Jan Hedger Dyke and Ditch (Hayling Island)Certificate of Merit
D037 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* The Ghost ShipCertificate of Merit
D046 Gavin Bowyer LRPS Grange Park – End of the OperaCertificate of Merit
D048 Dawn Blight LRPS Frosty Morning, UphamCertificate of Merit
D050 Glyn Paton LRPS Bonfire and MistCertificate of Merit
D003 Graham Barber LRPS We Will Remember Them 
D007 Philip George Poppies at Barton Farm 
D012 Robin Shaw Calshot 
D014 John Norris S for Storm 
D018 Nick Townley LRPS Parnholt Wood 
D019 Nick Townley LRPS Winchester Hornbeams 
D025 Corinne Kozok A Frosty Morning 
D028 Mike Lane Winter’s Arch 
D034 Jennifer Joel Stormy Walk 
D039 Rafael Pascual Autumnal Walk in Winchester 
D044 Martin Farrow LRPS Field Pattern 
D045 Martin Farrow LRPS Fawley 
D051 Chris Gillard LRPS Hattie Jacques Playlist, Alresford 2016 
Class E – Human Portrait Pyne Medal    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
E011 Eric Blake Grease & ChipsWinner – Pyne Medal
E003 Alex Fyfe DPAGB On Closer ExaminationCertificate of Merit
E008 Eric Blake Let’s Go BikingCertificate of Merit
E009 Eric Blake Ferrari BeautyCertificate of Merit
E024 Gordon Brown ARPS John the GroundsmanCertificate of Merit
E044 Glyn Paton LRPS Namaste, WelcomeCertificate of Merit
E002 Alex Fyfe DPAGB Girl Who Would Be Queen 
E004 Philip Conway African Girl 
E007 Jude Blackman Camden Street Trader 
E017 Mario Brown The Amazed Onlooker 
E020 Mike Lane John 
E023 Mike Lane Black Lives Matter 
E028 Ron Foulkes ARPS CPAGB Nina 
E037 Anne Ruffell ARPS DPAGB Indian Princess, Jaisalmer, India 
E043 Bob Henley Emily 
E047 Glyn Paton LRPS Old Age in Rural India 
Class F – Nature King Alfred Cup    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
F026 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB A Gentle SqueezeWinner – King Alfred Cup
F007 Roger Clark ARPS Emperor Penguin Parents with ChickCertificate of Merit
F015 Sarah Strange LRPS Everglades RacoonCertificate of Merit
F017 Corinne Kozok Curious Walrus in the ArcticCertificate of Merit
F028 Gordon Brown ARPS Subduing SupperCertificate of Merit
F031 Jill North LRPS Dragonfly on SedumCertificate of Merit
F003 Robin Shaw Hare 
F004 Robin Shaw Swallows 
F006 Roger Clark ARPS Emperor Penguin and Chick 
F019 Corinne Kozok Graceful Great Blue Heron, Texas 
F021 Mike Lane Walrus Battle, Arctic 
F022 Mike Lane Tiger at Dusk, Rathambore, India 
F024 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB A Very Cold Cushion 
F027 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB Chill Out Time 
F039 Gavin Bowyer LRPS Peacock Double Header 
F043 Jeff Johnson Bearded Dragon 
Class G – Street Robert Moore Trophy    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
G031 Gordon Brown ARPS HurryingWinner – Robert Moore Trophy
G003 Mike Shaw Fournier Street, SpitalfieldsCertificate of Merit
G013 Sarah Strange LRPS The Wonder of BubblesCertificate of Merit
G037 Louise Brown LRPS About to Be EngulfedCertificate of Merit
G042 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* GenerationsCertificate of Merit
G052 Martin Farrow LRPS MeetingCertificate of Merit
G007 Robin Shaw Children’s Evacuation 
G016 Nick Townley LRPS Tete-a-Tete 
G021 Barbara Lambert CPAGB Couples 
G024 Corinne Kozok Dapper Sweet Seller, India 
G027 Mike Lane Remembering My Youth 
G030 Gordon Brown ARPS Eye on the Pavement 
G034 Ron Foulkes ARPS CPAGB Going Up, Going Down 
G038 Derek Hickman Just Between You and Me… 
G041 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* The Word on the Street 
G055 Gavin Bowyer LRPS Filleting Fish 
G059 Glyn Paton LRPS Breakfast in Benidorm 
G063 Jeff Johnson Cloudburst 
Class H – Action Ronald Toms Trophy    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
H012 Corinne Kozok Battling the WavesWinner – Ronald Toms Trophy
H009 Mario Brown On the MoveCertificate of Merit
H020 Gordon Brown ARPS Tackle in the AirCertificate of Merit
H021 Gordon Brown ARPS Powering ThroughCertificate of Merit
H035 Gavin Bowyer LRPS Splash DownCertificate of Merit
H010 Mario Brown In Sync 
H017 Mike Lane Daredevil Action 
H031 Viv Brett LRPS Quick! 
H034 Martin Farrow LRPS Bow On 
H038 Jeff Johnson Cowes Week 2016 
Class I – Straight Out of the Camera Discovery Trophy    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
I030 Martin Farrow LRPS Puddle DucksWinner – Discovery Trophy
I012 Peter Whieldon ARPS DPAGB Wild Tawny Owl Approaching PreyCertificate of Merit
I015 Gordon Brown ARPS BikersCertificate of Merit
I016 Ron Foulkes ARPS CPAGB Home JamesCertificate of Merit
I023 Jill North LRPS Tate BricksCertificate of Merit
I008 Barbara Lambert CPAGB Urban Angles 
I011 Corinne Kozok Ready to Pounce 
I019 Derek Hickman Out of Gas 
I021 Derek Hickman Mmm… Fancy! 
I028 Anne Ruffell ARPS DPAGB The Sweeper at Petra, Jordan 
Class J – Monochrome Jubilee Cup    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
J022 Mike Lane Bathtime is Fun, IndiaWinner – Jubilee Cup
J004 Eric Blake Cranes in the MistCertificate of Merit
J008 Sarah Strange LRPS Moroccan Pillared WalkwayCertificate of Merit
J020 Corinne Kozok Life Reflected, OsloCertificate of Merit
J034 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* The AssassinCertificate of Merit
J045 Martin Farrow LRPS PaddlingCertificate of Merit
J053 Mike Roe Mono CyclesCertificate of Merit
J057 Glyn Paton LRPS Holy Beggar LadyCertificate of Merit
J005 Eric Blake Checking the Platform 
J010 Sarah Strange LRPS 42nd Street 
J016 Barbara Lambert CPAGB Portsmouth Lipstick 
J021 Mike Lane Spartans’ Makeover 
J025 Gordon Brown ARPS Rush Hour 
J028 Gordon Brown ARPS Tuesday Night Training 
J030 Jan Hedger Wet Deck 
J035 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* The Encounter 
J036 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* Solitude 
J042 Anne Ruffell ARPS DPAGB The Guggenheim, Bilbao, Spain 
J043 Martin Farrow LRPS Two Shells 
J056 Glyn Paton LRPS Contented 
Class K – Creative Florence Wilcocks Cup    
Ref. Author Image TitleAward
K015 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* Not in ServiceWinner – Florence Wilcocks Cup
K001 Alex Fyfe DPAGB Atomium FantasyCertificate of Merit
K014 Roger Dixey ARPS BPE2* The End of the LineCertificate of Merit
K024 Gavin Bowyer LRPS The Tastes of TaliskerCertificate of Merit
K002 Alex Fyfe DPAGB Journey Into Life 
K009 Sarah Strange LRPS London Eye 
K019 John R Davis Tabletop Impressions 
K020 Martin Farrow LRPS Waving 


Public Vote
Winchester Photographic Society’s 84th Annual Print Exhibition 2017

All visitors’ to the Exhibition are asked to vote for the “Best Image”. This year we had a record number of votes cast, 955, so Colin Chase has collated the results of the public vote for the best image.

Class/TitleNumber of Prints DisplayedNumber of Prints Voted forMost Votes (Name)Most Votes (Title)CommentsAverage votes per print for section
A Beginners1211Brian Holloway“The Hive at Kew” 5.3
B Set Of Three6 Panels6 PanelsPeter Whieldon“A direct hit”Also popular: Corinne Kozok “Hungry Harvest Mice”17.3 per panel or 5.8 per print
C Free Subject2623Peter Whieldon“Early Days” 6
D Taken in Hampshire2018Nick Townley“Winchester Hornbeams”Close runner John Norris “S for storm”7.3
E Human Portrait1516Glyn Paton““Namaste Welcome””6
F Nature1516Roger Clarke“Penguin Parents with Child”Close runner: Sarah Strange “Everglades Racoon”6.1
G Street1816Louise Brown“About to be engulfed”Close runner: Martin Farrow “Meeting”4.6
H Action107Gavin Bowyer“Splashdown”Section with least number of votes2
I Straight out of Camera1010Anne Ruffell“The Sweeper at Petra Jordan”Overwhelming winner in this section6
J Monochrome2020Eric Blake“Cranes in the Mist” 6.1
H Creative88Roger Dixey“ The end of the line”Close runner: Roger Dixey “Not in service”4.1

By an overwhelming majority the winner was, Peter Whieldon with “A Direct Hit” in  Section B, Set of Three.

  • Total number of votes cast:  955
  • The winning print by the judges for each section was never a  wining print voted by the public.
  • “Highly Commended” prints seldom got the public vote as best in section



Please address any queries to Chris Smith, Print Exhibition Coordinator at ku.oc1741654662.coso1741654662tohpn1741654662iw@of1741654662ninoi1741654662tibih1741654662xe1741654662


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