Galleries of winning and held back images from WPS competitions from 2013 onwards.

This Internal Competition Image Archive is (currently) organised hierarchically by Competition, by year, by type (Print or PDI), by round and (mostly) by class.

Currently the archive contains league results and the 2021 George Walsh Trophy and the Set of Three results. I hope to add other competitions such as those on the Society Competition Evening.

If you’re like me, you may try to avoid reading instructions. But if you find the search doesn’t work quite the way you expect, you might find it helps to read the usage notes below.

Webmaster’s usage notes

  1. You can navigate back up the hierarchy using the links above the image list.
  2. Some entries, mainly digital versions of some winning prints, are missing. If one of yours is missing, please let me know. If you still have a copy, I would be happy to insert it in this archive.
  3. Text search
    • You can search for any word – most useful to find images by a particular person (yourself, for example).
    • A search on one word, for example “Dawn”, will find photos with “Dawn” in the title, or taken by someone called “Dawn”.
    • If you search on two words, for example “Dawn Orr”, the search works like “Dawn and Orr”. It will find some of Peter Orr’s lovely dawn photos. But it doesn’t understand synonyms so wouldn’t retrieve “Wessex Down Morning”.
    • Nothing found? If it doesn’t find all your images, their names may be incorrect or missing.
    • Max 15 thumbnails: The search will show you thumbnails of the first 15 images it finds. Click on an image to bring up the lightbox. Then you can scroll through all the hits, even if there are more than 15.
    • Text Recognition: The index has done text recognition on image content. Try a search for “Weston” or “Wellington” or “Panda”.
    • Word variations: the search engine’s handling is a little unpredictable. For example, searching on “fight” seems to bring up hits on “fighting” but not “fighter”.
    • Closing the search box: Click on the (X) to close the search box and clear the search results. Click anywhere else to close the search box and leave the search results visible.
  4. I manually renamed 1400+ images. Each image name should now contain the year and competition round, author and image title.
  5. Sort order. I’ve set this to default to descending order, so that the most recent years appear first. It has the side effect that when you listing images of a particular competition round, the winner appears last.
  6. Known issues:
    • The search engine has some idiosyncracies.
    • Occasional occurrence of “Oops this shouldn’t happen” warning. Retry usually clears.
    • Scrolling through a lightbox, the caption does not appear on the last image (or the first image, if you’re scrolling backwards). The developer is working to fix this.
  7. If you have any comments or find any strange results, please let me know.